[–] MichelleObamasPenis 0 points 32 points (+32|-0) ago 

Sweden is fucked beyond repair.

[–] Samchay6 1 points 19 points (+20|-1) ago 

Leave it to the first "Feminist Government" to teach Sweden to act like a bunch of battered women with a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome.

Yay, progress.

[–] Empress 0 points 17 points (+17|-0) ago 

Although I like LePen, generally speaking women should not rule.

[–] lissencarak 0 points 11 points (+11|-0) ago 

Remember when the left was using Sweden as an example of success? They've done the same with Venezuela and Cuba.

[–] Runaway-White-Slave 0 points 19 points (+19|-0) ago 

"But he must have been doing something more than just eating bacon!!!"....

Bunch of damn cuckold homosexual apologists, that's one of the most cucked nations in Europe, go pull that butt-plug your girlfriend wedged up your asses and think..... Even if he irritated some already sore vaginas with some "hurtful" words, even if he actually followed around the people being used to genocide his people... So fucking what?

It's a miracle they don't have more Anders Breivik's sprouting up all over Europe, tired of being told to accept their Jew planned genocide. and all some people want to think is "But the fake-news said he hurt Sandnigger vaginas!!!"..... Really? then go live in Sandnigger land and stfu.

[–] BloodGod1337 0 points 2 points (+2|-0) ago  (edited ago)

It's so hilarious. This guy is eating bacon and cucked Swedes are trying to argue that he might've done more.

Meanwhile, their own FUCKING WOMEN ARE BEING RAPED BY THESE FUCKING ANIMALS and these ANIMALS are WALKING after doing the raping!!

This guy essentially just fucked around(and he might've not even done anything at all, since mudslimes often lie about racism) and swede cucks are trying to actually ARGUE against their own guy!

Jesus, why is this country so insane?!?!

[–] Uncle420 0 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago 

"But he must have been doing something more than just eating bacon!!!".

According to the article he was making racist statements and when the women moves seats he followed them and started shouting racist comments. But you know, saying that makes me an apologist.

[–] Tancred 0 points 2 points (+2|-0) ago 

That is harassment, not a crime.

[–] zombielordzero 0 points 18 points (+18|-0) ago 

the Seeds of the next Hitler have been planted....

[–] 3rdTimestheCharm 0 points 18 points (+18|-0) ago 

hopefully that motherfucker is on Voat so we can water the little bastard

[–] DyingEurope 1 points 6 points (+7|-1) ago 


They are growing. And some lurk here.

[–] Longbottom_Leaf 2 points 13 points (+15|-2) ago 

If you read the article it claims that he was following them around with bacon and yelling racial insults at them. Come on guys, we dont need fake news to know that Sweden is fucked

[–] WhoFramedReaderRabit 0 points 10 points (+10|-0) ago 

Swedish media themselves aren't very truthful. We don't know if it was just claimed he followed them around, or if he actually did.

Tim Pool: Escorted out by Swedish Police Tim Pool: Problems With Swedish Media

[–] windsse 0 points 6 points (+6|-0) ago 

In Sweden, a racist comment could be saying "I like bacon" in front of a muslim.

[–] BloodGod1337 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

Not just that. There's so many other "racist" comments as well.

"I don't believe in God/Allah." "I like dogs." "I've had sex before marriage." "I don't like to fuck little girls." "I don't like to fuck goats." "Women shouldn't be raped."

[–] kneo24 0 points 2 points (+2|-0) ago 

[–] vortexcortex 0 points 7 points (+7|-0) ago  (edited ago)

I was just wondering what I was going to have for dinner.

That seals the deal. I'm having bacon wrapped pork chops, baked potatoes with (dairy:) shredded cheese, sour cream, butter, and crumbled bacon, + chives. Fresh (muh Popeye) spinach steamed with onions and a sausage link, and roasted seasoned carrots with Holler-pain-yo's. Serve with a tall glass of milk.

A slice of bacon a day keeps the Jihad away.

[–] coopzy 0 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago 

Lol good luck with that triple bypass. Cholesterol ain't your friend.

[–] vortexcortex 0 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago  (edited ago)

Those are lies you're blindly believing. Moderation is key. I'll be fine. I actually read the studies and never believed that bullshit narrative they fed you about cholesterol, the sample sizes were too small and results did not correlate significantly with claims.

For the past half century, cholesterol has been touted as a grave health hazard, and dietary fat and cholesterol have been portrayed as being among the “deadliest” foods you could possibly eat.

This may finally change, as limitations for cholesterol will likely be removed from the 2015 edition of Dietary Guidelines for Americans. It’s about time really, as 60 years’ worth of research has utterly failed to demonstrate a correlation between high cholesterol and heart disease.

Not only does undamaged natural cholesterol not cause heart disease, it is actually one of the most important molecules in your body; indispensable for the building of cells and for producing stress and sex hormones, as well as vitamin D.

Avoid sugar and processed foods.

Learn to live off the land. My barbarian ancestors ate meat and fat almost exclusively. You will die if you eat too much protein, but you can eat as much fat as you can stomach and survive. Fat is essential to survival. don't believe bullshit artists. Cholesterol is a key molecular component in cellular transport. Learn cellular microbiology, and research Ketosis.

Protip: Big Pharma always wants to sell you bogus drugs that you do not need (e.g. to reduce cholesterol, LMAO!) If you make your body survive off of fat, it will produce the biochemistry to dissolve your body fat too. I eat vegetables, and am far more fit and healthy than those vegetarian / vegan morons thanks to all the fatty meat I eat. Then again, I also lift.

[–] aileron_ron 0 points 7 points (+7|-0) ago 

Look at the American southwest (mexafornia), That will happen to any EU country if you people do nothing.

[–] armday2day 0 points 2 points (+2|-0) ago 

Maybe ,but it seems irrelevant to bacon or Islam

[–] SuperUberGreat 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago  (edited ago)

I'd takes Mexicans over Slims any day of the week.

[–] Anson 0 points 3 points (+3|-0) ago 

Is there a way we can spread bacon love awareness there? would be nice to trigger some of those people and not have to pay consequences (trolling, the true definition).

[–] tonafun 0 points 3 points (+3|-0) ago 

What, he didn't even share.

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