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Wheelchair Juice PhD
comedy, parody, trolling, and juice from a wheelchair. I think I just scammed myself. I also take shits for recreational purposes. JUST BOUGHT ENTIRE DASH BOOK
Wheelchair Juice PhD 6 分
I love how the noobs in the Trollbox make statements on behalf of 'whales'. You couldn't whale if Green Peace unbeached your margins.
Wheelchair Juice PhD 12 分
Wheelchair Juice PhD 23 分
There's a 34 USD arbitrage gap on . and for once it's not your mom's cunt.
Wheelchair Juice PhD 24 分
. Should forever stop writing. They see a few of my big trades and they write entire articles of garbage. Fuck off
Wheelchair Juice PhD 32 分
bitches better prep them margins -
Wheelchair Juice PhD 40 分
While you sit there and get your margins popped like your moms bent back after I take your BTC, you're still reading MY Twitter.
Wheelchair Juice PhD 43 分
I love the ip ban by Twitter. I have many static addresses though. Thanks.
Wheelchair Juice PhD 53 分
Nice volume you have there :P
Wheelchair Juice PhD 56 分
This is where I kill the clowns "trading" -
Wheelchair Juice PhD 57 分
Wheelchair Juice PhDさんがリツイート
Wheelchair Juice PhD 58 分
Tell this noob he ain't seen shit .
Wheelchair Juice PhD 58 分
Tell this noob he ain't seen shit .
Wheelchair Juice PhD 1 時間
Let me know when you know as much or more than me about what the fuck it is I do all day and night.
Wheelchair Juice PhD 1 時間
I hope you're enjoying your losses as much as I'm enjoying your silence.
Wheelchair Juice PhD 1 時間
Get wrecked
Wheelchair Juice PhD 1 時間
Once I'm done taking your BTC, I'm coming for your mind.
Wheelchair Juice PhD 1 時間
is going to 0 and so is . Get fucking wrecked you noobs. The Market Has Spoken.
Wheelchair Juice PhD 1 時間
And you think you can beat me? I who am made of three gods?
Wheelchair Juice PhD 1 時間
How you like me now?
Wheelchair Juice PhD 1 時間
String Theory, bitch
Wheelchair Juice PhD 1 時間
I have 4D WORLDS!!! - animation 1 - animation 2 -
Wheelchair Juice PhD 1 時間
I have rotational systems that the world doesn't even know exists.
Wheelchair Juice PhD 1 時間
I see everything. I move everything.
Wheelchair Juice PhD 1 時間
I have real-time 3D & 4D trading models.
Wheelchair Juice PhD 1 時間
No system is more advanced than mine. I'm FASTER than . Machine Learning algo and ALL arbitrage systems in use.
Wheelchair Juice PhD 1 時間
I trade in 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D,
Wheelchair Juice PhD 1 時間
I create and destroy entire economies
Wheelchair Juice PhD 1 時間
Wheelchair Juice PhD 1 時間
Wheelchair Juice PhD 2 時間
I have the most advanced system in the entire universe.