全 8 件のコメント

[–]thingseverybodylove 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (0子コメント)

We don't hate single mothers, we have huge respect for them considering they raise their children by themselves. However, we hate those single mothers who doesn't have the composure to stay at home without fucking every man they found online. People, men or women, have to understand that when they are past a certain age, or a certain life stage, their roles are different and they have different responsibilities. I can understand a young girl without children, going out and have some fun, but not if she has a child, as it will set a bad example, not just for her child, but to other single mothers.

[–]801735 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

What's the big deal with single mothers

The(ir) deal is there is no deal.

[–]Benny757 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (1子コメント)

You are talking about your own mom. In general, moms love their kids. So, she loves you. That's good.

Now, you go and find a single mom of a bad boy's kid. You date her, and marry her. You pay for and raise somebody else's kid. You keep it together, the kid graduates, goes to college (which you helped pay for.) Empty nest, she now wants bad boy. You give her permanent alimony, and half of all property. The kid will not love you. The kid will be out of your life.

Welcome to western society.

Don't believe me? Go sacrifice your life to one. And welcome back into the plantation. You will wear your shackles and do as you are told. Else you get the hose again. Report back.

[–]vaultboi111[S] 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'll just take your word for it. I'd slice my neck open before I get romantically involved with a woman.

[–]Lexeklock 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

For me there are 2 types of single mothers :

  1. Those who got pregnant too young because they were "just having fun" or too drunk to think about the consequences...They kept the child because they thought they could chain an Alpha that turned out to be a pretty face with no future prospect.

  2. Those who were married, had kids, got a divorce and took the kids.

The first one is easy to know why its hated : the girl/woman have no idea how the real world works, since she clearly either wasnt responsible enough, or wasnt honest enough , and so she will raise her children to be just like her or worse.

The second one tends to be hated because a man will ask himself this : if she divorce raped the last guy who had kids with her, what will stop her from doing the same to me ??

A divorced single mom could do some effort for her kids and all, but its not about the kids when you are asking why we hate her, its because if you happen to be the guy who will follow up, she will either do the same to you as she did to the last guy, or her kids will be priority n1 and you'll be just a financial support instead of getting an equal shared relationship.

Lets also not forget that many studies have shown that kids need both their parents to grow up in a perfect way and that kids of single parents ( single moms or single dads ) tend to perform less in school, be more agressive, end up with more depressions, get to prison more often and commit more crimes compared to kids raised in a normal family.

All in all, once you take the kids out of the equation, you always end up with...if she did something bad to the last guy, nothing is stoping her from doing it to me and that is why the hate for single moms.

[–]wathon 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

There is anecdotal/exception like your case and then there is the norm.

1)Financial: The statistic is that most single mothers live in poverty making them a drain on the welfare system.

2)Child welfare: Children from single parent family are many times more likely to suffer abuse, under perform academically, and become criminals and single moms themselves, thus continue the cycle.

3)Boy's Mental Health The biggest sin of single mothers is that they don't tell their sons the truth about female nature. Boys raised by single mom have a twisted sense of masculinity, which is why so many rapists were raised by single mom.

4) Dating: When it come to dating, single moms have all the baggage and none of the benefit. Why would any sane man want to get involved in that mess. I'm not gonna go over all the dramas that come with dating SM, but a quick google search will tell you everything because countless other men have written about it.

Conclusion: single motherhood is detrimental to the welfare of society.

[–]boringcarpets 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

No, it's disdain for single mothers who freely got knocked up by chad and expect beta bux to pay, it's disdain for the promotion of this as something 'good' or an achievement, disdain for the shaming language used to coerce men into raising someone else's children, it's disdain for a system that promotes and supports and encourages all of it

[–]calories_for_closers 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Because single mothers cause an immense amount of damage. They tax welfare system by not having husbands, and then go on to continue whoring themselves around thus influencing dating dynamics. They spread their filth to other women, and burden the system with their own mistakes.

What is there to respect? They raised a kid with government assistance? You don't get a pat on the back for dealing with your own consequences / bad decisions (unless you are a woman in Western society, of course.)