I haven't had TV in over 4 years now. But I like to check out some shows online for the cringe-factor. If you sign up to my5 website with a throwaway email (no need to have a real address) and check out the Shock Docs: Gold Digger and Proud.
A bunch of very average looking women openly using men for their money. And they're dumbasses (the women). Utter fucking morons. No conversational skills whatsoever. They sit down to the meal he paid for and spend half the time taking selfies. One even gave the guy a list of shoes she wants.
But it's the men I'm more angry with. Take Mark (the "dj") for example. The man seems to actually take pride in having women use him. But every time he goes on a date with a woman she uses him and blows him off. He tries to get them to stay on some ski trip cottage with him, so maybe in the enclosed space he might get some. And it's so sad. This is the result of believing you can get rich and get the women. You end up a sad old desperate man, giving out Rolex's, bags and shoes in the hope you can eventually get some from these vultures.
If I ended up extremely wealthy I can think of a boat-load of things I'd rather be doing than trying to entertain a gold-digger. Pussy ain't worth all that.. Especially not my dignity.
[–]Specialist-Sham 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント (1子コメント)
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