Turns out Donnie has playing just been playing 5D Chess, 5D Checkers, 5D Scrabble… in Russian all along!
Donnie: How many points do I get for Циряефбзитеь?
Russian: (Mutters underbreath) Почему Влад пригласил этого шута, (translation) [Why did Vlad invite this clown…] Is not a word, I think, ok Donald?
Donnie: Look I know words, I have the best words. Циряефбзитеь, is definitely a word. It is a terrific word, look that is worth a yuuuuge amount of bigly points.
Russian: Is not word.
Donnie: Циряефбзитеь, as in I am the ряефбзитеь.
Russian: Is not word. I show you. In dictionary. See no word.
Donnie: This game is rigged against me. Crooked Hillary Clinton used Циряефбзитеь in at least a hundred hacked emails and no one ever told her it was a fake word.
Russian: But is not a word. See not in dictionar…
Vlad: Come now comrade don't be biased like the lying America mainstream media - of course Циряефбзитеь is a word. Donald is correct and he just played the super-secret word which wins game and the super-secret bonus prize.
Donnie: I told you, we would never get tired of winning! So what's this prize daddy…err, I mean Vlady?
Vlad: Well Donald, I might send you up a little surprise to your hotel room.
Donnie: Don't send any of those old ones again. Disgraceful. Absolute disgrace these old women. Some of them are 20, 30 or even 40 years old.
Vlad: Of course Donald, you will find these girls are very much to um… your particular tastes.
Donnie: And they will do the thing, you know the thing I like very much?
Vlad: Of course, of course Donald. Have I ever let you down?
Donnie: You're much better than that loser Obama.
Vlad: Just remember your Uncle Vlady, and how unfair those sanctions were.
Donnie: Trust me no one does sanctions better than me.
Vlad: ...getting rid of them.
Donnie: All ready got a tweet ready to go.
Vlad: Oh and Donald.
Donnie: Yes?
Vlad: But you need to try your best to keep our friendship secret from the American media. You know how jealous they can be. They will say things like, why does Donald like Russia so much, is it because of all the dirty Russian money he has received? They will never understand our friendship. Pinkie swear?
Donnie: Pinky swear.