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File (hide): 9a3fa92cbb70cd8⋯.png (766.26 KB, 1498x2428, 749:1214, 1323453156.png)
goons trying to scare anons out of participating in threads
Post last edited at
File (hide): eab79706f3b63c6⋯.png (36.46 KB, 987x862, 987:862, 43264532543.png)
>how much money is in your bank account
>"would you possibly pick the underage girl?"
>what did you dream about last night
>inb4 "it's just a dream"
it may reveal something about you. to the spooks and shitheads, that's data.
>what's the biggest secret you have
>post your secrets that you can only tell /b/
>what do you think about jews?
>what will you be remembered by?
>what is your gender identity?
>any perverted anons here?
>perverts report in!
>psychopaths, do you know any? are you one?
>Have you ever thought about robbing a bank /b/?
>And If so, how would you do it?
>what is your full first name and the first letter of your last name?

>What's your race and body measurements, and would you ever consider becoming a sissy? If yes what kind of person would you like to be dominated by?
now they are switching tactics and resorting to suggesting taking sleeping pills and alchohol. very dangerous!
>So last night I took these sleeping pills and mixed it with some whisky, pretty classic time
another tactic switch, they are trying to entrap accomplices to theft.
>Sup. I'm going to shoplift again tomorrow. Stay tuned, because this is going to be one big ass haul.
>I will steal one item per request, dubs get to decide which.
>The store I'll be hitting is a supermarket.
this one is very interesting so make sure to read near the end of the thread
they are also resorting to pathetically asking people what makes them uncomfortable so that they can learn their fears and use them against them later.
>images that make you uncomfortable
>fuck marry kill
they want data on people admitting (doesn't matter if it's a joke) to murder so it can be used against them later. and care or not, these threads are used as bad pr against 8chan presented to idiotic normies. not that it matters what normies think.
>lets assume that child banging and grooming would be legalized. just like homo was banned years ago but now is totally legal.
>so if child sexing was legal, what kind of child would you choose? what age and what looks, personality?
>and what would you do with it?
>how would you pick up a child or 13year old?
>and what would you do with the children?
>How autistic are you anon?
>Post results.

File (hide): 9a56d7387f2777f⋯.png (353.48 KB, 650x650, 1:1, 54532534254321.png)
another fuck marry kill
Big warning here. some anons suggested lying to these threads. DO NOT LIE IN ANY WAY THAT CAN BE USED AGAINST YOU.
do not tell lies that may be dangerous, or about fictional crimes to these bad people even if they are totally fabricated.
keep in mind even lies may hold small pieces of the truth.
also, why are we letting these data miners shit up the board, the whole website?
there is some severe spook bastard level shill spy FISHING going on here. I hope none of you are stupid enough to give them anything
(right after a shill messes up really bad)

"cat's cradle! cat's cradle!"
>I'll just say cat's cradle at anything that doesn't make sense at a glance so that people go read up what's cat's cradle about and have no fucking idea what they are looking at because cat's cradle is a jumble of meaningless bullshit, and somehow idiots will relate cat's cradle to whatever (shill's intended target) posted, in theory, discrediting them.
this has nothing to do with cat's cradle, and in fact nothing has anything to do with cat's cradle as cat's cradle has nothing to do with anything. check fuckin m8

File (hide): 023bd39a93b96a4⋯.png (1.08 MB, 2018x2712, 1009:1356, 23463425324532.png)
hilarious imkampfy rage thread
read the old one first and then the new link because they delete a bunch of posts that don't show up as the thread continues on.
(most recent)
crazy religion thread imkampfy ban spree
For some reason GG still triggers the fuck out of shills, though, which makes it a useful tool for making them expose themselves. It's fucking hilarious too.
I just don't find it logical why a corrupt shillmod (supposedly) would come to a thread to shillspam it because they hate a really really good shill awareness image that exposes shills really bad and teaches people how to handle them.
>good image
>people benefit
>shills lose
>shills really mad
>shills want people to think image is bad so that shills win
>people don't listen
>shills throw tantrum
just know shills, as dedicated as you are to tricking everyone, there are many others who like helping people.
you will never find peace. you will always be met with resistance when you tell lies. you will never win, and if you find yourself to believe that you have won you will feel no satisfaction and you will know that you are lost and alone.
there is nothing to gain or win by hurting people.

