U.S. Air Force bombs terrorist camps in Libya. [1]
"Gorsuch: ‘I accept’ Roe v. Wade as the ‘law of the land.’" [2] Dems succeed in eroding the pro-life base of Trump and the Republican Party, proving that Trump's advisers violated his pro-life pledge.
Has US District Judge Derrick Watson committed treason? His ruling against the travel pause violates not only US law but also the Constitution itself. If, moreover, one can show it gives aid and comfort to enemies of the United States, that is tantamount to treason. [3]
"Key conservative: GOP doesn't have votes on healthcare repeal," because it is too liberal of a bill. [4] The vote is Thursday.
Mainstream media values: parents should think twice before they let their daughters subscribe to Teen Vogue. They publish a propaganda screed against Israel and ignore real threats to young women from the Muslim quarter. [5]
Neil Gorsuch defiantly thumbs his nose at pro-lifers: "When Supreme Court Justice nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch was asked what he would do if President Trump asked him to overturn Roe v. Wade, he said he would walk out the door." [6]
Tomi Lahren claimed to be a "constitutional conservative," and was a rising pro-Trump star at the Blaze. Then she declared she's pro-choice -- contrary to Trump's campaign pledge -- and she might want to start looking for a new career with people who do not care about the unborn. Glenn Beck has apparently suspended her show.
FBI devotes government resources to searching for a jersey of Tom Brady in Mexico, and the lamestream media won't even criticize the FBI for the waste. [7] Unplug the NFL to end its government subsidies, which are at least $1 billion annually.
More nonsense resulting from liberal logic: "Transgender Wins International Women’s Weightlifting Title," as the male-turned-female breaks four national women's records. [8]
Individual freedom—we either use it or lose it. [9]
Donna Brazile defends helping Hillary Clinton cheat.[10]
President Donald Trump pressed Angela Merkel “hard” on NATO dues during the leaders’ Oval Office meeting.[11]
Trump delivers on another campaign pledge: he successfully blocks so-called "free trade" proposals at the G-20 meeting. [12]
"Draining the Swamp: Health and Human Services Cuts: Decrease Budgets, Increase Efficiency
." [13]
A liberal college professor creates a list of news outlets she does not like. The real problem: the Mainstream Media are the real ones putting out "fake news." [14]
Memo to Judge Watson in Hawaii: The Constitution of the United States does not protect the world. [15]
In the war between liberty and socialism, the forces of liberty at last have a leader. His name is Donald Trump. [16]
"How POLITICO Became Hillary’s (Anti-Constitution, Anti-Journalism, Anti-Conservative) Lap Dog." [17]
"Record Immigration Transforming Americans’ School Districts." [18]
Trump's press secretary Sean Spicer tells the CNN reporter: "You’ve come to serious conclusions for a guy who has zero intelligence!" Spicer then softened it up by saying he was referring to the reporter's lack of a security clearance. [19]
The massive line to attend Trump's rally in Nashville on Wednesday was nearly two miles long. Photos
"Trump Blasts Court's Travel Ban Block: 'This Ruling Makes Us Look Weak.'" [20]
Mainstream media bias turns especially ugly: they won't cover a community when tornadoes devastate it because its residents are of the "wrong demographic." [21]
The liberal media jumps on Rep. Steve King for saying "the birth rates in especially Western Europe ... all of Western civilization, have gone down below the replacement rate" and urging higher birth rates rather than being "replaced by people who do not share our values." [22]
Al Gore's latest liberal bluster: “We’re seeing every night on the television news now a nature hike through the Book of Revelation.” [23]
Advice to Donald Trump: drain the swamp in government. Among other pieces of advice: put obstreperous civil service personnel in "rubber rooms" where they can do no further damage. [24]
Sarah Palin blasts Paul Ryan's RINO-CARE.[25] RINO-CARE has a "“continuous coverage” surcharge rather than eliminate ObamaCare's individual mandate.[26]
The Iraqi army finally succeeded to push into west Mosul after initial setbacks in the offensive against ISIS earlier this week.[27]
Liberal logic: Donald Trump won big while RINO John McCain lost his attempt at the presidency. Yet McCain thinks he can order Trump to retract or clarify his wiretap claim, and the lamestream media cheers McCain on. [28]
"The Republican and Democratic parties are 'disintegrating before our very eyes,' Ohio Gov. John Kasich said Sunday." [29] Translation of the RINO's analysis: D.C., you're not fooling anyone anymore.
YOU'RE FIRED, GET OUT: "After refusing yesterday's request to resign, the U.S. Attorney for Manhattan was just fired by the Trump administration." [30]
Barack Obama has a team of 12 people to keep tabs on President Donald Trump. [31]
Another reason Trump must clean house at the FBI: they selectively prosecute the enemies of Islam when they should be investigating Islam as a dangerously subversive movement. [32]
Trump cleans house, eradicates holdovers from the Obama Administration: "Jeff Sessions asks 46 Obama-appointed U.S. attorneys to resign." [33]
The political pendulum is swinging towards right-wing politics in Europe/France: "Marine Le Pen is enjoying spectacular and excited Trump-like crowds in France." [34]
Trump's EPA chief Scott Pruitt questions the global warming hoax, and the lamestream media responds with a torrent of fake news about non-existent "scientific consensus." [35] Many scientists doubt the global warming alarmists also.
