@BraddJaffy pay no attention to the man behind the screen
@BraddJaffy So innocuous that he gleefully bragged about what they were going to do before they did it? -
@RockShrimp@BraddJaffy same time when Giuliani was on Fox boasting too? - 他1件の返信
@BraddJaffy Some might call that collusion. - 他1件の返信
@BraddJaffy The SHIT is so deep! When is ANYONE going to be held accountable? - 他1件の返信
@BraddJaffy He was bragging and colluding with Giuliani. Both were in it up to their necks.#TrumpClusterfuck#PutinsPoodle -
@BraddJaffy how did he know who the hackers were to contact them? 1-800-hackers? -
@BraddJaffy Nothing Roger Stone does is innocuous. -
@BraddJaffy@davidfrum Yes, the man w/Nixon tattoos on his back would think contacts w/hackers, like plumbers, is no big deal.@MalcolmNance -
@BraddJaffy@davidfrum@MalcolmNance Don't know many regular guys who hang w/hackers? Conection?Old friend?Son?Tattoo artist?@EvelynNFarkas
@BraddJaffy You know I actually worked at Warner Bros and hit up Kim Jung Un when The Interview came out. Don't worry, it was all chill. -
@BraddJaffy time for Congress to issue some subpoenas - 他1件の返信
@BraddJaffy@benshapiro : "Completely innocuous & perfunctory." Well case closed then. Um but what about -- CASE. CLOSED.#Russia#Wikileaks -
@BraddJaffy treason charges seems to get closer and closer to this sad thing. -
@BraddJaffy everyday the story changes, this whole thing is a massive scam from Russia -
@BraddJaffy Wow. Whatever Rog, that's collusion.