File (hide): 8c8a320863d057c⋯.png (331.36 KB, 700x1090, 70:109, 6234432634346.png)
this is what shills seem to be pushing on every board. why may that be?
>on /ck/ they shill monsanto shit and try to make people eat gmo's and pesticide "enriched" foods and fanatically try to convince people they don't deserve to know what they are buying so foods in the store should "never" be labled. (promoting corn syrup, gmo soy, roundup, yellow 5, and other additves or unhealthy foods as safe or healthy)
>on /fit/ they give bad advice on purpose that will get people hurt or sick (dentist threads promoting vaccines, mercury dental fillings, fluoride)
>on both /ck/ and /fit/ they shoot down and make a scape goat meme out of vegans who try to share their success stories on how they got healthy eating their veg "wow vegans are such gay fairies and sissy wimps! here eat some unhealthy shit like a man"
>on /tech/ they always say "well hue hue guys its okay that I use windows 10" "here use intel" "I love google chrome"
>on /v/ they want people to give money to EA and Ubisoft and Microsoft and Sony and Activision and Bethesda
>on /pol/ they shill obvious things like "stop knowing things you shouldn't know", attempting to trick people into accepting mainstream promoted AAA ideas and kosher thoughts and thread slide all the good threads all the way to the bottom at alarming speeds so that topics that they don't approve of are not seen, and if thread sliding fails they create arguments and disrupt all civilized discussion in the thread until the thread reaches the bump limit and disappears.
>on /x/ they are always being skeptical or claiming others are crazy or paranoid
>on /n/ they shit everything up and prevent real discussion about news
>on /newsplus/ they post the "real news" (only "certified" "special" "people" are allowed to post "real" "news" threads)
>on /cuteboys/ they tell everyone the risk of getting HIV is 1% or "you would have to fuck 92 people to get aids" so that they trick people into having unsafe sex and getting HIV - they also try to trick them into eating herbs that cause liver failure and killing the sex drive like chasteberries and other dangerous things.
>on every board they always say "wow this is the 10th thread on this exact topic! stop posting it!" (ask for evidence of this) "we already have a thread on this! stop posting it!" (ask for proof) "this isn't important! stop talking about it!" "there's this other important thing you should talk about instead of this, stop talking about it!"
>Missing from your list is /k/. Do they avoid that board?
>What are they gonna shill on /k/? Gun control? That'll never fly. Anytime things do get political over there it becomes pretty clear where /k/ lies on the political spectrum. And it's gonna be a lot harder to budge them with constant disinfo and D&C shit since that board isn't for discussing politics, so spam is easy to spot and shut down.
don't automatically assume that shills on /k/ are impossible. shills offer bad or tricky advice everywhere they go.
be careful anyway.
on all boards they tell everyone to "take your meds" to which everyone replies "bake your breads" or "we already took the red pill"
anyone who disagrees with them or calls them out on their bullshit gets a bunch of scripted SJW type replies like "oh you are just intolerant/uneducated/too young/too old/too stupid/ too this/ too that/ not good enough/"
anyone else notice this trend?

always lurking. always waiting. against reality, is our specialty.

>warning: archive.is suddenly removed their https support without warning or has a problem with https. I got an error and removed the S from https and then it loaded for me. I don't reccomend anyone else do this for security reasons. I'm very dissapointed in archive.is and I hope this is only temporary maintanance so that I can be wrong about worrying.
>if you worked at google what would you remove from the search results

>What's this image make you think about?
>Does it upset you guys?
>Does it make you want to hurt someone?
>Personally I think the girl in the image should die.
>She should be flayed alive and called a whore.

Bump. If only the tards would notice that they lose https…

any way to contact the people who run archive.is?
we should notify them.

anyone want to email them to tell them https is down? be friendly and don't fuck with them.

>8ch doesn't automatically protect the email
>just this once
thanks 8ch

File (hide): 6a7b67438bb8d0f⋯.gif (692.79 KB, 248x287, 248:287, 6a7b67438bb8d0f48fe6e62fda….gif)
>fuck marry kill thread is datamining.
???? bro are you ok? So according to you pretty much every thing that pertains to real life or real life events is a data mining thread and should just be ignored? Please with your infinite knowledge tell us what is allowed to be discussed and what isn't.

Nice dubs. I was saying about 8ch in the past when id be on here it would kick me off https8ch and just be normal 8ch.net. but that was befor i installed https everywhere…


 No.6700956>>6700970 >>6700977 >>6700979
What if none of us ever told the truth about themselves?
Like, I always put some bullshit in these threads. Yeah I'm that guy who's 41 and lost his virginity at 13 and I make 120k a year.

>fuck marry kill thread is datamining.
>???? bro are you ok? So according to you pretty much every thing that pertains to real life or real life events is a data mining thread and should just be ignored? Please with your infinite knowledge tell us what is allowed to be discussed and what isn't.
Thanks for proving to me that you didn't read the thread. I'm going to be a friendly jackass and tell you that you can find the answer to that by actually reading the thread in the first place you tremendous twit.


