@Kasparov63 this is the best characterization I've seen so far. 100%
@Kasparov63 this is what has frustrated me since the beginning.to acknowledge a LEAK is to signify legitimacy.were it a lie, -
@Kasparov63 it would have been called as such, or a rumor.rumors are not matters of national security.lies mean -
@Kasparov63 "this did not happen".something that has not happened can not be "leaked".so by calling it leaks,verification of truth is -
@Kasparov63 implied.if it is verified that someone was doing something wrong, then leaking it is whistleblowing.we have laws -
@Kasparov63 to protect them.
@Kasparov63 Best analogy of the situation. -
@Kasparov63@thecoastalchick EXACTLY!! Thank you sir. Very well put. -
@Kasparov63@erconger Nailed it !!! (GOP also asserting 'it must have been the black guy') -
@kasparov63@marcr1240 They may not like the answer … hint: Look at the guy with the matches….. -
@Kasparov63 And we lived happily ever after, protecting whistleblowers & enforcing ethics laws for the rest of their days. THE END (I WISH) -
@Real_Wordslayer@Kasparov63 Sounds like a fairy tale -
@godsman1994@Kasparov63 Yup. Because it definitely isn't reality. -
@Real_Wordslayer@Kasparov63 I tweeted last week that the only thing not alternative about Trump was his music
@Kasparov63 How many times can I like this? -
@Kasparov63@Marcr1240 Trump's circus Smoke and Mirrors continues - 他1件の返信
You're sounding a lot like a disgruntled Hillary supporter...
@Kasparov63@number9r -
@FinancialPlayer@number9r sweetheart, adults are talking. Run along outsider and play with the other children. -
@PubPolHist I ain't your sweetheart. pal. -
@PubPolHist can't speak for the other guy...