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submitted by post4321 to /r/india
The book as you can see is popular among alt-right circle. No wonder then Indians are becoming the early victims of racial attacks under Trump presidency. And, guess what the leader of Indians in the novel is called The turd eater meaning the one who eats shit. Reza Aslan's recent show on CNN where he shows an aghori eating his own waste will only increase the climate of hate and Indophobia.
Stay Safe.
172 comments | >25 [removed] 172% scanned
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[-]conqueror_of_destiny 61 points (7 children)
There are so many of us that if we all spit on them together, their miserable little island would drown along with all its people - Mahatma Gandhi.
[-]desh_drohi 13 points
Some spit facts right there.
[-]HomesickProgrammer 5 points
Gandhi the real OG.
[-]ramukakaforever 0 points (1 children)
Gandhi didn't even do that. Just kept marching around like a hippie
[-]willyslittlewonka 30 points (7 children)
This'll be unpopular with the Hindutva nationalists swarming this thread but if it weren't for WW1/2, Britain probably wouldn't have given us up. We were historically shit at fighting off foreigners anyway, it's not like there'd be another (successful) mutiny.
Anyway, why are the Angrez being bought up on the topic of a shitbag from the US?
[-]Rudraksh77 17 points (4 children)
One of my teachers used to say, half knowledge is infinitely worse than no knowledge. Every day I see people who validate this. Hope you come out of this self loathing phase and achieve everything you are capable of but can't because of this inferiority complex.
About your comment, it's incredibly stupid. It shows how shallow your understanding of Indian history is.
[-]temporarilyyours 2 points
This is very true, as much as it may be unpopular.
[-]won_tolla 1 points (3 children)
About your comment, it's incredibly stupid. It shows how shallow your understanding of Indian history is
I worry about this a lot. Do you have inputs on why the British would have left if not for the empire getting thrashed during ww2? I'd floated this earlier on r/india as well, but nobody really had a convincing answer
Also, thinking that ww2 was the cause for British withdrawal isn't a sign of an inferiority complex, or self-loathing. It could just be half-baked knowledge.
[-]random_account1124 5 points
Do you have inputs on why the British would have left if not for the empire getting thrashed during ww2?
I see a lot of people making the the British left only because of World War 2. To me it seems that either you don't know or choose to ignore the independence struggle leading upto the war. The nationalists had already achieved limited self rule before the war started. The Government of India Act 1935 had devolved a lot of power and introduced direct election though again with limited franchise. But the stage was set for further devolution.
The real game changer was the First World War. It was then that the independence struggle gathered steam. The lack of resources during wartime forced the British to allow Indians to set up industries and once the Indian elites gained economic power they started funding struggles for political power. If the Second World War hadn't happened, India, may be, wouldn't have gained independence in 1947 but to say India wouldn't have gained independence at all is simply stupid. Maybe it would have happened in 50s or maybe 60s but independence itself was inevitable.
[-]the_infinite_jest 6 points (2 children)
Ambedkar ( gives two reasons:
  1. Indian National Army
  2. The British solider wanted disbandment to go back to his civil job
[-]post4321 2 points
This need not be Ambekar. It could very well be another propaganda video.
[-]won_tolla 2 points (1 children)
INA, really? The WW2 INA was long after dominion status was a goal for the empire. Might have hastened it, but I doubt that caused it.
Not to mention that it came to powerduring WW2. And Ambedkar also says that Labor didn't give a fuck about owning India as long as they could trade with it. Dunno...
Great link, though. Thanks!
[-]tankbuster95 1 points
The INA proved that the British Indian army couldn't be trusted as something to perpetuate british rule in India. The RIN and the RIAF also mutinied after world war 2.
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[-]willyslittlewonka 0 points (2 children)
It shows how shallow your understanding of Indian history is.
George Curzon, the former Viceroy of India in the early 1900s said: "As long as we rule India, we are the greatest power in the world. If we lose it, we shall drop straight away to a third-rate Power."
