全 15 件のコメント

[–]Blues_Clues14 7 ポイント8 ポイント  (1子コメント)

I believe it's got to be something with the diet. The amount of processed and fast foods consumed by the average American is absurd. And to be honest we aren't completely sure what actually goes into those foods.

As for the cure, it's got to exist. There's no way in hell that a cure for cancer doesn't exist. It's just that there are too many people in the world. Think of it as a population control. Also, the cure would be sold at an absurd amount. These big pharma companies wouldn't allow it to be available everywhere.

But that's just my two sense (cents?).

[–]Theres_A_FAP_4_That 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I came here to say this my friend... diet.

Recently, I started the paleo diet, or whatever they are labeling it. I eat meat, i try for the grass fed, fish, and vegetables. I drink water, coffee, and some days vodka and club. That's it. The amount of energy I have is insane., my sleeping pattern is better, my just total outlook has brightened.

I always assumed that I would get cancer, since my momd died of it 5 years ago and my dad has it now, but maybe with this new way of living, I can avoid it.

[–]mastigia 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (1子コメント)

I'm not saying your premise is wrong. I would just like to add that our diagnostic techniques and resolution has greatly improved the frequency with which we can detect cancer. So the higher rates of cancer should at least in part be attributed to the fact that we are able to find it sooner when it is smaller than in the past.

[–]paninis4life [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

and people are living longer and not dying of natural accidents, work place accidents, or malnutrition etc.

[–]jimmyb207 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Chemicals...air pollution, plastics we use for food and drink containers, industry waste....

•Pesticides: conventional pesticides used in agriculture, industry, home, and garden, as well as chlorine and other disinfectants, and wood preservatives.

•Industrial chemicals, wastes, and waste byproducts from mining facilities, smelting operations, chemical manufacturing and processing plants, petrochemical plants, and medical and municipal waste facilities. Such facilities release billions of pounds of chemicals into the environment every year.

•Chemicals in consumer products, including building materials, furniture, and food packaging materials, and cosmetics.

•Pollution from coal-fired power plants, automobile exhaust, and other sources.

Cancer is now an industry. The Chemo ghouls who have engineered their bogus "cure" into law are making billions off of this growing affliction of the human race. They, Big Pharma, DO NOT want to cure people in the slightest...just as an automotive mechanic doesn't want to live where the cars never break down.

[–]davisbang 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Cancer is caused by damaged dna. Dna damage is caused by free radicals. Damaged dna instructs the body to create physiologically non-functioning cells in an uncontrolled manner. Cancer cells are metabolically active, consuming oxygen and calories.

Multiple cures for cancer have been found and then systematically buried by the Rockefeller founded AMA. Notably the Rife Ray Beam, discovereby an M.D. named Royal Rife. In a preliminary study at USC medical school, he treated 14 terminal cancer patients who had zero prognosis for recovery. All but 2 were completely cured within two weeks. The other two were completely cured in 20 days.

Rife started a company to mass produce the Rife Ray Beam. He was stymied and smeared at every turn by a conspiracy of AMA and Pharma and was never able to produce the machines and get the word out. A brilliant doctor and researcher but not a brilliant tactician.

Another potential cure is gcMAF. Ever hear about all those mysterious deaths of naturopthic and alternative practitioners? They are all connected by a common thread: All of them were treating patients with gcMAF (globulin containing macrophage activating factor).

[–]Pologrounds 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm no scientist or doctor, but from all that I read about the ability of humans using their own energy to help themselves, I am inclined to believe that the Wim Hof Breathing Method may be an important step towards human self-healing. And cancer, at the cellular level, may be impacted by methods such as this, as opposed to pharma and chemo.

[–]SilverSultan 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Cancer is degeneration of cells. You cant find cure for that. It is like Entropy.....you cant stop everything from falling apart.

But reason why Americans have it so much is because of chemicals in food, and 'for profit' type of life/system. They sell all kinds of garbage and destructive foods to their own people without a problem. Couple that with the design of towns/roads/and cities that are not meant for the one activity that humans are designed for, and their bodies are more efficient both internally and externally when being done regularly, walking. Americans do not walk. At all. Maybes small percentage in big cities does, but outside, there is no sidewalks. Your neighbors in cars will drive by so close as if wanting to scare you off the street. So you avoid walking and being exposed, you get in the car. And you're going to get some icecream.....and there is your other neighbor tailgating you and causing you anxiety and nervousness because he himself has not walked more than to his mailbox for majority of his life. So instead of getting 2 scoops of icecream you get a whole bucket since you are pissed now. People in the icecream place are there, physically, but mentally and emotionally spaced out from the same reasons why you just got the bucket of icecream, so they offer no outlet for your now built up angst.......the problem perpetuates. You are now smoking....and drinking kinda regularly. You feel weak. You see a doctor. He gives you the purple and green with red stripes pills. You are feeling good. Leveled. In your mind. But inside................but inside it is a different story.

[–]redditeditard 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

One is candida. It's an overgrowth of yeast in an unbalanced ph environment. This is the kind of cancer that can be cured by food intake (macrobiotic cooking).

Another is the repercussions of parental vaccine or medicine use, on the genetic level.

Another is chemical and energy environmental exposure, from air, food and water contamination, plus wifi, microwaves, cell phone, etc. Skin cancer can be increased by the ingredients in some sun blocks. Aluminum in beauty products. Artificial sweeteners.

Obviously, we all know that cigarettes cause lung, throat and mouth cancers, but also liver, kidney and bladder!

[–]Hamsterarcher 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Too much money to be made in treatments that have 50/50 chance of sucess. No way would they want a cure for it.

[–]DefNotHillDawg [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Cancer has been cured for 100 years. It has been cured by numerous Drs on many separate instances. One of the best cures that is also the healthiest is vitamin c intravenous. There is also a long history of these Drs being harassed and killed.

Why high-dose vitamin C kills cancer cells. & https://archive.fo/RpTSs https://now.uiowa.edu/2017/01/why-high-dose-vitamin-c-kills-cancer-cells

[–]mesqueunclubsandwich [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Working in a petri dish =/= works in patients though

[–]yellowsnow2 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Dr. Royal Rife claimed to have discovered that cancer was caused by 2 different viruses way before the SV40 contamination... My guess is 1. they have weaponized the cancer causing virus, 2. We are naturally a carrier but do not succumb to it until we allow our immune system to be compromised.