To everybody here who thinks that this wasn't a big deal other than being a silly misstep for Rachael....
This was an absolute F'ing disaster for Rachael Maddow, the Democratic Party, and the Media.
Firstly Rachael is already getting universally panned by the right, left, and middle for this stunt. It made her archrival look like an honest, contributing, HIGH-taxpaying member of society. He paid the taxes of
2,714 American citizens put together.. Previously I thought he wasn't releasing his tax returns because as
Hillary Clinton repeatedly insinuated that he paid zero in taxes due to shady accounting.
but now we know that the media, HC, Maddow, and anybody who has ever mentioned his taxes just looks like a lying propagandist. Psychologically it makes it more believable when he says people are out to get him. And you know what? He's right. People are out to get him, and will do absolutely anything to make him look bad... I've been lied to about this man repeatedly, and now I'm getting pissed.
For the entire democratic party, this revealed the truth that the candidate they put forward, HC, blatantly lied about her opponent not paying any taxes. It also just straight up takes the wind out of their sails. The next time a (D) Congressman or whatnot has a valid criticism, it'll be compared to this disastrous benchmark. That's why democrats tonight are getting frantic emails and phone calls from advisers late tonight not to say a damn word about Trump's taxes tomorrow when they get to the capitol, and probably not anything else for a good solid week or two either. And most likely, this childish stunt by Maddow will mark the very day that guaranteed 8 years of Trump presidency, instead of 4.
To the degree that you consider left-leaning outlets like MSNBC, or right-leaning outlets like Fox to be "media", well this makes ALL of American media them look ridiculous by occupational association. I guarantee you tomorrow morning that CNN just won't be able to help itself either, and it's front page will be plastered with OP-ED pieces railing against Trump somehow over this, but of course they'll give them their normal Trump treatment and make the "OP-ED" label on these pieces hard to see like they always do (causing many readers to mistake these opinion hit pieces are officially sanctioned legitimate news articles), further reinforcing the popular public opinion that CNN, which for the last 20 years has been regarded as the most pure example of professionalism, has finally jumped the shark to go join MSNBC and HuffPost over on the left. If they haven't already, because let's be honest... No matter what side of the aisle you are on it is clear to all that CNN has
destroyed its integrity first over-publicizing Trump to sell more ads, and more recently eviscerated it's own self by CLEARLY slandering him thinly disguised yellow liberal journalism. To let you now how I personally feel about that? I can't even pick up a F'ing newspaper anymore and know if I'm reading fact or fiction. The way this was handled by CNN and their left-leaning allies completely obliterated the dissemination of honest truth and reporting in this country.
Most importantly, this was a disaster not just for those 3, but for the American people. This whole thing raises enough issues, that every single American needs to take a look in the mirror and admit that most of us are acting like total buffoons over the 46th President (including Reddit).
For the love of God, this has officially now gone too far. This story, this sub, the way we've discussed this election AND the resulting presidency... it's just not OK any more. It's distracting from real issues, nobody's getting anything done, everybody is getting more divided by the day, and everybody is looking more idiotic by the day. So, can this just be over now?
It doesn't matter which way you voted, at this point in time anybody who wants to keep up with this Joseph Goebellian-style attacks on Trump is just making us all look, feel, and act badly. We're making America lose. Frankly, I think that THIS is a good time to shut the sub down as well. For the love of God It's time to support YOUR president and by extension your country, not keep tearing it apart.
- RIP Journalism
- RIP Maddow
- RIP Democrats (at least until 2024, thanks to behavior JUST LIKE THIS)
EDIT: That alphabet thing, you know.