We were extremely valuable to the Brits. Decolonization was one of the things agreed to in the wartime conferences because of World Wars. Anyway, as I stated below, I highly respect the freedom fighters of India and the sacrifices they made, but I very much doubt if the UK were at full power in the 40s, that they would have given up on us so readily.
And our historical track record with dealing with Greeks ('member Paurava?), Middle Eastern, Western European etc invasions has not exactly given me faith that we would have managed.
Keep in mind the West became "tolerant" post WW2. Before that, they had no moral obligation to give a shit about us and if we rebelled, it would have been Jallianwala Bagh 2.0.
[-]Dograge 4 points
And our historical track record with dealing with Greeks ('member Paurava?), Middle Eastern, Western European etc invasions has not exactly given me faith that we would have managed.
Puru was literally one kingdom. A small kingdom in the north-west. The only Indian kingdom Alexander defeated. Past puru's kingdom was Magadha which was THE Indian kingdom at the time. In fact, Alexander's victory over Puru was so phyrric that the prospect of facing a foe monumentally larger than the one they just defeated, was enough to get his soldiers to mutiny. Alexander died on his way back to Greece. But he would have died anyway had he taken on Magadha at that point. Chandragupta Maurya who conquered this same Magadha empire, then proceeded to defeat Alexander's general Seleucus and gain territory from him.
Also, north-west Indian kingdoms had successfully repealed repeated Arab attacks for hundreds of years before they finally lost. You're framing your "historic track record" based solely on losses, without looking at the entire picture.
[-]Rudraksh77 3 points
George Curzon, the former Viceroy of India in the early 1900s said: "As long as we rule India, we are the greatest power in the world. If we lose it, we shall drop straight away to a third-rate Power."
Without a doubt, we were valuable to them. And this is exactly how it went down. The lesson to learn here is probably if they had treated India and Indians better then the empire may have lasted longer. Today they are a third rate power and they have themselves to blame.
We were extremely valuable to the Brits. Decolonization was one of the things agreed to in the wartime conferences because of World Wars. Anyway, as I stated below, I highly respect the freedom fighters of India and the sacrifices they made, but I very much doubt if the UK were at full power in the 40s, that they would have given up on us so readily.
No empire became great without the approval and participation of its peoples. Indians demanded full freedom in return for helping the british while they only agreed for dominion status. Even then, UK understood it would be impossible to hold on to India after the war, when 2 million Indian soldiers returned home while the civil disobedience movement had already clipped their wings. That was just the reality, just like how when the british entered India the mughals weren't at full force but in fact declining and the marathas weren't a full force either, but had just gained control over most of India. This feud left a huge vacuum in large swathes of the region, but it didn't happen just like that but after intense warring for decades. In fact, the whole islamic occupation was a centuries-long war so I don't see your point about war being alien to India or the local populations not having fought back. The british gained control because they exploited this ideological feud but it was not possible without local support. In fact, most of the soldiers that did the conquering across India were other Indians. Apart from that, I don't think it was possible for britain to win the war without Indian contribution and support and the price to pay for their own freedom, was to give us ours. It was a fair trade IMO, and it united us as Indians. Otherwise, we may have been a set of warring kingdoms again after the british left. Instead, we chose democracy and a social revolution. It's nothing to be ashamed of.
Keep in mind the West became "tolerant" post WW2. Before that, they had no moral obligation to give a shit about us and if we rebelled, it would have been Jallianwala Bagh 2.0.
True, but they were incredibly susceptible to criticism as they masqueraded as "civilized", while we were demonized. Gandhi was the perfect nemesis against that propaganda. The empire knew how to deal with someone who wielded a gun, just throw enough Indians under the bus and they would eventually win. What they did not know, is how to deal with someone without a gun. They hated gandhi and his guts. The man who stood up against the entire might of the empire and exposed their hypocrisy once and for all. He did it and asked to be arrested, and millions stood behind him. How do they kill the ideology without being equated to the nazis? They didn't have an answer to that.
[-]arz93 -2 points
It's a realistic view, not a self-loathing one. Try looking at it from the perspective of a non-Indian.
[-]deva_p 5 points
World war was one of the many contributing factor. If you want to point out nuance in our history don't paint with broad brush.
