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all 8 comments
[–]lallulalGujarat 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
pro: Seems like a very approachable and kind person.
con: Submitted his and his country's destiny to Gandhis.
[–]OnlyEdgyComments 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
First AMA that I witnessed. Seemed like a fast-forward of Remonetization: Stand in an endless queue to get new notes for hours only to be told after coming half-way that cash is over. Am glad I waited and watched, didn't get into that desperate rush.
He barely answered half a dozen questions, that too, in a typical Indian politician's way. Wondering what this event was all about, after all...
[–]memwa 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
It was all about saying he is a very busy man tbh
[–]wordswithmagicIndia 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
I have attended several events, where he participated as a speaker. Trust me, it is an experience to hear him, live out there.
Written answer? Well.. umm.. hmm.. Maybe I am comparing things here, but, nah. It didn't stir that emotions.
But yes, it was an honor to have him here. May r/India witness more such fireworks!
[–]sex_with_a_pandaRashtriya Hastamaithun Sangh 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
Very diplomatic and politician like answers. Avoided any and all controversial questions. Disappointed tbqh fam. I had more fun at the Sathapathy AMA
[–]voracread 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
At this point, the participation itself is important abmnd a milestone.
Unlike the western countries, Reddit in India is a rather elite thing so widening its base is more important.
[–]pikettierUniverse 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
383 questions asked
25 answers posted in an hour
That's approximately 1 question answered per 2 minutes.
Pretty good given his age. I'm imagining my dad typing answers at snails pace.
Mods also did a great work, most of the uncivil questions were removed by them. I saw one question which was okay until Shashi Tharoor answered it but was later on after Shashi Tharoor left AMA edited to include Sunanda Pushkar's death so that it appears that he directly evaded her death's question. Mods removed that too. Nice work mods.
Here's the question I'm talking about : http://i.imgur.com/PJVAnYi.png
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