Japanese Grammar Guide
This guide was created as a resource for those who want to learn Japanese grammar in a rational, intuitive way that makes sense in Japanese. The explanations are focused on how to make sense of the grammar not from English but from a Japanese point of view.
It is released under the Creative Commons License and is free to copy and distribute for non-commercial uses.
Before you begin
If your computer is not setup to display Japanese, you'll want to enable Japanese support to read the Japanese text.
Other formats
- Paperback - Available on Amazon.
- PDF Version - Philipp Kerling wrote an awesome script to convert the site to PDF.
- iOS app - The guide is available as an iOS app for iPhone/iPad created by Ronald Timoshenko.
- Android app - The guide is now available on Google Play created by Ignatius Reza Lesmana.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- The Writing System
- Basic Grammar
- Essential Grammar
- Polite Form and Verb Stems (~です、~ます)
- Addressing People
- The Question Marker (か)
- Compound Sentences (て-form、から、ので、のに、が、けど、し、~たりする)
- Other uses of the te-form (~ている、~てある、~ておく、~ていく、~てくる)
- Potential Form
- Using する and なる with the に particle (~[よう]になる/する)
- Conditionals (と、なら、ば、たら)
- Expressing "must" or "have to" (~だめ、~いけない、~ならない、~ても)
- Desire and Suggestions (たい、欲しい、volitional、~たらどう)
- Performing an action on a relative clause (と、って)
- Defining and Describing (という)
- Trying something out or attempting to do something (~てみる、volitional+とする)
- Giving and Receiving (あげる、やる、くれる、もらう)
- Making requests (~ください、~ちょうだい、~なさい、command form)
- Numbers and Counting
- Casual Patterns and Slang
- Review and more sentence-ending particles
- Special Expressions
- Causative and Passive Verbs
- Honorific and Humble Forms
- Things that happen unintentionally (~てしまう、~ちゃう/~じゃう)
- Special expressions with generic nouns (こと、ところ、もの)
- Expressing various levels of certainty (かもしれない、でしょう、だろう)
- Expressing amounts (だけ、のみ、しか、ばかり、すぎる、Amount+も、ほど、さ)
- Various ways to express similarity and hearsay (よう、~みたい、~そう、~そうだ、~らしい、~っぽい)
- Using 方 and よる for comparisons and other functions (より、の方、stem+方、によって、によると)
- Saying something is easy or difficult to do (~やすい、~にくい)
- More negative verbs (ないで、ず、~ん、ぬ)
- Hypothesizing and Concluding (わけ、~とする)
- Expressing time-specific actions (ばかり、とたんに、ながら、まくる)
- Leaving something the way it is (まま、っぱなし)
- Advanced Topics
- Formal Expressions (である、ではない)
- Things that should be a certain way (はず、べき、べく、べからず)
- Expressing the minimum expectation (でさえ、ですら、おろか)
- Showing signs of something (~がる、ばかり、~めく)
- Formal expressions of non-feasibility (~ざるを得ない、やむを得ない、~かねる)
- Tendencies (~がち、~つつ、きらいがある)
- Advanced Volitional (まい、であろう、かろう)
- Covered by something (だらけ、まみれ、ずくめ)
- Advanced proximity of actions (が早いか、や否や、そばから)
- Others (思いきや、がてら、あげく)
This work is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License.