Castle Treatments: Daily Use
We specialise in advanced drug and alcohol treatments which are a high-tech solution to help people stop drinking or using drugs and are not available elsewhere.
Our treatment works by using subtle phase signals (frequency) to cancel and neutralise the effects of any substance (alcohol, cocaine, opiates, pharma drugs etc) to help:
- neutralise any substance and reduce physical dependency
- improve physical & mental health
When the physical urge or craving has ‘gone or is greatly diminished’ it is much easier to stop drinking, stop using cocaine or stop using drugs.
Improve Health
The body also responds to various beneficial input frequencies which can help to improve physical health hence why our clients feel so much better during/after treatment.
Clinical Study
We carried out a clinical study for North Wales Community Safety & Substance Misuse in September 2006.
Feel Better
The body responds to physics (frequency) in the same way as it responds to chemistry (drugs) in that they are both capable of creating change. Our internal processes are 50% chemistry and 50% physics so treatments using physics are entirely natural.
It is scientific fact that every substance, nicotine, alcohol or drugs has a specific frequency (Hz) and opposing frequencies neutralise/cancel each other out.
We have taken this scientific principle, (also used by sound engineers to cancel unwanted background ‘noise’) and applied it to something more tangible, an unwanted substance.
We use the same simple process to ‘cancel or neutralise’ unwanted substances (nicotine, alcohol, drugs) which are then expelled through the body’s natural detox process.
The result of this process means it’s much easier to either: stop smoking, stop drinking or stop using drugs as the craving or desire has gone or greatly diminished as you can see from our proven results.
Advanced Detox Method
This pioneering & highly successful treatment has been used in the UK for over 12 years and in that time, more than 9.000 people have benefited from our range of treatments.
Our treatment is also the only method which ‘automatically’ lowers the physical tolerance level, so less/no substance is required after each treatment session to help people reduce down and stop drinking or stop using drugs.
As the treatment is based on physics rather than chemistry (medication) it produces much faster and more successful results than medications or psychological counselling are able to achieve.
Pharmaceutical Limitations
Medication (chemistry) targets cells to evoke change in the patients’ condition however most people don’t know that over 90% of all drugs only work for 30% to 50% of the patients who take them due to their ‘genes which interfere in some way with the medicine’.
Frequencies do not rely on genetics as they target a specific ‘substance’ rather than an individual’s cells and so produce much higher response rates.
Similar to how a radio picks up a frequency broadcast from hundreds of miles away, the body picks up the specialist treatment frequencies produced by our unique treatment formulas.
Unique Formula
There are 285,000 frequency patterns available, the correct patterns which help correct imbalances and detoxify the body of nicotine, alcohol or drugs have been painstakingly selected and assembled in the correct sequence to neutralise/cancel the effects of any substance(s).
In addition, by correctly analysing any addictive substance(s), whether it’s cigarettes, alcohol or drugs it is possible to identify their ‘frequency range’ and adjust our formula accordingly to neutralise that substance(s) and cancel or erase it completely.
After treatment(s), it’s as though the body has not had the substance and so does not crave/need it anymore.
The body can also absorb the beneficial effects of a substance(s) to aid quicker recovery. It is safe, painless & very effective.
Drugs & Alcohol
The formula also works for any ‘drug’ or ‘alcoholic’ substance.
We correctly analyse the addictive substance(s) to identify their frequency range. This information is then processed and added to the formula.
The frequency patterns can also be programmed to stimulate the production of endorphins so withdrawal symptoms are greatly reduced whilst neutralising and erasing the bioelectrical pattern of that substance from the body, so the body no longer craves/needs it which helps stop the cycle of daily dependency.
Questions & Answers
Click here for some common questions and answers.
Beware of Passing Off
If another practitioner has asked you to look at our website or copied content from our website, they are ‘passing off’ to imply they provide this treatment when in fact, they do not. Click here to report any abuse.