Let a gal on the internet express a little doubt, concern, uncertainty, lonliness, disappointment, fear, anger, etc, and one thousand and one male dalmations pop out of the woodwoork to soothe her trouble spirit and offer to assist anytime in any way possible. Let a man be seen standing on the ledge, ready to jump into the afterlife, and the crowds stop, stare, and tell him to get on with it. Evolution had programmed our neural computers to place high value on females, the cradle of embryonic life, and the font of mothers milk. Men build and destroy civilizations, but their seed is of little relative value compared to an egg. One sexy gal on YouTube paid her way through college by selling her eggs at $10,000 per harvest. Come to think of it, we men could pass along our DNA at a sperm bank. $50 bucks for 200 billion sperm. Not much per sperm really. Not like $10,000 per egg.
[–]LibraryGuyMGTOW 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (0子コメント)