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24 Days of GHC Extensions
24 Days of Hackage 2013
24 Days of Hackage 2012
All Posts
Announcing transformers-eff
Monad transformers, free monads, mtl, laws and a new approach
Announcing a new set of high-level SDL2 bindings
Another Approach to Default Function Parameters
24 Days of GHC Extensions: Thanks!
24 Days of GHC Extensions: Static Pointers
24 Days of GHC Extensions: Template Haskell
24 Days of GHC Extensions: Arrows
24 Days of GHC Extensions: Scoped Type Variables
24 Days of GHC Extensions: Existential Quantification
24 Days of GHC Extensions: Rank N Types
24 Days of GHC Extensions: Overloaded Strings
24 Days of GHC Extensions: DeriveGeneric
24 Days of GHC Extensions: Deriving
24 Days of GHC Extensions: Functional Dependencies
24 Days of GHC Extensions: Multi-parameter Type Classes
24 Days of GHC Extensions: Type Families
24 Days of GHC Extensions: Implicit Parameters
24 Days of GHC Extensions: Nullary Type Classes
24 Days of GHC Extensions: Recursive Do
24 Days of GHC Extensions: Type Operators
24 Days of GHC Extensions: List Comprehensions
24 Days of GHC Extensions: Rebindable Syntax
24 Days of GHC Extensions: Bang Patterns
24 Days of GHC Extensions: Record Wildcards
24 Days of GHC Extensions: Pattern Synonyms
24 Days of GHC Extensions: View Patterns
24 Days of GHC Extensions: Welcome!
Self-Memoizing HTML Rendering via Mutually Recursive Data Types
Working with postgresql-simple with generics-sop
Announcing engine-io and socket-io for Haskell
A Category for Correct-By-Construction Serializers and Deserializers
A Batch Querying Applicative Functor Without IORefs
Well Typed's "The Haskell Type System" Course
Building data constructors with GHC Generics
Queries in Loops Without a Care in the World
Interpreting Haskell Inside PostgreSQL With Singleton Types
How I Develop with Nix
Announcing tasty-rerun
24 Days of Hackage: Charts and Conclusion
24 Days of Hackage: fay
24 Days of Hackage: profunctors
24 Days of Hackage: contravariant
24 Days of Hackage: web-routes-boomerang
24 Days of Hackage: websockets
24 Days of Hackage: doctest
24 Days of Hackage: unordered-containers
24 Days of Hackage: repa
24 Days of Hackage: time
24 Days of Hackage: acid-state
24 Days of Hackage: async
24 Days of Hackage: pandoc
24 Days of Hackage: heist
24 Days of Hackage: gloss
24 Days of Hackage: sbv
24 Days of Hackage: data-memocombinators
24 Days of Hackage: threepenny-gui
24 Days of Hackage: persistent & esqueleto
24 Days of Hackage: scotty
24 Days of Hackage: extensible-effects
24 Days of Hackage: tasty
24 Days of Hackage: linear
24 Days of Hackage: 2013 in Review
Using indexed free monads to QuickCheck JSON
24 Days of Hackage 2013
September pipes talk
Asteroids & Netwire
Getting Started with Netwire and SDL
A Comparison Between Perl and Haskell
Datatype Generic Programming
Quick and Easy DSLs with Writer Endo
Composing Traversals: A Worked Example of Deriving a Non-Trivial Traversal
24 Days of Hackage
24 Days of Hackage: base
24 Days of Hackage: blaze-html
24 Days of Hackage: configurator
24 Days of Hackage: transformers
24 Days of Hackage: snap
24 Days of Hackage: criterion
24 Days of Hackage: optparse-applicative
24 Days of Hackage: pipes
24 Days of Hackage: haskelldb
24 Days of Hackage: dlist
24 Days of Hackage: text
24 Days of Hackage: EKG
24 Days of Hackage: parsec
24 Days of Hackage: lens
24 Days of Hackage: QuickCheck
24 Days of Hackage: aeson
24 Days of Hackage: containers
24 Days of Hackage: HLint
24 Days of Hackage: errors
24 Days of Hackage: postgresql-simple
24 Days of Hackage: digestive-functors
24 Days of Hackage: Cabal
Announcing Raskell
In Praise of EitherT
NES Does it Better: Building NES
A New Database Abstraction Layer
NES Does It Better: Introducing the New Edit System
Leaving Gentoo
Crowdsourcing Organization
Versioning Multiple Versions of Data in Relational Databases
Sorting Subjective Media Competitively
A Journey of Optimizing Perl
Implementing Factories in Perl
Introducing Magpie: Flexible Test Doubles & Mocking for Perl
SQL: It's Data, Not a String
SoundCloud (experimental)
SoundCloud (older work)
RSS (posts)