So theres two different parts to the story that I need help with.
So to begin, back in December, my paypal account went negative. This happened when it didnt have enough funds from my bank to cover the payment and my paypal went negative. They then charged my bank multiple times to try and get the money. (I am a minor , age 16, not sure if it is legal or not, read somewhere it wasnt) I am asking about this now because I just recently read that it isnt legal for paypal to take money from a minors bank account (this account was under my name and had no affiliation with my parents). I eventually paid it off (it was around 800$) but I had to cover all the fees that they charged my bank (ended up being over 400$ in fees).
This is my second issue with paypal. Now recently my paypal is negative around 1400$ from a chargeback and I am still 16 but paypal has had debt collectors send the FIRST letter (they sent it today March 30th.2017) where it was a "Demand for Payment". The organization is called NCO Financial services. (I read everywhere that these people are evil , but dont have much power)
I dont really know what to do, advice would be great. Also not sure if its legal for the NCO to demand funds from a minor.
Note: The first issue and second issue are COMPLETELY unrelated to each other, and are two legal issues that I have concerns with.
If there is a possibility i can get that 1000$ back from the first issue then I will do it. My paypal is current negative 1400$ from a chargeback, and is why paypal sent the debt collector after me.
I also read somewhere to send them a letter saying something about requesting the proof of debt.
Any help would be great honestly, if someone could help me with both issues it would be much appreciated.
Important to note that I made this paypal account since 2010, I cant remember the exact details and If I lied about my birthdate or not. Even if I did lie, im sure there is some protection I can do to not recieve these debt collection letters.
I also do not have a SIN, which means I have no credit rating
I read this on a forum (paypalsucks),
Your Name
Your Address
City, State, Zip
XYZ Collection Agency/Law Firm
1234 Main Street, #100
Any town, USA 10021
Re: File #0000000 - ABC Bank - #4445566778899000 -For: $5555.55
Dear Debt Collector /Debt Collector Attorney:
This will serve as your legal notice under provisions of federal law, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), to cease all communication with me in regard to the debt referenced above.
If you fail to heed this notice, I will file a formal complaint against you with the Federal Trade Commission who is responsible for enforcement, the States Attorney General office and/or the American Collectors Association or local State Bar Association. I/We have decided that we do not desire to work with a collection agency under any circumstances. I/We will contact the original creditor to resolve this matter directly, as circumstances warrant.
You are also notified that should any adverse information be placed against my/our
credit reports as a result of this notice that appropriate actions will be taken. Give this very important matter the attention it deserves.
John J. Consumer
NOTE: This is an attempt to make a debt collector obey the law. Any information obtained, will be used for that purpose.
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