Street artist Plastic Jesus recruited artists to affix signs at construction sites and fenced-off lots around the country that say "Lot Reserved for: Future Interment Camp." Download and print your own
Plastic Jesus posted about the project on
their home page:
Far Fetched?
A few month ago the idea that people would be prevented from traveling to the USA whilst holding the correct credentials would have sounded crazy. Or that people having travelled here legitimately would be detained for no reason and without legal representation. Or that Immigration snatch squads would wait outside schools or public meetings to apprehend people even though their immigration status is currently being processed by the USA government... Not so far fetched now?
Each sign has a QR code lower right for more information about the project. Hyperallergic has a great
gallery of the signs in the wild, including one across from Trump Tower in Chicago.
• Street Artist Marks “Future Internment Camps” Around the US (Hyperallergic)
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Artist Darren Cullen (previously) created the posters, which read, “The crew of our nuclear submarines are on a suicide mission. To launch their missiles means death is certain, not just for them, but for the millions of innocent people those bombs will obliterate, and for the rest of us too.”
Steve Lambert made these LIES stickers which you can download and make yourself, or buy from him. (via We Make Money Not Art)
Agent X and Agent Full Stop are a pair of graffiti activists who call themselves Acción Ortográfica Quito: they sneak around the streets of Quito, Ecuador with cans of red spray-paint, correcting the punctuation, grammar and spelling of the city’s prolific graffiti writers, bringing legibility to boasts, professions of love, and political messages.
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Whether you’re stranded in the Yukon territory after a crash airplane landing or hiding from a Jason impersonator, this handy 5-in-1 Survival Bracelet will provide the tools you need to come out safely on the other side.This 9-inch bracelet holsters a a 10.5-foot long rope for creating fishing lines, making traps, binding rafts or whatever your imagination can conjure. That’s just […]
This is how it happens: the bad guys break into computers, steal all the information, and then Yahoo! sells for a whole lot less. (Comparatively.) After that, white hat hackers are called in to crack the same susceptible networks, evaluate their security, and plug the holes in the digital dam, all for a very cool wage. […]
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