There were many factors, including increasing difficulty to carry on activities in face of movements like 1942, dwindling profits, growing international pressure.
Because if you look at countries in Asia and Africa that are ruled by British, India was one of the first to get independence, but others did get it later.
[-]honest_wtf 1 points (1 children)
That doesn't take away the freedom struggle that happened during that time.
Sigh jab apne log hi ek dusre ko izzat nahi karte aur giraa rahe hai toh Steve Bannon log zaroorat ki nahi..
[-]willyslittlewonka 1 points
No, it certainly does not. I have the utmost respect for Indians that stood up against the brutalities of European colonialism. I just don't see how the UK has anything to do with Steve Bannon, a man from a completely different country. It wasn't pertinent to the topic at hand.
[-]redweddingsareawesom 1 points
Gandhi role in the freedom of India is widely overestimated and his role in the unification of India is widely underestimated.
[-]Lorextus 1 points - [removed]
Except we fought off Muslim invaders for 500 years before they finally won. So no, we we were not "historically shit at fighting off invaders".
Secondly, you're correct that the British left because WW2, but you're deluded if you think many people don't know this. Hindutva nationalists are perfectly aware of the circumstances under which the British left. Read the RSS leader Golwalkar's book, he admits that the freedom struggle was a failure on most counts.
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[-]Glorious_Comrade 1 points
The only problem is that we'd disagree on the finer details and start spitting on each other instead.
Like randia. I thhuuthhuu all you guys.
[-]another-dumb 1 points
Its lokmanya Tilak not Mahatma Gandhi
[-]sniffs_ur_boobies 0 points
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[-]Not_a_kulcha 37 points (1 children)
Well duh, it's steve fucking bannon. What do you expect from a guy like that? And this is not specifically about Indians, he and his nazi-pals put non-whites/coloured under same umbrella to justify their philosophy.
The real problem will arise when his philosophy becomes institutionalised. That shit will take all of us back to at least 100 years.
They are disgusting to the core. As disgusting as our neighborhood's manu-smriti-following casteist unkil.
[-]throwaway_ind_div 1 points (2 children)
i get your point but isme manusmriti unkil laane ki kya zaroorat thi, kabhi to mann se kisi aur ko criticize karo bina diplomatic compensation in other direction to appear fair
[-]phone_throw12 2 points
i get your point but isme manusmriti unkil laane ki kya zaroorat thi
Bcoz the fundamentals are same and infact they are no where near the casteist bigots here
[-]artingence 1 points
He did the right (as in correct, not as in Hindutva) thing.
[-]TemptNotTheBlade 45 points (3 children)
Sounds quite like the Biharophobia and UPophobia you see in R/India . Many here have advocated nuking those 2 states.
[-]balajiiyer 33 points (3 children)
Iam a mallu and I will tease BIMARU because it is my BIMARU.
BIMARUS can call me gelf money commie and i will take it in good spirit.
But dont tread on us together.
[-]coldsnapped 6 points
Man that actually made me smile. Unity in diversity!
[-]TemptNotTheBlade -5 points (1 children)
Iam a mallu and I will tease BIMARU because it is my BIMARU.
The kind of stuff posted here cannot be considered teasing in any way. Unless you consider the stuff in the book referred to in the article as teasing.
[-]redweddingsareawesom 6 points
Agree. Restriction of movement of BIMARU state citizens, forced sterilizations, cutting central budget allocations to these states effectively allowing them to starve etc. Hardly "teasing".
Teasing is making sardar jokes or mallu jokes. The BIMARU hate here is casual genocide advocation.
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[-]morigulis 13 points (1 children)
Some claim that BIMARU is a dominant political entity which tries to impose its language and culture upon other states,others claim that BIMARU is full of shameless criminals who deserve to be slaughtered.Whom to believe saar?
[-]won_tolla 2 points (1 children)
Why not both?
[-]temporarilyyours 1 points
Indeed, why not...
[-]Brownhops 8 points (2 children)
Many here have advocated nuking those 2 states.
Hyperbole much? Though I do agree with the general sentiment you're going for.