Melania Trump rejects feminist ideology: she wore black rather than the solidarity red on International Women's Day, and her remarks emphasized equal opportunity rather than the mindless equality of the communism that she grew up under. Her popularity has soared. [36]
Michael Reagan has come out swinging at his brother Ron Reagan, CNN and MSNBC for a controversial TV ad that promotes atheism.[37] See also: 10 problems for atheists.
The Federal Reserve goes against everything the Framers of the Constitution stood for. From George Washington to Thomas Jefferson to Abraham Lincoln to James A. Garfield to John F. Kennedy, Presidents of the United States have tried to regain sound money. [38]
The has-been British House of Lords comes out of the woodwork for its biggest turnout since 1831 to try to hold onto power after Brexit repudiated ceding sovereignty to the EU. [39] Where was the same House of Lords when British sovereignty was being given way?
Google is manipulating search results and selectively applying anti-spam rules to the disadvantage of conservative users. Tests nail them to the wall dead-to-rights. [40]
Claire McCaskill, the Democratic senator up for reelection who is one of the harshest critics of Attorney General Jeff Sessions over his meetings with a Russian ambassador, has been confronted with her own tweets contradicting her claim that she never had met the ambassador. [41]
"TRUMP TWITTER RAMPAGE: Obama Wiretapped Trump Tower During Election" – “This Is McCarthyism!” [42]
Daily Mail on Towergate: "Just a day before the 2016 election, Mensch reported that 'sources with links to the counter-intelligence community' confirmed that a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) had granted a FISA court warrant in October to monitor activities in Trump tower."[43]
First the Obama Administration taps Angela Merkel's phone and now this!
Liberal style: Arnold Schwarzenegger refused to support Trump and now says it is Trump's fault that Schwarzenegger had such awful ratings on The Apprentice, as he announces he's quitting the show. [44]
The Anti-Defamation League now supports defamation in the name of globalism, in their latest workshop for public and private schools. [45]
"Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Thursday blasted House Republican leaders for keeping their ObamaCare repeal and replace legislation under wraps. Senator Paul was not allowed into a room holding the House Obamacare appeal bill." [46]
Trump's television audience for his speech to Congress was 10 million more than those who watched the liberal Academy Awards. [47] The Oscars would do better if they were more conservative.
Liberal logic: Former Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear criticizes Trump's speech and defends Obamacare by saying the following, “I’m a proud Democrat. But first and foremost I’m a proud Republican.” [48]
Donald Trump has instituted a sort of “open-door policy” for the Oval Office, permitting more than a dozen of his aides and assistants to have virtually unfettered access to speak with him.[49]
Barack Obama had a much more restricted and regimented control in terms of access to the Oval Office.
An Arkansas state lawmaker has introduced a bill that would force the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in Little Rock to be renamed after someone else.[50]
The Starbucks Coffee brand has taken a major hit since the company’s announcement that it would hire 10,000 Muslim “refugees” in response to President Donald Trump’s temporary travel moratorium in January.[51]
Trump says this about Nancy Pelosi: “I Think She’s Incompetent ... She’s Done a Terrible Job.” [52] Refreshing, isn't it?
Liberal claptrap strikes out again: "Oscars draw lowest U.S. audience since 2008 with 32.9 million viewers." [53] Guess who hosted it in 2008, drawing even fewer viewers: Jon Stewart.
"President Trump: Oscars ‘Were Focused so Hard on Politics’ They Could Not Get the Basics of the Ceremony Right." [54] “I’ve been to the Oscars. There was something very special missing, and then to end that way was sad,” Trump added.
How civil asset forfeiture violates the Constitution, and how to stop the practice.
Hollywood values: Oscars declare the wrong winner of Best Picture after spending much of the broadcast on tedious, not-even-funny jokes against Trump. [55]
Liberal logic: "Transgender boy wins high school girls' wrestling tournament," completes an undefeated 56-0 record. [56]
"CPAC 2017: Terribly Attended In The Wake Of #NeverTrump Split." Except for a few presentations, CPAC "primarily involved the same slew of #NeverTrump conservatives." [57]
A harsh reminder on how some Americans actually honor abortion with the votes they cast, in or out of the legislature. [58]
"TRUMP Hits Dishonest Media in Opening Remarks at CPAC 2017." [59]
The debate on building a wall is not new. In fact a similar dispute played out thousands of years ago. See Nehemiah for details. [60]
It's the media's job to control what people think says MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski. [61]
"White House Signals Reversal in Transgender Bathroom Policy," overturning another Leftist policy by Obama. [62]
"Trump Was Right: Riots Break Out in Rinkeby, Sweden – Hours After PM Ridicules Trump." [63]
Conservapedia proven right, again: CPAC disinvites the British provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos after criticism here and elsewhere.
More fake news by the lamestream media: "Trump Never Said There Was a Terror Attack in Sweden – Liberal Media MADE IT UP." [64]
CPAC turns more libertarian by selecting the Brit provocateur Milo "Yiannopoulos" (born Hanrahan) as its keynote speaker. [65]
"Melania Trump Recites The Lord's Prayer At Melbourne Rally – CROWD GOES WILD!" [66][67] Despite high humidity, 9,000 packed the airport hangar for the rally.
Break the immigration laws in Mexico, and you're in for the hassle of your life. So what's so unfair about enforcing immigration law in America? [68]
President Trump sums it up: "The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!" he tweeted just before 5pm today. Amen.
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