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A subreddit dedicated tracking inane communist spam.
All are welcome for the most part, but we kindly ask alt-righters and the like (this includes posters from /r/the_donald) to fuck off.
Quick guidelines to posting in /r/enoughcommiespam:
Be excellent to each other, and remain civil in discussions
Hate speech is banned; This includes racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, islamophobia, etc
Posts must be related to communism, other unrelated posts will be removed
We reserve the right to moderate at our discretion
The full set of rules can be found by clicking here.
Please report any rule-breaking comments or posts you come across, thanks!
Anti Commie Rersources
Discussion: Win any argument against Statists/Communists with these sources (self.EnoughCommieSpam)
dcman00000 が たった今 投稿
Obviously, this isn't a normal post. I was simply thinking that anyone who posts or comments in this sub might appreciate a really good source for argumentation that supports our side and freedom.
Case in point, there is a youtube channel called Learnliberty that features a lot of Libertarian and Ancap philosophy
If you have a minute, here are a few examples of the kind of stuff available to help refine our arguments (or simply post in response to the brain turds statists on reddit lay out all the time)
Free market has resulted in a golden age of poverty reduction
Do women earn less than men? Answer: no
Are we running out of resources? No we are not and how the free market and incentives make that happen
Should we end the fed?
Is the free market exploitative? No. A good one to trot out when confronted with Marxists
LearnLiberty playlists
LearnLiberty Home page
Other sources include guys like Thomas Sowell. I will link to a couple of videos, but you can find much more on youtube. I strongly recommend reading his books if you are serious about learning about our philosophies.
Thomas Sowell on minimum wage and its racist roots and how government enforced that
Thomas Sowell deconstructs affirmative action on Bill Buckley
Thomas Sowell summarizes his book "Basic Economics" in about 45 minutes
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