全 16 件のコメント

[–]derspinyQuality Contributor 10 ポイント11 ポイント  (0子コメント)

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is an American law, and has no effect in Canada. The equivalent Ontario rules are outlined here, but they won't make this debt go away. If you force the collector's hand, they'll stop contacting you, but they may sue you, instead.

Now is the time when you admit to your parents that you fucked up to the tune of $1,400.

You lied to Paypal about your age - as far as they're concerned, you're an adult, and exactly as liable for your debts as you agreed to be. Admitting that you're a minor will cause Paypal to immediately close your account, but won't automatically make this debt go away. Being a minor isn't an automatic defence.

Once it comes out that you're a minor, Paypal will expand their collection efforts to include your parents. Under section 2 of the Parental Responsibility Act, your parents may well be held liable for debts you incur before you turn 19. If this debt is legitimate otherwise - and it sounds like it is - then either you or your parents are going to have to pay it.

Talk to your parents. Explain the situation and beg forgiveness. Settle this debt and close your account. When you're an adult, keep your account balances in the black.

If the chargeback that put you in the red is illegitimate, and you're owed $1,400 for some service you provided or product you sold, you can enforce that debt against the other party to the transaction, along with any additional costs incurred as a result of the chargeback. However, if they're not also in Ontario, you may have a hard time with the practical elements of suing them, such as showing up in court where they are.

[–]grasshoppa1Quality Contributor 10 ポイント11 ポイント  (10子コメント)

When you signed up to PayPal to begin with, you agreed that you were 18 years of age or older.

You lied, obviously, and are in violation of the user agreement. As far as PayPal and the collection agency know, you are an adult, since that's what you told them.

[–]themasterone323[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (9子コメント)

Yea I was around the age of 10, should I send paypal my ID to update my age? would that help?

[–]grasshoppa1Quality Contributor 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (8子コメント)

No, it wouldn't help anything and you'd just end up getting your account shut down.

[–]themasterone323[S] -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (7子コメント)

i honestly dont care about the account , I just want to stop being chased by debt collectors

i dont even have a credit file lol

i mean if they shut down my account and i didnt have to give back 1400$ im good w/ that

[–]grasshoppa1Quality Contributor 8 ポイント9 ポイント  (5子コメント)

I just want to stop being chased my debt collectors

Then pay your bill.

[–]UraniumDildo 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

By and far minors cannot be held to contracts. Certainly not if they're 10.

[–]notHooptieJ 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

i dont even have a credit file lol

You do now. and it will follow you around the rest of your life.

you wont be able to get a car or house loan, you'll never get anything but a secured bank card, and even obtaining cellphone service will get difficult.

You need to take care of this properly.

Own up to mom and dad.

i mean if they shut down my account and i didnt have to give back 1400$ im good w/ that

you're well beyond that now, paypal has contracted a debt collector, those guys and the lawyers that sent you letters need to be paid now... noone will drop it now that its gotten this far down the legal road.

You'll be really lucky if its only $1400, more lawyers , more collectors, more fees get slapped on there, i wouldnt be surprised to see you get a demand for double or triple to cover legal costs now.

your best option is to scrape up 3/4s of the money and see if they'll settle for less while theyre still talking.

when they quit talking .. the law comes into play.

[–]sm1ttysm1t 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I've read through some of the comments and there's more to this story than you're letting on. I'm not a lawyer and may be misinterpreting something, but you said that your account is ($1400) because of a "chargeback". Wouldn't that mean that you sold something or provided services that you were paid for, then your "customer" didn't receive the product or services as advertised, so the payment was reversed?

If that's the case, it would seem that PayPal has decided that you were the person in the wrong and decided to make the other party "whole" again.

My advice, as a young man who has screwed up a lot, and now as a parent, is to talk to your parents about what's happened. Someone is going to have to pay the $1,400, but most likely it will be your parents. I promise you, you're going to want to explain the situation to them before it is presented in the form of a legal collections letter.

[–]Going_up_the_Country 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Contact Justice For Children and Youth. They offer free legal services to Ontario minors.

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