@Totalbiscuit ........ I just. Why? -
@Totalbiscuit this tweet is amazing -
@Totalbiscuit I feel like this is some sort of british sexual innuendo. -
@Totalbiscuit that's what she said -
@Totalbiscuit "Good rub of the meat this morning." Not a good choice of words on Twitter. -
@Totalbiscuit My inner ainsley hariott is burning right now -
@Totalbiscuit ooooh my -
@Totalbiscuit There are so many super easy jokes to make at this one moment mostly because we're all 12. -
@Totalbiscuit Didn't know I was following Ainsley Harriot. -
@Totalbiscuit I know that wasn't supposed to sound like an innuendo, bu-ut... -
@Totalbiscuit i start every morning off with a good rub of the meat.