[-]TemptNotTheBlade 20 points (1 children)
Hyperbole much?
Nope. I have actually read it here.
[-]Brownhops 3 points (1 children)
Links please
[-]bhiliyam 11 points (1 children)
Those comments are usually removed when they get reported, so I guess his claim is unprovable unfortunately. I can vouch for seeing them too, if that counts for anything.
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[-]kulchanaan 4 points - [removed] (1 children)
You should visit backch0di. But it all evens out there as all the states are equally shat upon there. Except for north east states. They are ignored everywhere.
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[-]lightbrownsemisolid 28 points (7 children)
What do Hindu Trump supporters feel about Hindus getting shot at and abused in the US? Ab ki baar Trump sarkaar?
[-]the100rabh 29 points (1 children)
New slogan for them
Abki baar khud ki maraa li yaar
[-]bane_4u 15 points (1 children)
Abki baar Amerika ke bahar
[-]temporarilyyours 2 points
Abki baar so sorry saar
[-][deleted] 8 points (3 children)
[-]o_OO_oo_OO_o 18 points (4 children)
Hahaha. Lives in fear of persecution but supports right wing.
[-]lightbrownsemisolid 8 points (1 children)
prosecution persecution
[-]o_OO_oo_OO_o 1 points
yes. thanks.
[-][deleted] 9 points (2 children)
[-]o_OO_oo_OO_o -6 points (2 children)
Well then nothing wrong in getting shot also. Thing is you can't have some of that and some of that, you want America "great" again you will get rednecks breathing down your neck for being Indian. Read some history.
[-]anpk 17 points (2 children)
I think you are purposely misrepresenting OP. He's clearly mentioned that though he's right leaning for free trade but he doesn't support Trump and his supporters.
Calm down with your rhetoric.
[-]Roy_Mustang2 11 points (3 children)
I don't think you can be fiscally conservative but not socially conservative. Fiscal conservativism when followed to its conclusion results in rigid hierchies and a class of super rich who will inevitably do everything to protect their status. Thus social conservativism is required to maintain fiscal conservativism. They live off each other. Being a moderate is the only cure. You can ask for cuts in government spending in sectors where it's not effective but wholesale fiscal conservativism is different
[-]seriously_chill 1 points (1 children)
I don't think you can be fiscally conservative but not socially conservative.
Iow, Classical Liberalism doesn't exist. Interesting.
[-]Roy_Mustang2 1 points
Does any economy in the world actually subscribe to classical liberalism?
[-]anpk 1 points (1 children)
I don't think you can be fiscally conservative but not socially conservative
Every one is entitled to their policy choices.
[-]Roy_Mustang2 5 points
They are. I am just pointing out a cognitive dissonance.
[-]o_OO_oo_OO_o 2 points
I am saying that's not possible, you can't have it both ways.
[-]bane_4u 4 points
Bada gazab ka chutiyapa he ye.
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[-]vivek2396 2 points (2 children)
It's bs statements like these that drive the slightly right leaning people further down the spectrum.
He clearly said he will never align himself with Trump and their supporters adn what they advocate. Atleast fucking read before commenting.
[-]o_OO_oo_OO_o 1 points
And you read the history and tell me when have this ever worked, you can't f***ing vote for someone because he promised 1 good thing 10 bad. Have some common sense.
Here, I will give you example for your childish mind - A leader gave 2 statements -
1) "Immigrants are bad, they are taking our jobs.
2) "We will make the economy stronger, everyone will be rich here."
If you are immigrant and you just voted for him because of statement 2 and ignored statement 1, you have to be a really dense idiot to do that.
[-]o_OO_oo_OO_o 0 points
You don't f***ing vote "partially" your vote is counted as one, have some goddamn common sense people.
[-]derp_trooper 3 points (1 children)
Persecution has got nothing to do with right wing in general. More people have died due to left wing dictators in recent history.
[-]Lakuri_Bhanjhyang 11 points (1 children)
No one dies because of left or right wing. They're nothing but economic principles.
People die because of authoritarianism on both wings.
Hitler was ultra right wing, Stalin ultra left wing, both authoritarians, both killed people.
