@pattymo @schwalove lollllllll
@pattymo Ironically these people don't believe in evolution -
@Tuscon_Valdez@pattymo their existence provides solid proof against it. - 他2件の返信
@pattymo Jesus. The simultaneous mass-pivotting could shift the Earth on it's axis (y'know, if it wasn't flat of course) -
@pattymo@pattonoswalt Let's see them try to embroider that on a trucker hat - 他1件の返信
@pattymo the chant will be the same except for one word.pic.twitter.com/vZcwAyQLE2 -
@WoodyWoodcaster@pattymo I prefer#PublicExecutionByFiringSquadForTreason It rolls off the tung.
@pattymo the tshirts are gonna be knee length to fit the slogan -
@helloiambear@pattymo nah that'll stretch out nicely over the distended guts of the MAGA crowd.
@pattymo@DireGreenSlime ugh and the screaming louder when you point out the hypocrisy.