全 83 件のコメント

[–]NYCSPARKLE 163 ポイント164 ポイント  (11子コメント)

Imagine if this was a conversation among men:

"I want a 21 year old with 34Cs who gives great head."

The women's heads would explode.

[–][削除されました]  (1子コメント)


    [–]etaoinsrhd 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    And they say that the cloning debate don't be solved any time soon....

    [–]telenoobies 24 ポイント25 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    u should post that in female subreddit thats on the front page all the time and see what happens hah

    [–]2FieldLine 35 ポイント36 ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Men do say that, at least as often as women overtly say they want a rich, good-looking stud. To paraphrase from Whisper - don't think that men aren't made of the same selfish goo as women.

    I don't like when TRP makes a fuss over non-issues. There are enough real problems men face without whining about something said by one stupid broad.

    [–]1ozaku7 11 ポイント12 ポイント  (4子コメント)

    And when they start to sag, implants to boost it to an F-cup 15 years down the road.

    [–]TheFinalArgument1488 33 ポイント34 ポイント  (3子コメント)

    fuck that. just ditch her and get a new one.

    [–]1ozaku7 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (2子コメント)

    What if I like big fake tits?

    [–]etaoinsrhd 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Have them installed on a newer model.

    [–]1SeemedGood 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Get a new one with big fake tits.

    [–]TrumpRules2016 88 ポイント89 ポイント  (25子コメント)

    I love how women like her act like:

    a) It's easy to find a guy who makes over $200,000/year

    b) That guy would go for some slutty chick who doesn't bring much to the table.

    [–]1Swole_is_life 58 ポイント59 ポイント  (2子コメント)

    When you don't even see the bottom 90% of men, guys making that kind of money seem pretty common.

    [–]TheRedStoic 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Until it's too late, and they realize even with a baby anchor they wouldn't want her nasty ass.

    [–]NYCSPARKLE 45 ポイント46 ポイント  (11子コメント)

    The number of Billy Beta Senior Accounting Directors in NYC / Chicago / LA making $150k-$250k+ would surprise you.

    [–]true_detective_sf 21 ポイント22 ポイント  (1子コメント)

    If she lived in a Tier 1 city, her requirement would probably be $400,000/year.

    [–]1ozaku7 23 ポイント24 ポイント  (2子コメント)

    Beta Accountants, bet they get cheated on alot too.

    [–]Endorsed ContributorSirGaetanDugas 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    ahem....there are a few asskicker masters of the universe sprinkled in there

    [–][削除されました]  (4子コメント)


      [–]NYCSPARKLE 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (2子コメント)

      Well it's not like they know how much money you make.

      5'10 and a 7 in looks means you're probably 70-75% percentile (on the face) which means you probably shouldn't be getting a ton of interest from girls (on the face).

      Not that you care, but do you "look" wealthy? Nice clothes, confidence, good, stylish shoes not from Macy's, maybe a nice watch? Girls know when a guy is high status because there are subtle indicators.

      [–][削除されました]  (1子コメント)


        [–]NYCSPARKLE 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        Dress however the fuck you want.

        I'd never let an industry dictate that I dress down.

        [–]valdirtheblue 15 ポイント16 ポイント  (7子コメント)

        So the majority of young women on internet dating sites? I can't believe the entitled attitude they have the requirements of the men they think they deserve. Makes me laugh.

        [–]CallMeHaseo 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (4子コメント)

        They ultimately shoot themselves in the foot, I see why their happiness is going down

        [–]valdirtheblue 19 ポイント20 ポイント  (2子コメント)

        Yeah totally, they get so much validation from hundreds of men that they overload the pleasure center in their brains. Dopamine overload, their sense of self worth is so high as to be fraudulent. BBC articles everyday about women's global unhappiness and depression is all due to their promiscuous behavior, career focused and material lives. Truly is sad. Feminism helps them defy their own biology which they view as sexist, all the while the majority of these little princesses fawn around after chad before settling for the safe beta. Men who have been indoctrinated through school, tv, society and culture to pedestal women whilst scorning their own oppressive masculinity.

        [–]CallMeHaseo 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (1子コメント)

        Buh buh buh it's never her fault! Stop victim blaming!

        [–]valdirtheblue 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        Shit, I'd better check my privilege!

        [–]MrBellsprout123 7 ポイント8 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        Exactly. My sister is very good looking and went to an engineering school. I have no idea if she rode the CC, i like to think she didn't but I'll never know. She's singe and spends all day sitting in her apartment nitting and watching TV(I think). She was complaining to me about how theirs no good men. I said to her :

        "Sister, you went to an engineering school with 90% dudes. You're telling me out of all those dudes their isn't a single one that was interested in you that you wouldn't date. Don't you think maybe your standards are a little too high?"

        She was in complete disbelief when I told her. These girls are there own worst enemies.