[-]derp_trooper 0 points
Usually collectivist economic policies lead to authoritarianism.
[-]Indian_Nazi -4 points (1 children)
don't be a fool. Trump is in power now. If you live in the US, better suck up to him ...
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[-]muthera 5 points
He hates muslims,thats enough for them
[-]mujhe_kuch_kehna_hai 1 points
Shalabh Kumar would not have expected this when he was endorsing Trump as the best friends of Hindus. But I do have a question was America always like this or has it just increased and more public under Trump ? I think it is the former.
And where are those people in India who were celebrating his victory ?
[-]LA-Throwaway7 1 points (1 children)
My cousins are American. I have asked them and they do not know a single Hindu Trump supporter. I'm sure they exist, but they are rare.
[-]ribiy -8 points (3 children)
If Trump isolates Pakistan and stops support and funding, it's an acceptable cost.
Not that Indians weren't attacked earlier or that Trump would really isolate Pakistan.
Besides the other option of Hillary wasn't great either. Maybe it was for American women and American minorities but not for India and Indians back home. If she was elected, each time she would have helped/funded Pakistan, I would have asked here "how do Indian Hillary supporters feel now"? And I would have said that feeling smug and superior.
[-]lightbrownsemisolid 10 points (4 children)
How many more dead Hindus in the USA would you say is an acceptable cost?
[-]Roy_Mustang2 9 points
Don't argue with the wannabe Machiavellian. Everyone is a Machiavellian until the mob turns on them
[-]won_tolla 3 points
I was going to type out a whole study, but honestly it's too tedious to bother. Fill in the blanks yourself.
T <= (H - L) x P
T: Hindu deaths in Trump's America
L: Dollar aid for Pakistan that Trump will provide in his term
H: Dollar aid for Pakistan that Hillary would have provided over her term
P: Pakistan's efficiency in converting US dollars to Hindu deaths (note for calculations: only Hindu, because you're a horrible person)
H and P can be estimated from prior figures. L needs to be seen. And T - 2 is your answer for how many more dead Hindus.
[-]the_infinite_jest 2 points (1 children)
The attacks aren't a matter of policy. Also, while each attack is deplorable, we must look at historical figures to say that current trends are worse than before.
[-]lightbrownsemisolid 3 points (1 children)
4 people of Indian origin (Hindu/Sikh) were shot at within 2 weeks, with 2 Hindus dead. I think this is unprecedented.
[-]the_infinite_jest 0 points (1 children)
I think this is unprecedented.
It may well be. But do we know for sure? That's all I am saying.
[-]lightbrownsemisolid 1 points
a quick Google search for attacks specifically against indians shows the dotbusters, but even they seem to have actually killed only one person over a period of 5 years.
[-]_dexter 1 points
You mean dead non Hindus are ok?
[-]ANALBANDIT-69 2 points
Do you think that Trump is against Pakistan? He hasn't even applied the travel ban to them.
[-]nigerianprince421 2 points
What do you exactly mean by isolation of Pakistan? And why do you think Trump is going to do that?
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[-]miguel-styx 14 points (2 children)
This is the guy that believes in 'Judeo-Christian capitalism'. Yeah, when you shoehorn religion into an economic system, I can't take you seriously.
[-]nigerianprince421 6 points (1 children)
'Judeo-Christian' is a neologism. It was invented after WW2 to show solidarity between Christians and Jews. The same 'Judeo-Christian' Europe killed millions of Jews during 1940s. To say nothing of immense persecution of Jews by Christians during the past millennia.
The term serves a purpose today. But when far-right gangs use it to bash others it's just lol. Perhaps West will come up with 'Judeo-Christian-Islamic-Hindu-Whatever' civilization after yet another genocide.
[-][deleted] 1 points - [removed]
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[-]Roy_Mustang2 8 points (2 children)
Capitalism is tied to Christianity. The Protestant work ethic is responsible for he industrial revolution. Chirstian doctrine is responsible for creation of capitalism. Quite a lot of academia subscribes to this theory
[-]nigerianprince421 8 points (2 children)
China, almost entirely non-Christian, and the biggest industrial power today said hello. Quite a lot of propaganda subscribes to the Weber's 'Protestant work ethic'.
