i agree. Whatever imagination allow, is what originate from the singularity. God exceed the parameters of imagination. He had placed our soul into this vessel of consciousness, and we are here to experience life. It is a choice, and it is a spiritual journey that will enrich your soul. at the end, nothing really matters. It is all about what we choose, and how we grow through the love of God. God gave us understanding. How can I understand, yet, others choose not to?
life is like a game of chess. It is simple. chess is all about the protection of the king, and the potential of the pawn! all the other pieces and space, is just to create chaos. It is from this chaos, that the opponent gain a chance to win, if not, white will always win.
as a Christian, i use the talent that God had given me. I can use my imagination, not because He want to limit my understanding, but because He know, that I will find Him around every corner of it:)
I cannot limit my understanding to not knowing, not believing, not to be brave,and to waste a life of hiding the truth under my bed. The light cannot be hidden within your imagination. If it is there, you know about it, else, why do you deny?
I read my Bible with my imagination, and the message of God had opened itself, because i don't limit my understanding to what others want me to believe. If God had created me with an imagination, then this is how we will meet. This is where i rest my soul. and this is what i know:)