        [–]yomo86 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (1子コメント)

        At 30 the entitlement turns into angst. At 35 bitterness is added. At 40 she is either mad on her former girlfriends for snatchin her BB while he was in the making or she is hating on the stupid inexperienced chicks. The finish line is either cat lady or feminist.

        [–]Hjalmbere 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        You have seen the light Sir.

        [–]CallMeHaseo 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        Nothing but the used up twat

        [–]Docbear64 46 ポイント47 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        It's adorable to me, it's like asking a little kid what they want to be when they grow up and they yell out the last cool thing they saw on the TV.

        It's ok sweetie Mr. 200K ,handsome ,and interesting is out there looking for a girl just like you.

        [–]keithmcd901 37 ポイント38 ポイント  (23子コメント)

        It's funny how they can have a list a mile and a half long about what you gotta do.

        And yours is 1. Not fat 2. Can't have slept with more then 20guys (I'm realistic ) 3. Less then 20k of debt

        And frankly it can be cut down to not fat.

        [–]TrumpRules2016 25 ポイント26 ポイント  (1子コメント)

        Not just is the list for guys, including myself A LOT more realistic and easier to achieve, but you get crucified for saying a woman should keep herself in shape. Look at all this "body positivity, every woman is beautiful" bullshit.

        A woman is allowed to say no guys under 6 feet tall, even though that's something men can't control, but how dare a guy want a woman who stays healthy and keeps herself looking good.

        [–]metallica11 13 ポイント14 ポイント  (0子コメント)


        Womym culture: Asian guys? NOPE under 6 foot? NOPE Bald? NOPE

        u go girl! you get the choice, never settle.

        Guy: Sorry, not attracted to her, she is fat. Girl: UGH, how dare you say that, you cis scum. stop fat shaming! Guy: Hey, at least women can lose weight, you can change that. all the qualities you listed guys can't change.


        [–]throwawayurbuns 32 ポイント33 ポイント  (2子コメント)

        Don't deal with chicks who can't handle money responsibly (aside from a plate).

        That shit will drag you down insanely fast.

        [–]2Overkillengine 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        Yup. Let her siphon that off some chump orbiting white knight.

        [–]Pullop 12 ポイント13 ポイント  (13子コメント)

        A slut who has slept with 20 different guys is most likely never gonna have a lasting relationship.

        There was a CDC national center for health statistics survey, that compared women with different amount of non-marital sexual partners.


        80% of women with 0 partners were married over 5 years

        40% of women with 3 partners were married over 5 years

        30% of women with 5 partners were married over 5 years

        18% of women with over 16 partners were married over 5 years

        And of course the amount of partners also carried over to happiness, depression and STD's, more partners meaning they were less likely to be happy, more likely to be depressed and infected with STD's (who would've guessed?).

        If i were you i would try my hardest to look for unexperienced girls, of course you must look at younger girls who are between 16 and 19, but that's not a problem.

        [–]keithmcd901 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (1子コメント)

        Dude legal age is 18 in my state, and most of the usa. And I have seen other country's and this 3rd wave feminism is gonna get there 2. Only a major world War will bring back male scarcity and make the dating market good for men again.

        I for one have givin up on marriage. And having kids. I'll have my fun be a good uncle to my brothers kids. And die a happy man with lots of money in my early 70s having paid for top notch hookers from around 45 until i die.

        [–]Pullop 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        In Europe it's mostly between 14 and 16. I just looked most states are either 16 or 17, so it's not that bad there either.

        I wouldn't get married either, unless i manage to find a rich girl (from a wealthy family), that also has qualities to be a good mother.

        [–]aherne18 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (7子コメント)

        you must look at younger girls who are between 16 and 19, but that's not a problem

        Even these are incredibly slutty these days. There is no way out of this shit hole but to take a woman from a traditional society and MOVE THERE (if you're bringing her over, she'll become a slut like everyone else).

        [–]Redshade97 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (3子コメント)

        My cousin is 17 years old and she tells me one of her best friends is a slut who is 16. Her friend who we will call Andrea, was talking about how she's slept with 11 guys already. Like TRP says girls don't count anal or head.. This girl has been trying to fuck me whenever I see her at family parties. I asked when the last time she had sex was and she said a month. I asked when's the last time she's blown some dude she's said a couple days ago. She literally told me that these guys come through and treat her like shit and pull their Dicks out and "make her suck them off". She said she does it because she's bored and doesn't even feel anything while doing it, hmm. She said she's used to these guys asking to come over to get head and then leaving or calling her over and kicking her out. These guys know this girl is a dirty thot, so I cant hate lol. But even at 16 years old, 11 dicks in that pussy. Each generation is more damaged. Enjoy the decline gentleman..

        [–]goldnhorde 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        The whole poorly treated girl who sluts it up for acceptance is by no means a new thing or a thing specific to this generation.

