Appeal type: portal removed
Portal: Silver Spring
Lat/Long: 34.947799,134.428063
Link to the portal:,134.428063&z=17&pll=34.947799,134.428063 Reason/Comments: Because there is portal in the place where it is not allowed for a commoner to enter in the research facility which is not opened to the public, I would like deletion of the portal.
Portal: Silver Spring
Lat/Long: 34.947799,134.428063
Link to the portal:,134.428063&z=17&pll=34.947799,134.428063 Reason/Comments: Because there is portal in the place where it is not allowed for a commoner to enter in the research facility which is not opened to the public, I would like deletion of the portal.
- Can an employee of the facility reach the portal?
Access to everyone is not a requirement. Private Business are considered legitimate.
Only Private RESIDENTIAL Property is excluded .2 週間 - You must submit your claims via the scanner as an invalid portal; when NIA Ops rejects your claim (and they will), then you can post your appeal here with justification and screenshot of the rejection email.
Not rejection, no appeal.
Now, to your claim this portal is inaccessible. Portals are accessible to those with a valid reason to access the property/air base/campus/etc, as is those with a valid reason to access the Google campus and access those portals. Hence the seemingly weird rules for portals, so Google can keep theirs.
If I go to the Google campus in Mountain View at night, the security team asks you to leave - sometimes very forcibly. Is that safe access? If I go there with a Google employee, then all is fine. Same for any other controlled facility/property. In the Ingress TOS there is language for agents to not be a dumb ass. If they attempt to access areas where they have no business being in, it is them being a dumb ass.
There are many places with portals that you need approvals for beforehand: nudist colonies, state and federal facilities, commercial enterprises, etc. Many of these are special rules for visitors, but for employees or residents different rules apply/enforced. Also note that you can get permission to take photos on a military installation - as well as any other prohibited action or item can be approved, if you are willing to jump through the hoops and wander through all the red tape.
Also RTFM:
and see Google+ post by Sean “Vire5cent” Anderson - Extracted from in relation to those people...
You do not like the situation? Then enlist/join the organization, recruit folks from said organization, or submit portal candidates around said location. Bitching and complaining is not productive, will get you nowhere, and does not reflect well on your status as an agent. Please stop beating this dead horse.
Again, you have to come to the realization that you will not be able to interact with every portal out there in the world. Life is not fair, the game is not fair (#calvinball) learn how to deal or use to your advantage. Check your privilege agent - put on your big girl panties and deal.2 週間