What is a ‘Pussy Pass?’
By-and-large, it is defined as Women receiving preferential treatment, mostly in courts of law, to men by merit of being Women. Previously, this sub was focused on channeling outrage towards the phenomenon which, as laudable as that is, was ultimately wasted effort. We opposed the symptoms of a disorder rather than identifying and addressing the root concern which is, in my opinion, rooted in the gradual decay of Pan-European Culture.
What does the word “Chivalry” generally imply?
Now, it is largely considered as an archaic and misogynistic way to treat Women. Historically though, Chivalry was marked by its stress on several tenets all of us ought to find virtuous: bravery, military skill, generosity in victory, piety, and courtesy to women.
“Courtesy to women” is the most important and relevant aspect of Chivalry in regards to the “Pussy Pass” phenomenon. Specifically, this courtesy entails “Duties to women.” This would contain what is often called courtly love, the idea that the knight is to serve a lady, and after her all other ladies.
Most especially in this category is a general gentleness and graciousness to all women. As the Middle-Ages faded we saw Chivalry evolve into the gentlemanly culture of the Modern Era and the politeness of our fathers, grand-fathers, and great-grandfathers in which women were treated gently and with respect and, for the most part, has been the foundation of European families and romantic relationships for hundreds of years.
The recent (post 1950s) perversion of European Culture by academics and media started with attacks on the nuclear family and typical gender dynamics. Women were encouraged to become more “like men” in order to combat what they describe as Patriarchy, in the current year that has been specified to be White Patriarchy, and Men were largely treated as objects of contempt by feminists and academics.
Typically, that’d be where we stop and has even been a contemporary talking point. The idea that Feminism killed Chivalry in a sort of Marxist gender revolution is one that is anecdotally popular in my University and prominent within somewhat mainstream social justice circles such as Slate or Salon.
More importantly, however, I would identify socialism as one of the many facets of by which Cultural Marxism – and Globalism in general – operates. The goal of many globalists is one, indiscernible, muddied blob of brown people with no distinctions to divide them and no history with which to identify.
One of the first steps to achieving this goal is by attacking the Nuclear Family which Feminism has done a remarkable job of in European nations. White people have exceptionally low rates of Birth since the rise of Feminism and Social Marxism and that in turn has allowed globalist leaders to justify the mass immigration of people of totally alien cultures to their countries.
Imagine, for instance, if Israel had millions of people settling its nations after the Jewish way of life was attacked for decades – it would be disastrous.
It’s not only Europeans and Pan-Europeans harmed by this recent development, though. The African-American community is notorious for its single-motherhood and devastated family life. The meme “Democrats are the real racists” is rooted in the reality that the State has attempted to replace Fathers and ruined generations of stable Black families in a bid for a more “equal” society that views any differences in races as undesirable.
Nationalism is, besides an awareness of one’s race and people, the one thing that Globalists hate more than anything and one thing that should be pushed for across all races.
Why are you drawing distinctions between races, Estalia?
Because, we have different interpretations and manifestations of what might constitute the Nuclear Family by merit of our different Cultures. Is family life the same for a Japanese family and a British family? Culture is downstream from Race so a general reversion to the traditional culture of any given people would be preferential to forcing a globalized, soulless, ideology down people’s throats.
The Left loves to decry the evils of Colonialism for its disintegration of local Cultures by attempting to force the European model on the natives yet seeks to do the very same thing for every people on Earth with what they deem to be acceptable: the cultural Marxist doctrine.
They don’t seek to do this in the same manner as the mercantilist Europeans, though. They intend to do so by blending people to the point of being indistinguishable in order to, ostensibly, end racism and promote ‘global equality' (if we choose to believe the more huminitarian reasons). The issue with this, then, would be the loss of what makes people so interesting in general – different cultures; one might call it true diversity.
Picture, if you would, a paint palette. Should the colors be blended they become boring, an indistinguishable blob of little actual substance. Why should the Yanomami people be forced to use the same model as Europeans? Why should Europeans be forced to accept the propagation of an alien culture within theirs? Why should White, Black, or Hispanic Americans accept the racial animosity being perpetuated by the media and ‘activism’ groups interested only in fanning the flames in order to see the White dominated American-society fall? In whose interest is the destruction of Human diversity?
Why is it relevant?
Why did I give the history lesson and Globalism spiel? It’s the premise behind one simple argument: engendering similar changes in other people's cultures around the world will only lead to similar strife for them. The phenomena of the Pussy Pass is a Western manifestation rooted in the historic idea of Chivalry that has echoed down generation to generation for hundreds of years.
We treat women gently in an era where they have been used by Globalists as a weapon against their own people. That the Pussy Pass happens is a travesty and is made doubly poignant when we consider that it signals back to an era where Men and Women lived, largely compatibly, with one another without a gender war perpetuated by academics and the media.
The expansion of this sub to include Nationalism and Racial identity is an attempt to bring notice to the root cause of the Pussy Pass issue: the disintegration of traditional, European, values and the abuse of the lingering memory of Chivalry.