[-]balajiiyer 4 points
It is more about invention of democratic capitalism.
It goes like ancient Greeks-roman empire-Christianity.
Then world moved to secularism but still artefact's of roman empire and Christianity is everywhere in the modern world.
For eg: roman columns in white house,roman calendar, representative democracy, promised land theory in business management ,British constitution and thereby its influence on Indian constitution etc etc.
[-]Roy_Mustang2 3 points (1 children)
China only became an industrial powerhouse after the 1970's after opening up and adopting Capitalistic ideas. So the argument could be made that capitalism spread to China as a result of interaction with western powers. I.e. China copied the west.
[-]nigerianprince421 8 points (1 children)
But China's certainly not Christian, is it? The point is you don't need Christianity to adopt Capitalism and succeed in it. And capitalism has existed for thousands of years before. Scientific and industrial revolution is what West achieved first. But it's hard to say that Christianity caused it. May be there is a connection. May be there isn't.
[-]Roy_Mustang2 1 points
No capitalism is a relatively new phenomenon with the birth of the Protestantism. Primitive societies were socialistic .
Nobody is saying you need to be a Christian, just capitalism has its origins in Christianity, specifically Protestant denomination. Most of academia do agree that Christianity is the origin of capitalism. It could be wrong as you say. But the theory is widely accepted.
[-][deleted] 2 points (1 children)
[-]Roy_Mustang2 1 points (1 children)
There is no proper balance to any religion. Conflict is always at the heart of all religions. Tolerance is only when religion is improperly followed.
[-]artingence 1 points
Tolerance is only when religion is improperly followed.
[-]enry_straker 5 points
What else do you expect from a racist?
Were you immune to his BS when he was spouting his nonsense at breitbart?
Did you wake up and smell the racism only when the word indians are involved?
Why do you think the world is reacting so badly to the trump presidency?
[-]fookin_legund 3 points (1 children)
The plot of The Camp of the Saints follows a poor Indian demagogue, named “the turd-eater” because he literally eats shit, and the deformed, apparently psychic child who sits on his shoulders. Together, they lead an “armada” of 800,000 impoverished Indians sailing to France. Dithering European politicians, bureaucrats and religious leaders, including a liberal pope from Latin America, debate whether to let the ships land and accept the Indians or to do the right thing — in the book’s vision — by recognizing the threat the migrants pose and killing them all.
The non-white people of Earth, meanwhile, wait silently for the Indians to reach shore. The landing will be the signal for them to rise up everywhere and overthrow white Western society.
[-]entropy_bucket 2 points
The irony is that this exactly what the white man did to India and Africa.
[-]deville05 3 points
But I do agree.. Migrant invasion will destroy western civilization. Sweden and Germany are all ready getting fucked.
[-]koshyg15 3 points
Steve Bannon is a racist what did you expect ?
[-]RfrankieR 2 points
It's only about to get worse. The western countries have always had us vs them mentality that is why genocide, colonization happened. In the future todays percieved liberal newspaper & western liberals are going to be foaming at the mouth to criticize the country too. Just like they do now with Russia or China. No doubt about it.
It's important to just focus on the road ahead.
[-]SilentSaboteur 8 points (2 children)
Bannon being a white supremacist is not really news.
What do you think of the CNN show ? Does it misrepresent Hindus/Indians - should it not be broadcasted ?
[-]the_infinite_jest 3 points (2 children)
Reza Aslan was called an Islamic apologist by Ali Rizvi on the Joe Rogan Experience.
[-]slappymcnutface 1 points
most people really don't understand what reza aslan is saying.
there is no such thing as a muslim - there is no divine authority which declares "YOU are a muslim, you are NOT a muslim, YOU are a muslim..."
just like everything about our human reality, our words are subjective and only convey personal belief and meaning. for example, we can debate in endless circles what it means to be "tall" but at the end of the day nature doesn't care if you're TALL or not, it only cares if you're tall enough to reach the fruit on the tree, or too tall to fit under the box.
the idea that you can define anyone as "authentic" muslims or not is patently absurd. you think think people are muslims or not, but thats a personal belief.
so just as ridiculous as it is for one sect of Islam to say another sect is NOT-Islamic; it is just as ridiculous for anyone else to say that terrorists are "fundamentalists muslims".
