@LouiseMensch @wikileaks A friendly bird dropped this into my DM's https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001538109899 …
@LouiseMensch@OpFerguson@wikileaks Excellent job. Destroy WikiLeaks. I'll gladly help. -
@ThinSkinTrump@LouiseMensch@OpFerguson@wikileaks Yeeeaaaaah, lets destroy the only reliable news source left. -
@Tullibardine@ThinSkinTrump@LouiseMensch@OpFerguson@wikileaks Since when is an agent of the Kremlin a reliable news source? -
@BoiGal2@Tullibardine@ThinSkinTrump@LouiseMensch@OpFerguson@wikileaks since they've had a 100% accuracy record? -
@BoiGal2@Tullibardine@ThinSkinTrump@LouiseMensch@OpFerguson@wikileaks anybody that's taken the time to look at what they publish? 1/2 -
@Nanfoodle_eve@BoiGal2@Tullibardine@ThinSkinTrump@LouiseMensch@OpFerguson@wikileaks Agenda-driven bias in selectition='accuracy'? -
@Skinny_lips@BoiGal2@Tullibardine@ThinSkinTrump@LouiseMensch@OpFerguson@wikileaks not being wrong about what you publish = accuracy. - 他6件の返信
@LouiseMensch@OpFerguson@wikileaks hopefully we won't have to wait a month for mainstream media to pick up on this@maddow@chrislhayes - 他1件の返信
@LouiseMensch@OpFerguson@wikileaks fantastic stuff -
@LouiseMensch@OpFerguson@wikileaks Wikileaks backup Files: https://wlstorage.net/file/ -
@truthsp3ak@LouiseMensch@OpFerguson In here under feb 2017 folder named icwatch tons of thumbnails of ic, military ppl? -
@lulu_lemew@LouiseMensch@OpFerguson Under icwatch/ they have files full of info on US persons employed at DHS & FBIpic.twitter.com/UD0dy8a5Yy - 他1件の返信
@LouiseMensch@OpFerguson Has he deleted his LinkedIn account?pic.twitter.com/mJCqjX0dRA -
@ValeryOnFire@LouiseMensch@OpFerguson right after the first tweet about finding him -
@Evan_Halperin@ValeryOnFire@LouiseMensch@OpFerguson Wow. Touchy little thing isn't he? -
@anathymadevice@ValeryOnFire@LouiseMensch@OpFerguson the Russian talk a big game until they're caught -
@anathymadevice@ValeryOnFire@LouiseMensch@OpFerguson well looks like it was a glitch, see it nowpic.twitter.com/sHMrZxRDZx - 他1件の返信