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About Artisan Crafts / Hobbyist paytonMale/United States Recent Activity
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But I think it's become clear that I have one purpose in this life, no matter what I do, I bring pain to all those around me, I bring fear, I bring pain, I bring heartbreak, from the very beginning I've ruined everything I touched. Good intentions may be nice, but they're not worth anything if they can't come true, at this point, I'm choosing to do the smart thing, I'm going back off the grid.

I've found myself a nice cozy corner, and I think it's best I stay there.

I've gone through life and every friend I've ever had has slipped through my fingers, the harder I try to grip, the quicker they fall through, I've burned so many people because I never knew what I was doing, and the worst part is that I know in my heart I can never truly make it up to so many of them, that I have truly hurt someone and that I cannot make it better.

That my care is so misplaced, that my judgment is so wrong, I think the time has finally come for it all to stop, no companion I have ever met or ever will meet online will stay, I will always drive them away, one way or another.

It's time I finally went quiet.


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masonicon Featured By Owner Jun 20, 2016  Student General Artist
Hi! and how are you up to?
walterwrider Featured By Owner Jul 4, 2015  Hobbyist General Artist
I take it you rp? :)
PaytoniThePerv Featured By Owner Jul 4, 2015  Hobbyist Artisan Crafter
I take it you're right! owo
walterwrider Featured By Owner Jul 4, 2015  Hobbyist General Artist
Would you be willing to be dragon Twilight while I'm a young colt? :)
PaytoniThePerv Featured By Owner Jul 5, 2015  Hobbyist Artisan Crafter
Wat o3o
(1 Reply)
CatkinSvedka Featured By Owner May 26, 2015  Hobbyist General Artist
Thanks for the llama! :heart:
PaytoniThePerv Featured By Owner May 26, 2015  Hobbyist Artisan Crafter
Hey! Anything to pay back your lama! 8D
Bunnyash890 Featured By Owner May 23, 2015   Digital Artist
Hiya :hug:
PaytoniThePerv Featured By Owner May 23, 2015  Hobbyist Artisan Crafter
Bunnyash! Buddy! Hey!!!
Bunnyash890 Featured By Owner May 24, 2015   Digital Artist
Hey :D How's it been?
It's been awhile 
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