Alpha Protocol Xbox 360

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Mixed or average reviews - based on 68 Critics What's this?

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  • Summary: Alpha Protocol is an espionage role-playing game set in the modern world. Loyalty carries a price and no one knows this more than agent Michael Thorton. A talented young agent cast out by his government, Thorton is the only one with the information needed to stop an impending internationalAlpha Protocol is an espionage role-playing game set in the modern world. Loyalty carries a price and no one knows this more than agent Michael Thorton. A talented young agent cast out by his government, Thorton is the only one with the information needed to stop an impending international catastrophe. To do so means he must cut himself off from the very people he is sworn to protect. As players determine how to accomplish different objectives, the decisions made and actions taken in each mission will ultimately transform the type of secret agent Michael Thorton will become. Every choice the player makes as Michael Thorton will carry consequences for his future and the fate of the world. [Sega] Expand
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 68
  2. Negative: 9 out of 68
  1. The game makes you feel like a real spy, complete with all the research-based legwork. In those respects, there are few games like it. Whether or not you like Alpha Protocol is probably going to depend on your proclivity for spy lore itself. But if you've ever wanted to be a secret agent, you could do a hell of a lot worse.
  2. Alpha Protocol succeeds at being on of the first spy-gaming RPG ever. It's not easy to love because of its poor graphics and clumsy control scheme, but as awkward as some elements feel, it's hard to not get engaged with it in just a few hours.
  3. Many good ideas like the free approach to each mission and the character design and a valid storyline are not enough for this RPG. Alpha Protocol was a troublesome project from the start and that has inevitably affected the outcome.
  4. Alpha Protocol could have been a really good game, easily on par with Mass Effect, but it fails in almost every way.
  5. Alpha Protocol does many things right and succeeds where it count for an RPG but falls short elsewhere.
  6. There are some really good things about this game. Unfortunately they are marred by other aspects of the game which are a technical mess.
  7. Flawed in its conception, impoverished in its design, and thoroughly inept in its execution, Alpha Protocol is an unmitigated disaster

See all 68 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 33
  2. Negative: 8 out of 33
  1. Sep 25, 2011
    Loved this game. I think most criticisms are from people who tried to play this game as a shooter. The dialogue system is the best part of theLoved this game. I think most criticisms are from people who tried to play this game as a shooter. The dialogue system is the best part of the game and I loved the C&C. I wish there would make another game but it appears highly unlikely given the reception this one got. Expand
  2. Jul 31, 2013
    When you expect a game from Sega it's usually another Sonic game. But this is something different. Alpha Protocol is a RPG espionage gameWhen you expect a game from Sega it's usually another Sonic game. But this is something different. Alpha Protocol is a RPG espionage game that holds back stealing from James Bond films. It's completely original through both gameplay and story. A story that would make James bond's fifty year old panties wet.

    You play as Micheal Thornton, a character with no backstory (besides a dossier on who your character is) but has a completely customized set of skill that makes a good point for gameplay progression, but not character. You are set out to find a terror group that shot down an airliner with stolen weapons. But as you start progressing the story you then learn of a company that wants to start a Cold War for their profit. You then set out as a rouge agent to expose them and the secret division of people that work for them.

    Gameplay is the main focus, despite the laggy controls. You basically build your perfect agent and do what you need to do. Every faction of people or certain people you fight or get aided by have strengths and weaknesses that you can read in their dossiers. Like for example: Say you are fighting one of the boss characters and you seem at disadvantage, but then you learn he has some sort of head injury that makes him vulnerable to concussions and that grenades can daze him.

    Cut rate graphics and piss poor controls hurts this game, but if you can look past that you see a game worth a few playthroughs.
  3. Sep 9, 2013
    Splinter Cell turned RPG is the best way to describe Alpha Protocol. In most RPGs it is only your final choices that determine how the gameSplinter Cell turned RPG is the best way to describe Alpha Protocol. In most RPGs it is only your final choices that determine how the game ends, and your in-game choices do not significantly affect how the game develops as you play it. In contrast EVERY choice you make in Alpha Protocol will affect not only the ending but also how the game develops as you play it. Your aiming accuracy is bad at first because you need to level up your skills, your weapons are bad at first because you need to purchase better weapons or new parts. This is kind of what you do in RPGs. In shooters your skills are already as good as they get. In RPGs they are not. Yes the gameplay is linear but how the storyline, characters and scenarios develop are not. The core of RPG is 'choice', not just physical open-world type of choice and appearance customization, but also dialogue choices that affect how the game plays and ends. This game may not have an open-world nor appearance customization, but it makes up for it by having a highly complex and dynamic dialogue system where the choices made will affect your gameplay and the story development in a direct way. It has a highly intricate system of cause and effect, more advanced than what Mass Effect, Fallout and Elder Scrolls have delivered. Alpha Protocol is far from a "simple shooter". Expand
  4. May 15, 2011
    An excellent game on so many levels. A highly reactive storyline unfolding in ways you want (or sometimes ways you don't want) makes it anAn excellent game on so many levels. A highly reactive storyline unfolding in ways you want (or sometimes ways you don't want) makes it an excellent experience. And I will stress the word experience because that is mainly what this is; if just the gameplay had been better it would have been an all-time favourite for me, but it does it's job. Expand
  5. Aug 17, 2011
    When I first heard of this game I was thrilled. Secret agent, RPG elements, choices and action. What could a veteran RPG player want more? ...When I first heard of this game I was thrilled. Secret agent, RPG elements, choices and action. What could a veteran RPG player want more? ... Alpha Protocol nails it on the RPG elements. You have an incredible amount of choices that realy impact the story progression. Actions make your character even develop differently, for example... if you use alot of incendiary grenades, you'll get a perk for them that makes you either better in using them or improve the general stats. But this game also has some serious flaws. The combat is crap, you'll die numerous times just because the A button doesn't command your character as it should, and you'll end in plain sight instead of being in cover. Most of the time the shooting is uncontrollable, as it will make you wish even more you have the automatic targeting from Splinter Cell Conviction. ... ///POSITIVE: Interesting characters who have reputation depending on your actions. - Good story. - Great RPG elements. ///NEGATIVE: Plain graphics. - Weak combat system. - Bugs.. lot's of them. ///CONCLUSION -> Alpha Protocol is still a game any RPG fan should have tried to play at least once, but will mostly knock 90% of the players back towards another game before they even reach the ending. Expand
  6. Apr 5, 2012
    dissapointing spy sim with some boring moments. When it does shine it does not last. this truly is a average game. graphics dull too. Baddissapointing spy sim with some boring moments. When it does shine it does not last. this truly is a average game. graphics dull too. Bad presentation and terrible voice acting. even the choices you make arent really giving u a feel of importance. bad game Expand
  7. Aug 9, 2016
    Alpha Protocol.The good idea turned into a big pile of sh*t.

    Alpha Protocol is a spy RPG.Sounds like a pretty good idea right? Except for
    Alpha Protocol.The good idea turned into a big pile of sh*t.

    Alpha Protocol is a spy RPG.Sounds like a pretty good idea right?
    Except for one thing.....


    The graphics are awful,thankfully the framerate is stable.

    The gameplay is piss-poor,with braindead AI,awful shooting,frustrating puzzles,abysmal stealth,and tons of glitches and bugs

    The sound design sucks too.

    The only good thing about the game is the amount of choice you have in the story.
    But who cares if the gameplay is so bad that you can't be bothered to finish it.

    Overall,Alpha Protocol is an abysmal game.


See all 33 User Reviews


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