[-]SilentSaboteur [score hidden]
Screw Azlan. I don't agree half the things he says on Islam, most of which are defensive. His version of Islam is a convenient one. Eg. His wife is a Christian.
Conservative Muslims would have to get their wives to convert to Islam and they'd be oppressed for life. Azlan on the other hand is a sort of modern Muslim. Additionally he cherry picks examples of peaceful Islam, while leaving out the harsh and brutal realities.
[-]post4321 13 points (3 children)
Does it misrepresent Hindus/Indians
Yes it completely misrepresents hindus and does so at the most sensitive time.
[-]torvoraptor 3 points (1 children)
[-]torvoraptor 4 points (1 children)
The show is about Aghoris, does it claim that all Hindus are cannibals or do people have a problem because the average trump supporter is too stupid to tell the difference?
[-]ribiy 2 points (1 children)
Gabbard's tweets address this issue. One might chose to disagree however.
[-]torvoraptor 0 points
It sounds like she's doing what I call 'randi rona'. No specific callouts - just bullshit.
[-]Gandmasti123 1 points
When people like you believe that all Christians are child rapists, all Muslims are terrorists. Why are you bothered if the west believes that Hindus are shit eaters?
[-]SilentSaboteur -8 points (2 children)
How ? Are Aghoris not Hindus ? Does it say that all Hindus are Aghoris ?
You think that the racism against brown people is going to subside if this episode is not aired?
[-]bhiliyam 24 points (1 children)
In an episode on Hindus of total airtime of ~45 minutes, he spent 15 minutes on the harms of caste system and untouchability and 30 minutes on Aghoris, with at least 15 minutes of that spent showing Aghoris eating flesh, drinking piss, flinging shit etc. How is that not a misrepresentation?
[-]SilentSaboteur -9 points (2 children)
Maybe because everything else about Hindus is known?
[-]bhiliyam 21 points (1 children)
Are you kidding me? The average westerner knows jack shit about Hinduism.
They don't even have the right frame of reference to understand Hinduism, since their experience of religion mainly comes from exposure to monotheistic, Abrahamic religions.
[-]SilentSaboteur -5 points (1 children)
Well that episode is a good way to start.
[-]bhiliyam 9 points (1 children)
What episode?
[-]SilentSaboteur 1 points (2 children)
CNN show
[-]bhiliyam 1 points - [removed]
[-]bhiliyam 6 points - [removed]
[-]relf358 3 points (1 children)
No, it's not. Most Westerners know nothing about Hinduism.
I mean, it's not that showing Aghoris is bad, but he neglected like 99% of mainstream Hindu practice...the festivals, daily pujas, etc.
It's like my showing you a video about the People's Temple (of Jonestown fame) and calling it an informational on Christianity.
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[-]GoldPisseR 2 points
What the fuck?Focusing on one tiny and rather ugly aspect of a religion isn't misleading?
[-]budbuk 4 points (1 children)
umm.., so us and trump's administration are not bhai-bhai anymore? Scene kya hai?
[-]GoldPisseR 3 points (1 children)
Trump isn't a bhai to his own brother.
This was never about Trump's friendship, it was about sharing common enemies.
[-]entropy_bucket 1 points
This truer than you think. I think there was a story of him refusing medical care for a child in the family.
[-]libed 3 points (2 children)
The other side in US is no better. They just have a more sophisticated mask. I really see no difference between democrats and republicans. The same democrats act like they care for environment but forced India to bear the burden of their 200 years of carbon emission. The same democrats were not ready to give up IP rights of solar for India. There are no friends of India in NATO.
[-]Not_a_kulcha 1 points (1 children)
Whataboutism mein doob ke maroge ek din. Why would you even bring up democrats while this discussion has nothing to do with them?
