Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

1,876 人が評価
398.972 MB
2016年12月1日 1時22分
3月5日 9時11分
30 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )


"What if Germany had won World War 1?"

The Kaiserreich 4 Team are proud to announce that the most popular alternate history mod for Hearts of Iron II & Darkest Hour has now come to Hearts of Iron IV! Originally thought up by Sarmatia in 2005, the mod has since developed into one of the most in-depth alternate history mods, with thousands of new events, new graphics, new countries (Freistaat Mittelafrika, anyone?) and even new mechanics! Rewrite history (again), but this time in Hearts of Iron IV!
So onwards all and enjoy!

Features present in alpha 0.3 – Eternal Peace:
*An immersive alternative history scenario
*A completely new political system including party popularity effects and stability levels
*Reworked map with new states and provinces
*10 new ideologies
*Thousands of new events that offer a wide range of different possibilities
*32+ new focus trees
*New coloured portraits for country leaders and military leaders
*Tiered system of military and civilian ministers
*Hundreds of new companies and minsters for all countries

Planned features:
*Even more events
*Focus trees for every country
*Overhauled technology tree
*New equipment and unit types
*Unique 3D unit models for different countries

A few words on bugs
The Hearts of Iron IV version of Kaiserreich is still in alpha and yet it already contains thousands of events. If you find a bug which has not been reported yet in the current version, please report it in the Bug Report Thread at https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/kaiserreich-bugreport.985810/ in as detailed a way as possible and we'll do our best to fix it and improve the project further.

A few words on the Hearts of Iron IV conversion
Since HoI4 was released, the KR4 team has been working from every corner of the world to bring Kaiserreich to HOI4. The Alpha of the Hearts of Iron IV version will mostly be a conversion of the DH mod, though there are already differences due to it being a new game. A new political system has been created, as sliders are now gone, and of course focus trees are having to be made. That all being said, fear not, this is still the Kaiserreich universe you know and love!

The optional, but recommended, Kaiserreich Music Mod can be found at:

Countries with focus trees:
Austria, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Brazil, Canada, Carlist Spain, Centroamerica, the C.N.T.-F.A.I., Commune of France, Colombia, Denmark, Dominion of India, German Empire, Ireland, Italian Federation, Japan, La Plata, Lithuania, Mexico, Mongolia, National France, Netherlands, Peru, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Sweden and Union of Britain and United Baltic Duchy.
Though these countries are "done", that doesn’t mean we have stopped working on them, expect many revisions and improvements to come. Also, some countries have more than one focus tree, if you can find it…

Converted countries without focus trees:
AOG, Australasia, Bolivia, Caribbean Federation, Chile, Ecuador, Fengtien Republic, Legation Cities, Ottomans, Philippines, Poland, Shangqing Tianguo, Spain and Ukraine.
Note that not all countries here will get focus trees soon, but we working at doing as many we can.
Thanks for reading, and we hope you enjoy the new Kaiserreich!

- The KR4 Team: ~mw~, Aarn, AllyJammy, Arda, Augenis, Axelius, BattleSarge, Chef Exellence, CulturalMarxist, Dedlift, DoctorPainkiller, Esmaerla, Firefly, Gibzit, Hayro, Kakletron, Kallar, MattTheCzar, Miinda, Mikus, MonarchistKaiser, Mark, Musteline, Nijato, Packard, Phil, Pinback, PPsyrius, Rebi-chan, Selim, Strategia, Tatiana, TheBlackWinds, VincentDN, Wyandotte, Zankoas, Zarasophos and our beloved Kaiserbots!
人気スレッド 全て表示 (122)
50 分前
ピン留め: Bug Reports
Anarcho-Empress Rebichan
7 時間前
What if Germany had lost WW1?
human alien
6 時間前
Kaiserreich MP Game
Sir Rogers
< >
2,439 件のコメント
GODSwedz™ 8 分前 
Munken, du får välja socialdemokraterna med stöd av radikalvänstern i valet 1936, för att sedan få ett event att kunna välja Rappe som ledare.
I love those folks not able to go forward or backward in pages
çhaBür واجب 13 分前 
@Mr. Lactose yes they will ... they answered me
Mr. Lactose 37 分前 
Are you still planning to expand Germany's focus tree?
GODSwedz™ 42 分前 
How do you create factions with all nations? It just says "You can not create faction without having the national focus to do so".
TheRealAsianBoy97 1 時間前 
I became the UK as Canada but I lost all my soldiers and all the mainland territories and puppets I'd made. Can you make it so that Canada only keeps the "Canadian" land when you form the UK?
Donald Trump 1 時間前 
I just avoided the Second American Civil War for the first time. Is this part of .3 update? Also when the USA gets a focus tree where there be a focus where they join the Entente?
Shimoto 3 時間前 
@Munkarnas Herre Let the radical left win the elections, then Rappe will step in to "save" Sweden.
Munkarnas Herre 4 時間前 
Anyone know how the Rappe-coup gets triggered in Sweden?
Zankoas  [作成者] 4 時間前 
@Vseznamus The puppets not peacing out is a bug we are working on, and the one state left after a war is a bug we have fixed, will be pushing a patch with that ASAP