I keep seeing this narrative: "Oh, Atlanta has a vicious network of bitter haters that has illuminati-esque powers to keep queens down, and they are cranking it up to 11 when it comes to miss Nina"
How does that even make sense? Is that the way things work where you come from? Is there one all-powerful gatekeeper to the shows where you live that can just shut down the dreams of proto-queens? Are roving packs of friends that just High-School-Mean-Girl hate a particular queen able to get her blacklisted from all the gigs in your city?
The thing lots of people living in Atlanta keep saying is "yeah, she's got some talent, but she is no-where near as talented as she thinks she is... and whenever she went to a competition or an amateur night she got real fucking pressed whenever she got criticized, didn't do a thing to improve her deficiencies, and got flushed out in round 2 or 3. She'd then rush home to be nasty about whomever told her to her face that her shit stunk..."
Atlanta has a bunch of drag bars with a spray of shows happening all nights of the week with varying levels of talent. Hell, the varying levels are advertised: Some bars on some nights are cover free amateur nights, others are $20 entry on a Monday and delivers on some amazing queens doing being magical unicorn angels. Atlanta also has a basket of drag pageants and a RPDR-esque competition each year with the top four essentially getting full booking to a show for the next few months in the hopes . I only knew Nina was from Atlanta because I saw her a couple of times when she went through Dragnificent but lost early. Most people from Atlanta didn't even know she lived nearby. That's how little we saw her. She talks mess but hasn't done much beyond live-feeds and instagram photoshoots. Now she's taking the golden ticket and burning bridges.
So the people in Atlanta who have seen more than her instagram for the last couple of years are reacting their usual way seeing her do her usual thing (behaving awful after getting called out over and over and over again for being shady AF): adopting the "don't let the door catch your padding on the way out" attitude since The Rest Of The World is willing to eat up her "nobody in my hometown groks me" shtick. We're more than willing to let her go be Some Other Town's problem.