[-]libed 3 points
Whataboutism mein doob ke maroge ek din. Why would you even bring up democrats while this discussion has nothing to do with them?
Because it is about them. It is to make an argument for support for democrats instead of republicans.
[-]Indian_Nazi 4 points (1 children)
Why republicans hate hindus: Brown/non-bible loving/ economically successful.
Why Democrats hate hindus : Patriarchal/Religious/Strong family/small votebank.
[-]libed 6 points (1 children)
Patriarchal/Religious/Strong family/small votebank
Nope. Hindus are less patriarchal than majority of muricans as well as democrats. The whole superiority complex of democrats is based on false premise that west is good at social things whereas it is worse at all levels. The democrats hates hindus because they love to look themselves as superior beings ready to judge others.
There is no difference between them for me. Just that democrats are more sophisticated like BBC is.
[-]Indian_Nazi 2 points (1 children)
patriarchal than majority of muricans as well as democrats
I guess I wanted to say "family oriented "
[-]libed 2 points (1 children)
I guess I wanted to say "family oriented "
Huh. Stop making excuses for democrats and their pseudoliberal supremacist behaviour.
[-]Indian_Nazi 1 points (1 children)
I am not making excuses I actually agree with you that both parties hate Hindus.
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[-]arz93 2 points
alt-right logic:
America nearly cleansed of natives by whites = A-okay!
Non-whites coming to America so they can work and pay taxes = OMFG WHITE GENOCIDE
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[-]MrJekyll 0 points - [removed]
Describing India/Indians as it is, is not racist.
[-][deleted] 1 points - [removed]
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[-]ManuChit 1 points
Old book. Today Middle Eastern and North African immigrants take all the limelight.
[-]Unmukth 1 points
You raise interesting points. But here is the alt-right counter: "YOU ARE A CUCK"
[-]sestre 1 points
[-]Fiestalemon 1 points
This is another thing that people are taking way too seriously. The book is horrible, no doubt, but the premise of the story is that western empathy will cause people to stall and be taken advantage of by other people coming into the country in mass. Bannon didn't even say he liked the book, he just said that the inaction of Western governments to address mass refugee migration is similar to the Camp of Saints.
[-]s_trength 1 points
It's nothing to be arrested, and the marathas weren't for WW1/2, United Kingdom probably wouldn't have an answer to that.
[-]nuc22 1 points
No wonder American people opposed his selection as Chief Strategist. Even Saturday Night Live (SNL) right dress his spoof character as Grim Reaper.
[-]mclarenf1GTR 1 points
Someone call the hindu republican coalition.
[-]GoldPisseR 1 points
The frustrated failures of the west need a cause or a target to channelize their anger on.
Brown people seem like the obvious recipients of their social debauchery. Failed in everything?Blame the curry immigrants.
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[-]Indian_Nazi -9 points (1 children)
I don't like banon but he is running US now. So we need to negotiate/deal with him. Regardless of how much he hates us.

Humiliation is the price the weak must pay.

[-]Glorious_Comrade 15 points (2 children)
For a self-proclaimed neo-nazi, you're a fucking pussy. No wonder Trump's been grabbin' all you fuckers.
[-]6732402 14 points (1 children)
Nazi vs Comrade. This is fantastic lol
[-]conqueror_of_destiny 1 points
"The baltic fleet is on stand by, comrade, for the Rodina!"
[-]Indian_Nazi -4 points (2 children)
lmao I'm not a fool. Why would I go up against a nuke armed nation that literally controls all naval maritime routes and has NATO to back it up +UNSC veto + NSG support + rules WTO/IMF/WB. Better to strike a deal with US.
and Trump and Bannon run the US .. atleast for the next 8 years.
[-]Glorious_Comrade 4 points (1 children)
Man, T_D shill and concern trolls in disguise are spreading across reddit like the pox spreads amongst unvaccinated children: unchecked and disruptive. Go back to your containment sub. We're all vaccinated here in randia against disruptive edgy political tactics.
[-]sojana 1 points
Lal SelamTM
[-]6732402 2 points
I dunno, strike a deal without humiliating yourself?
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