        I had a girl in high school that I could call anytime, had no attachment too, made no commitments too. and she was just so desperate all you had to do was just be like "gosh ... hmmm ... put this in your mouth". sure it seemed great at the time .... free blowjobs .... how could it not be great. but the girl wasn't a slut to be a slut .... she had real personality problems and needed someone to set her straight.

        HOWEVER, it does seem like a ton higher percentage are now this girl. It's called having no self respect and no self esteem. and if you can learn how to eliminate those traits from a women she will act the same too.

        [–]aherne18 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        My niece, who says she's not a slut (?), also told me similar stories years before. Even by 14, girls ("children") bragged about sucking cocks of popular senior high schoolers. Of course, she wasn't that type:)

        [–]John_McFly 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        Are her parents married or dad out of the picture?

        [–]Pullop 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (2子コメント)

        Yeah many young girls are slutty, you can find more virgins from countryside.

        [–]aherne18 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

        Yeah many young girls are slutty, you can find more virgins from countryside.

        Stop dreaming. Those are slutty, too...

        [–]Pullop 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        So in your mind all women are equally slutty and have the same amount of sex no matter where they live? Okay.

        [–]Phoenixtorment 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        I'd like to see numbers on MEN + their sexual partners and divorce.

        [–]hororo 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

        Do you have the source? Not that I don't believe you, but I'm interesting in seeing the details.

        [–]butter_coffee 16 ポイント17 ポイント  (1子コメント)

        Not fat is pretty much everything.

        1. Shows self control and discipline. This restraint will help with fidelity and financial issues.

        2. Cares about her appearance, by extension has healthy self esteem and cares about looking good for you.

        3. Good genes. Will teach her daughters to be high value, beautiful girls.

        4. Being not fat is pretty Redpill. She knows you can't be a ugly nasty fat ass and shame men into loving them.

        5. Takes responsibility for her own health, is mindful of her actions impact. (Eating habits, working out, time management)

        6. Plans for long term and short term to keep her weight in check.

        7. Will probably cook good food for you, have a healthy exercise program that prevents mental illness.

        List goes on, but these positive qualities and discipline is what seperates the non fat chicks from the rest.

        Edit: formatting

        [–]keithmcd901 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        Best response by far. Seriously I know the 50s are not coming back, nor do I want them to but women back then were all skinny and attractive, shit fat back then is like a solid 6 or 7 these days.

        If you are a inshape guy, shame the fuck out of fat people, they should be a disgusted with themselves as you are when you have to look at them.

        Expecally guy friends that are a little pudgy but have potential... if you shame them ever day it motivates them to change... there was a British dude that lost 14 stone because his buddy texted your a fat ass everyday.

        [–]sourdieselfuel 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (1子コメント)

        You forgot #4) Isn't a bitch

        [–]keithmcd901 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        Nah, every girl is a bitch, your actions will dictate if she is a bitch to you or not

        [–]1WidmerBeer 12 ポイント13 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        26 year old CC rider opening the 'for sale' sign at a man that makes at least $200,000.

        What would be the equivalent delusion of men in the dating world?

        "Hey all, I'm a handsome man in my 30s that makes 18k a year and LARPS at the park in downtown. You could say I'm quite the bigshot in my guild. I currently rent a room at my buddies house, right now $14.56 to my name but it's cool cuz I get paid on Friday. Just got to budget for the next few days and stretch it out.

        Don't let my part time gig at Baskin Robins fool you, I got this great business idea and once I sell it I'll buy a beach house and an Adamantium Claymore. Anyway, I'm looking to settle down now so I'm taking applications. I'm highly demanding and looking for an asian/euro mixed woman who's into my foot fetish and pegging fantasies. Must be an 8+ that likes men with beards, but I'll be willing to date a 7 if she had a cool personality and joins my LARP guild. "

        [–]Endorsed ContributorSirGaetanDugas 19 ポイント20 ポイント  (4子コメント)

        Your cousin will find the sushi buying loser as there are millions of thirstys like him begging for the job.

        My girlfriend's husband makes multiples of that and he calls her the boss

        [–]neetpepe[S] 8 ポイント9 ポイント  (3子コメント)

        Sadly, this is true.

        Another one of my cousins (40) just married some millionaire beta bucks (55) in spite of being a single mother already.

        [–]Endorsed ContributorSirGaetanDugas 17 ポイント18 ポイント  (2子コメント)

        think how desperate one would be @55 with all that dough to feel the need to put a ring on a 40 yr old momma.

        I know a crew of 50 something single guys in Miami. They. Crush. It. Every. Day

        [–]0kool74 7 ポイント8 ポイント  (1子コメント)

        think how desperate one would be @55 with all that dough to feel the need to put a ring on a 40 yr old momma

        After a lifetime of conditioning stupid cannot be eradicated. Well, that and money doesn't buy intelligence.

