I love hearing Europeans who have 85 different fascist splinter groups in their country's parliament tell me how US politics are fucked up
"MY country of Nazicollaboratoria has only had 50 coups d'état in the last 100 years, we have a lot to teach you about political stability"
@Trillburne please remain clothed, calm and not lobster red -
@LakeMistake the redness is flowing out of me in the form of jokes -
@Trillburne nobody is gladder to hear it than me imo
@Trillburne I wonder what we would have if we had proportional representation. Probably dozens of "pro-life" parties in Congress. -
@stanleyrogouski yeah. and probably lots of ethnic/regional interest parties, like India has.
@Trillburne *extremely Europeans voice* My blood and soil -
@cushbomb@Trillburne Euroskeptic Conference On Whether Bulgarians Are Full Human Or Just Ethnic -
MEP member Joosters von der Blumpkin proposes awakening the kraken in the Mediterranean to dissuade asylum seekers.
@JokeLvr@Trillburne -
@cushbomb@Trillburne Heinz Schompholer investigates whether it is possible to deport people who's grandad fucked an Algerian woman in WWI
@Trillburne@firescotch “You Americans are so racist, shame on you.” <five minutes pass> “It should be legal to set gypsies on fire.” -
@Dr_Memory@firescotch I once had a conversation with a Belgian where he told me America is racist & all Africans have small brains -
@Trillburne@firescotch that lines up depressingly with my experience
@Trillburne at least we dont invade every country with a disagreeing muslim government and destabilize it -
@jonitherossi Europe took over almost the entire world not too long ago -
@Trillburne well Europe is not a country and the EU has never offically declared war on anybody if u mean nazigermany that was 80 years ago
@Trillburne say what you will about SHRA but they have a damn good family leave policy -
@Trillburne Well. We have Fuckface Von Clownstick. -
@Trillburne@theshrillest Italians elected Mussolini's granddaughter to parliament, no joke - 他1件の返信