For freedom to endure, we must defend it. Join
@mindyfinn and me as we stand up for democracy and liberty in America.@StandUpRepublicpic.twitter.com/V6rXD3ulfz -
Kellyanne again makes plain what most Americans already understand - this administration is unconcerned with facts and truth.https://twitter.com/NewDay/status/841286231065534465 …
0:24 -
Evan McMullinさんがリツイート
When do the free Russian language classes start?
Evan McMullinさんがリツイート
White nationalism isn't just some political debate. It violates the Constitution and everything America stands for.https://twitter.com/evan_mcmullin/status/841001260971089922 …
GOP Congressman
@SteveKingIA promotes the un-American ideas of white nationalism. Will any Republican congressmen condemn his bigotry?https://twitter.com/SteveKingIA/status/840980755236999169 … -
A blink test for former conservatives: who do you support in this fight?pic.twitter.com/nsvS6AZ9il
Nothing better than a pro-Russia conspiracy theory to expose delusion of
@seanhannity,@rushlimbaugh &@AnnCoulter.http://www.businessinsider.com/sean-hannity-wikileaks-conspiracy-theory-cia-hacked-2017-3 … -
Evan McMullinさんがリツイート
WH reluctance to approve sub-cabinet appointees has effect of giving WH staff outsized role/influence over understaffed departments/agencies
Evan McMullinさんがリツイート
Gen. Michael Hayden: I believe "WikiLeaks is acting as an arm, as an agent, of the Russian federation"http://snpy.tv/2nfFfAD
Evan McMullinさんがリツイート
Russian and US "conservative" groups now backing the same nationalist-populist parties in Europehttps://twitter.com/nytimesworld/status/839234983504007171 …
Evan McMullinさんがリツイート
#pt: I & many other#Syria watchers call upon#Turkey to put aside politics & allow@mercycorps & other NGOs to continue their good work. -
Evan McMullinさんがリツイート
The White House will not provide evidence for a claim Trump made on Twitter for which he has requested an investigation
An investigation of such a significant matter done appropriately would exceed the regular resources of the standing intelligence committees.https://twitter.com/Evan_McMullin/status/839210264130109441 …
Have Congressional intel committees hired more staff or received supplemental funding for investigations of Russia's role in our elections?
Evan McMullinさんがリツイート
Trump sits in the White House with access to unlimited information yet he lies about an easily verifiable fact.https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2017/03/07/youll-never-guess-who-tweeted-something-false-that-he-saw-on-tv/ …
Evan McMullinさんがリツイート
People that love winter seem mentally unstable.
Evan McMullinさんがリツイート
#NotesFromUnderTrump, Day 46: I could not agree more strongly with this passage from@jendaskal: https://www.justsecurity.org/38425/ongoing-dangers-revised-immigration-eo/#more-38425 …pic.twitter.com/6cShMF6CUN -
Evan McMullinさんがリツイート
Why is Trump having a meltdown? Because with Sessions recusal, he is no longer shielded from a real investigation.http://atfp.co/2mxRHyJ
Evan McMullinさんがリツイート
D.C.’s toughest gig: Defending Donald Trump http://politi.co/2lVEr3q oh puleez. I have no sympathy for people who lie to enable a liar
Evan McMullinさんがリツイート
Important, because Trump's ranting about TV shows only distracts the media. Conspiracy BS can also cripple the government. As intended?https://twitter.com/Evan_McMullin/status/838849977661140992 …
Evan McMullinさんがリツイート
@jaketapper: The people around Trump who are enabling this, ask yourselves, are you really serving the President and the American people?pic.twitter.com/zcYzPNsIK1