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Gender Critical is a subreddit to analyze gender from a critical perspective. We are a feminist and women centered community. This is a place to think critically about gender, the erasure of lesbian culture and the appropriation of women's spaces. In short this is a place to discuss feminism and womanhood without fear.


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  1. Comments that are not conducive to a women-centered environment will be removed and users may be banned. Some examples of this type of behavior are: denying biological reality, using the words "cis" or "cisgender," and denying women's lived experiences.
  2. Be civil. Remember that you can always walk away from an argument. Using slurs such as TERF or tranny will get your posts deleted and you may be banned. Please do not call others bigots for disagreeing with you.
  3. Trolls are not welcome. If you are new to gender critical feminism, we ask that you view some of the resources in our sidebar before asking for clarification on basic ideas to prevent accidental concern trolling.
  4. No COINing (Co-Opting Intersex Narratives) or racist appropriation of Indigenous "Two-Spirit" people.
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created by Gender_Criticala community for
submitted by natashA_Ahsatan
I saw all this stuff on his Twitter and Insta.
  • So brave for coming out here!
  • I like that you want to live a more authentic life!
  • Love the new name!
But if he was really oh so brave and authentic,
  1. Would he really have to spend 90 minutes out of his busy day covering himself up with heavy makeup, gaffs, breast inserts, and cleverly-designed clothes that distract the eye from his male body?
  2. Would he really have to take synthetic hormones, and throw away his fertility and male strength in favor of A-cup breasts and soft skin?
  3. Would he really have to change his name and pronouns, when in reality no one would know whether to call him Sir or Ma'am?
  4. Would he really have to risk his life for cosmetic surgeries later on?
  5. Would he really rather be the caricature of a woman than the authentic man that I used to like him for being?
Couldn't he just dress how he wants and skip the rest of the "transition"?
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there doesn't seem to be anything here
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