全 2 件のコメント

[–]bleak-outlooktook one psych class in college 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Bro you're sounding too logical here. Please tone it down.

[–]foreignergrlI'm riding the cock carrousel. Do not disturb. 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

They like everything that demeans and humiliates women. Rough sex porn delivers that, but they either don't have any life experience to understand the type of trust that I'd assume to be necessary in a relationship of that nature, or they simply don't care; it never crosses their minds. They see it in porn and it's like "Oh, look, he's humiliating women, therefore he's Chad and all women want to be treated just like that." Consensual rough sex and dominant relationship are nothing new, but the reason why these relationships would not satisfy them is that in those relationships, when you take an honest look at them, the real dominant is always the woman (or the submissive partner), even if it doesn't look like that at first.

Couples often have a safe word or a way to communicate discomfort, and the submissive partner calls the whole thing off if either the sex or the relationship is heading to a place that makes her or him uncomfortable. MGTOWs can't stand that because their primary need is to see women degraded and humiliated against their will - not calling the shots. The women who want that type of relationship for them are just titanic sluts, as opposed to just your old regular slut. Plus, which woman would ever trust these guys to even try a relationship like that? I don't know much about it, but I would imagine that the trust factor in these relationships is the sole factor holding the relationship together. It's not like these guys are even trying to hide their creepiness. Women could possibly be momentarily fooled by PUAs (as in for 45 seconds into it), but when it comes to MGTOWs? No way.

EDIT: I can't English this early in the morning.