If by "people" you mean like 2 guys, yeah, it's ridiculous.
If it were up to them, devs like Bethesda, Bioware and Ubisoft wouldn't exist, consoles wouldn't exist and every game would have to be a perfect 10/10 4K 60FPS game. This is completely counterintuitive to the widespread entertainment the gaming industry is actually offering.
There are heaps of Bioware, Bethesda and console fans out there. People can freely choose their platform and games. This is a good thing. Limiting that would just be stupid.
All in all, the major gaming subs are all giant circlejerks who whine about or praise the same shit for years over and over again.
is the only sub that offers free opinions. There are PC players and console players here, and no one gives a shit about muh 500FPS 4K immersion. Games are just for fun, people are taking them way too seriously.