@Bencjacobs @rebeccagberg "former campaign MANAGER....."
@Bencjacobs@PressSec you know what the word "MANAGER" means right? Stop embarrassing the country. Resign. -
@Bencjacobs This is like the press secretary version of just saying eff it and wearing dirty sweatpants on a first date. -
@Bencjacobs In his very limited role as a Russian colluder... -
@Bencjacobs@jonkarl tried to call@PressSec out on this and was told to stop interrupting. This is unreal. -
@Bencjacobs Wow. Even for an administration with a penchant for lying, this is astounding. -
@Bencjacobs I couldn't catch the whole interview. The song "Send in the Clowns" was playing too loudly. Can't they turn it down? -
@Bencjacobs Do these people think that archived social media, photos and interviews just disappear and poof! Manafort is no more? -
@Bencjacobs Clear strategy to distance themselves as noose tightens. -
@Bencjacobs Spicer lies and lies and lies@PressSec -
@Bencjacobs .. when your guilty a lot of things become unimportant, small n limited.. lol -
@Bencjacobs he was the campaign CEO/manager!!! -
@Bencjacobs@LouiseMensch Spicer is just out there to divert attention from Comey, where the Trump administration was being carved up. -
@Bencjacobs The Role... Donald Trump Hires Paul Manafort to Lead Delegate Efforthttp://a.msn.com/01/en-au/BBr2SeW?ocid=st … -
@Bencjacobs@rebeccagberg the comments of separation from manafort, page and stone are a telling sign of what may be coming. -
@Bencjacobs - Yes, he played a very limited role--- limited to contacting the Russians!!! -
@Bencjacobs If I recall, at the time he was brought in the primary was over and he was tasked with influencing convention delegates.