        [–]commander_zoidberg 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        Like they say. You can't fix stupid. You can only manage it.

        [–]Occams_Stubble 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        Mark your calendar.

        1 year maximum to realize no guy making $200,000 will ever want her + 1 year maximum to find a guy with adequate resources to settle for.

        Pregnant in less than 2 years.

        [–]7spade 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        Post wall at 26? Wow! Sounds like she got rode hard.

        [–]MrBellsprout123 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        That's exactly what alimony did. Guys values, morals, personality, who gives a fuck about any of that. Just find the riches guy and If he's a douche to me I'll just divorce him. People on this subreddit give a lot of hate to MGTOW, but I don't blame them one bit. Spinning plates isn't for everyone.

        [–]Buliwyf72 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        Personal Favorite: "He should know better."

        Doesnt that mean that since she knows I should know better she should also know better because she knows how I should know better?

        [–]Dank_Meems 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (6子コメント)

        There is a post-wall, thrice divorced, short, fat, fake titted and assed spanish lady that I work with who said something along the lines of "I'm over the love thing, now I just want a man with money. I won't settle for anything less than a man with a million dollars."

        I proceeded to shit on her in front of the whole dept. asking why her, a washed up 36 year old who makes 30k a year at best deserves to be a millionaire by proxy. A man who works his whole life for what he has to just give it to some slob like yourself.

        She wasn't too happy about my choice of words, but you could tell it sparked some thought in her brain for the first time in years.

        These cunts are un-fucking-believable...

        [–]godfatherchimp 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (4子コメント)

        I personally get a kick out of hearing women talk like that. Why shouldn't she settle for less if she can get some filthy rich beta to wife her up? Direct your anger towards the betas who enable these women to act so entitled.

        [–]Dank_Meems 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (3子コメント)

        So you think it's okay for humans to act shitty because someone else allows them to? Great logic there, bud... I'm not disagreeing with you, betas are a big part of the problem, but to completely disregard women acting like shallow cunts is pretty rediculous...

        [–]godfatherchimp 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (2子コメント)

        AWALT bro, no need to be upset about it. That's just the way all women act in that situation.

        [–]Buliwyf72 -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (1子コメント)

        Wrong. Women have agency. More so women with high foreheads. Saying its red pill to follow AWALT is your male hamster. Its actually blue pill and means the other male members of the tribe do not stand up for their brothers.

        [–]godfatherchimp 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        Whether you "follow" AWALT or not is irrelevant to the fact that AWALT

        And believe me, id like to stand up for my fellow men but most of them do not want to be saved and it's not my place to save them. If they want to be saved, they'll find their way here

        [–]commander_zoidberg -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        I would have been really tempted to show her the back of my hand if there weren't any witnesses.

        [–]745gtes5 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (2子コメント)


        Otherwise, your sister sounds like she is just doing what society has taught her, being a good little drone, expecting men to throw themselves at her because tits and ass. Jokes on her tho, she'll be whithered and bitter while her husband will be banging interns half her age and she's drinking herself stupid every afternoon to numb the menopause.

        [–]neetpepe[S] 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (1子コメント)

        First of all, she's not my sister. Thank God!

        I take it you haven't been here long. She told me when she was 19 (I was too) that she was having a sexual relationship with some 30-year-old guy who was in the Hells Angels. This involved her going to his place for sex, but wasn't really dating. On this forum, this is referred to as being a "plate."

        [–]TACTICALBLONDEBIMBO 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        Sounds about right OP. Quite a few of these girls are gold diggers out here. SPRAY TAN, DYED BLONDE HAIR, FACEBOOK LOOK AT ME TYPE WITH ASS AND THIGH EVERYWHERE, WORKS OUT ALOT, SQUATS ALOT, SPRAY TAN, DOLLED UP, WEARS ALOT OF PAINT ON THE FACE= GOLD DIGGER. Fairly certain about this.

        You know what I not is quite a few of these dolled up little hispanic girls that have immigrant mothers tend to be gold diggers and/or just have a very overvalued sense of worth. I mean I dont even understand why all of these fucking creatures are allowed over here in the first place quite honestly. This immigration policy is out of hand. But its whatever. Very strange though.

        [–]godfatherchimp 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        Your mistake is assuming it won't happen. You can bet your ass it will. She will lock down a rich beta and eventually cheat on him or divorce rape him. There is no lack of men willing to wife up a slut

        [–]helldiverharold 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        "Since she's a 26-year-old post-wall roastie, there's no way this will happen. Watch out though. Don't get married guys."

        You fucking killed me dude.

        [–]Sensei_Hensei 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        how many times have you heard women say "i want to be married by 30"

        there is never a specific man involved but they just know that somehow they want it by age 30...the marriage is the goal the man attached to it is expendable