>Like, I always put some bullshit in these threads.
>Big warning here. some anons suggested lying to these threads. DO NOT LIE IN ANY WAY THAT CAN BE USED AGAINST YOU.
>do not tell lies that may be dangerous, or about fictional crimes to these bad people even if they are totally fabricated.
>keep in mind even lies may hold small pieces of the truth.

I just lie like crazy i dont care.
>i love to cut muh self
>i smoke meth on mondays
>i can intercept submarine radio waves with my mind
>i own 22 cars and one jet that has the words "top kek" painted on the side.

File (hide): 944c0b3dde74a1c⋯.png (39.09 KB, 261x358, 261:358, 944c0b3dde74a1c877e738be55….png)
Nah ive read enough of your shitty tinfoil theory. Thanks for showing how baseless your argument is though.

double sevens take me to heaven

>i love to cut muh self
they can get you arrested for intent to harm yourself or others. this is a very stupid thing to do
>i smoke meth on mondays
they can get you for admitting to doing an illegal drug. fucking retard.

Cool, good thing im on a vpn. Still dont care

>Nah ive read enough of your shitty tinfoil theory. Thanks for showing how baseless your argument is though.
Thanks for proving to me that you didn't read the thread and have absolutely no argument.

and check my triple nines from the DEVINE

The trips are good

Gods love is always good.

File (hide): c38cdae90b4cb15⋯.png (23.4 KB, 684x186, 114:31, 23465134524.png)
screencapped because God always helps those who fight evil, shills included.

and check my double trips, mana comes from the sky in little bits!

File (hide): 3086efca280b28f⋯.png (90.26 KB, 681x568, 681:568, 2465134523.png)
okay I just had to make a bigger screencap for what happened

I just wanted 8ch to know that I love yah, the nice ones anyway.
I'm happy to shillbust, and uphold freedom like trump must.

 No.6701222>>6701250 >>6701292
The real truth about shills is that they are nothing and will be nothing. Just like gods law is stamped into their heads.

I dont mean to derail the thread but i thought this was a dubs thread for a moment… I over looked everything very well and all the dubs have been checked and even the rare trip

Wow 2 trips in the same thread. Thats fucking cazy.

>Just like gods law is stamped into their heads.
what did you mean by this part?

The profile of the people that are doing that job.

fucking mods edited the OP
I'll take it as a joke, as the mods can be funny bro's when they aren't busy fucking up /b/
reposting OP
I have been noticing a trend on all the boards of 8chan, which you should be typing in the address as https://8ch.net httpS←-
that there are tons of data gathering threads disguised as "I'm bored so whats all your info".
here are a few examples of data gathering threads. you don't think they are building a profile on you? this is disgusting.
>warning: archive.is suddenly removed their https support without warning or has a problem with https. I got an error and removed the S from https and then it loaded for me. I don't reccomend anyone else do this for security reasons. I'm very dissapointed in archive.is and I hope this is only temporary maintanance so that I can be wrong about worrying.

now shills are making up excuses in the hopes of using the "divide and conquer tactics" by blaming other boards to create infighting and destroy 8chan even further
the shills are panicking after the exposing of their tactics. extremely hilarious thread happens and shills get totally humiliated as their plan backfires instantly. archives linked below for your reading enjoyement.
>"The datamining scare"
>"They're flagging all discussion threads as "datamining" threads with little exception."
you mean like all the obvious data mining threads listed below?
>"The short-term goal of this is to cease all discussion on /b/ by convincing us that there is no discussion."
because letting data mining shill retards flood the whole catalog with "lul whats yur info" in poorly disguised threads is just excellent discussion!
>Do not let them destroy this website.
"lul he will not divide us, he will not devide us!"
pepe! pepe!!!
>If you have any issue with knowledge about you being on the internet, then don't post it. It's as simple as that.
when threads are made with sinister design for the purpose of extorting and extracting information from anons, it's as simple as getting bored that there are no quality threads because the shill threads pushed them off the page, and posting a reply in the wrong place, getting your info sent to a bad place without your consent. simple as that.
>flagging threads as datamining threads destroys it because it's a massive attempt at convincing everyone that the discussion here is not genuine,
>destroys it
>convincing everyone that the discussion here is not genuine,
>no no my shilling is failing, don't wake people up because our shilling will be "destroy" when they realize the discussion isn't genuine.

>The profile of the people that are doing that job.
I still don't understand.
you said:
>"The real truth about shills is that they are nothing and will be nothing. Just like gods law is stamped into their heads."
I agree that shills are nothing, but how is that JUST like gods law? I'm confused.

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