Most didnt, but the thing is that many eventhough they might not agree with some stuff, they dont bash the series for not being like the one that was before. Its like in hte music industry, when a singer has a top song, they have 2 paths: 1 they try to copy their previous success or 2. they keep going forward with something new, or at least slightly new (or at the very elast something that somewhat differs from their previous song). Problem with both routes is that you will always have people bitching about it, if you try to copy paste your previous hit, people will say that you no longer try to be fresh, you simply try to be a copy of yourself and if you try with something new, people will say that what you are trying is bad compared to the previous one and that you should go back to it, in simple terms, no matter what you do, people will bitch. Same goes for super, they are trying something new and yet they also try to go to their roots, thats why many many people ahve a conflict with it, the series by no means was perfect and everyone can agree there (or at least anyone that think can agree on that) but that also goes for db and dbz, and also for most works out there. There will always be flaws but if you just focus on the flaws instead of looking at their improvements and also the good thigns they ahve made, then you are letting your bias cloud your judgement.