Q: I received some spam from purple.com
A: Please see the abuse page.
Q: Where is the purple?
A: Here
Q: Can buy or lease purple?
A: Buy, no. Lease, maybe.
Q: I like purple! What can I do?
A: You can be a part of the purple
affinity program!
Q: This is really lilac / pink / other, not exactly purple. Could
you make it more purple?
A: No. (What color it appears is also dependent on your monitor and
its calibration.) Actually, the page used to be #DD00FF from circa
1994 until late 2006, resulting in numerous complaints that it was not
quite purple. On 6-Nov-2006 I changed it to #7D26CD based on various
recommendations. It's darker than the old purple, but more clearly
purple. You can compare it to blue here. You
can compare it to not purple here.
Q: Are there any games?
A: You can chase the purple squirrel. He is
animated against a purple background. Click on him to win.
The game restarts immediately after each win,
only the squirrel knows.
Q: How long has purple been here?
A: Since 1994. Here's an old response from
whois when I still used NSI.
Q: This is weird / useless / other.
A: That's not a question.