Trump fumes at staff yesterday. When things aren't going well, Trump never shoulders blame. …
@maggieNYT Sounds like psychological abuse. -
@smocca@maggieNYT exactly. He's an abuser. Ask any advocate. It makes me sick we've excused this. -
@lec_mae@smocca@maggieNYT wonder if he was abused as a kid? Not making excuses. Can't stand him but have to wonder... -
@DJackino@smocca@maggieNYT he has characteristics of the cycle of abuse. No 1 gets to be 70yrs old & that needy w/ out prior circumstances -
@lec_mae@DJackino@smocca@maggieNYT True, but don't care -
@Sparklepuff2 you can recognize that it may be part of the reason why he is the way he is w/ out excusing it. He's still a harmful human -
@lec_mae True but don't care. Remediation not possible. Conscience non-existent. Behavior goes back at least to German grandfather. -
@Sparklepuff2 not saying anyone should care. He's dangerous and harmful. He won't change. - さらに表示
@maggieNYT But who gives@realDonaldTrump all the time-outs he needs?#TrumpRussia#RussiaGate#PutinsPuppet#SAD - さらに表示
@maggieNYT was this reported during the campaign? -
@jsimon414@maggieNYT that anecdote is a frightening look into his mind
@maggieNYT If you get the chance, please tell Trump we hate him because of him. (Tho, we also hate many of his aides.) - さらに表示
@maggieNYT Donaldo it is YOU who inspires the hate & it is YOU on whom our ire is focused (not your minions who have sold you their souls) -
@murphtag@maggieNYT No, anyone pledged to T doesn't deserve a pass -
@Sparklepuff2@murphtag@maggieNYT including Melania. And I don't care who will attack me for saying it. -
@emceekayvee@Sparklepuff2@maggieNYT Mel's smart to stay in NYC cuz he'll be sent back there soon enough anyway#TickTockImpeachmentClock
@maggieNYT This isn't how a normal adult behaves. I know that's obvious but it still feels like someone should say it once in a while. - さらに表示