(MM11) Production Notes

Here’s the link for Rationality: From AI to Zombies, the podcast

Listeners of SF podcasts may recognize Bill Parker, who is voiced by Scott Andrews of Beneath Ceaseless Skies! :) Scott is a great guy, and I recommend Beneath Ceaseless Skies if you’re into Fantasy short fiction, or podcasts of the same.

As for this episode – oh man, sooooooo many hours to put together! It’s been a long time since I spent this many hours on an episode, but I really enjoyed it, and I think it turned out very well. Maybe I’ve been doing this too long, but most episodes feel almost routine these days. Having a big show-piece episode like this was really fun, even if I don’t have the time/energy to do one like it every episode. I knew I wanted something really flashy for the World Record Duststorm (real event, check out Alexander Wales’s notes at the bottom of the text version), and this did that for me. :)

I was hemming and hawing about the music right up to the final days, and I’m glad I delayed as long as I did. I don’t think any of my earlier ideas would have worked out quite as well as what I ended up using, which I only discovered fairly recently.

SFX: whooshes, waves, seagull, crash 1, ship horn, metal creaking 1thud, metal creaking 2, car crashes, storm coming, storm here!superman scream

Intro/Outro – Handlebars, by Flobots
Luthor Manor – Boccherini’s MinuettoMozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusik,
Smallville – Over You, by Last Call Romance
Dust Storm – Schism, by Metamorphestra (see their Kickstarter!)

(MM10) Production Notes

Obviously the first thing to mention is that I’m super happy Last Call Romance graciously granted me the use of their song “Over You” to use as the Smallville Theme. I saw them playing in the new year on New Year’s Eve at a local venue, and they were fantastic! I continue to encourage people to go see local bands in their area. Particularly if someone you know knows someone in the band, the personal connection makes it that extra bit more enjoyable. :) If you’re in the Colorado area, Last Call Romance has a webpage and a Facebook page listing upcoming shows.

In personal news, I have a short story published in the March/April issue of Analog Magazine! I wrote about it a bit here. If you’re up for Space Zombies, with Theology, and wonky narrative structures, it might be of interest to you!

Intro/Outro – Handlebars, by Flobots
Luthor Manor – Boccherini’s MinuettoMozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
Mayor’s Veranda – Forest Night, by Tabletop Audio
Smallville – Over You, by Last Call Romance