@realDonaldTrump @robdelaney I'm gonna vote for this asshole!!
- 他1件の返信
@realDonaldTrump@alexpriest hahahahahaha -
@realDonaldTrump where is@GroverNorquist when one needs it??? GOP = joke -
@albravob We are not fighting. He has verbally stated his support for the pledge--no net tax hike, reform gov to cost less.
@realDonaldTrump Why should anyone pay more? We should repeal the 16th Amendment and pay no income tax.@KarenDeVere2 -
@A_M_Perez@realDonaldTrump that's a great thought, and in a dream world I agree. How do you propose to pay for the federal government? -
@KarenDeVere2 Easy. Cut off all unconstitutional federal spending. It amounts to more than income tax brings in.@realDonaldTrump
@realDonaldTrump wants the hedge fund guys to pay higher taxes, No more special loopholes for "carried interest". Love it!!#Trump2016 - 他1件の返信
@realDonaldTrump you are such a blessing,you will bring back what our forefathers promised,power to the people,not the tyrants! -
@realDonaldTrump Go Trump 2016. We love you! -
@03be8ac6d79c4a8#realDonaldTrump Why not just vote for Bernie "tax the rich" Sanders!? Their policies are same.#TrumpaLumpas#clueless -
@NHTeaParties trump is a man sanders is a liberal little pussy.Same as im sure. Anyone who is with sanders is part of the problem in America -
@03be8ac6d79c4a8 Their positions are the same so either one is a problem esp Trump being a sociopathical liar to boot#DumpTrump
@realDonaldTrump "Make the rich pay more!" Typical Democrat slogan. -
@Queen2Five@realDonaldTrump This is true. I don't like it. I'm sick of hearing class warfare from Dems. Don't want to hear it from Repub. -
@RealTrumpfan@Queen2Five@realDonaldTrump << Is not a Republican!!!!
@realDonaldTrump I have a question if I may, what do you think of flat tax and take away all the loopholes, so everyone pays the same % -
@RealDJSlash@realDonaldTrump he said it in his book. 1 5 10 15% of income based on salary. No tax breaks. No loopholes. -
@shroomboi3@realDonaldTrump Honestly I think it should be the same rate all the way across the board. Why punish for success -
@RealDJSlash@realDonaldTrump if the lower earners are taxed less they have the chance to become higher earners. Making more tax revenue -
@shroomboi3@realDonaldTrump But isn't that "punishing" success? Cut the loopholes and rich are going to pay more anyway. -
@RealDJSlash@realDonaldTrump I see your point but that's why I say nobody pays more than 10% why pay more than even God asks of us 2 men? -
@shroomboi3@realDonaldTrump I am with you on that. I think if it was a flat 10, or even 15% tons of companies would bring jobs back here. - 他6件の返信