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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

A collective of people engaged in pretty much what the name suggests


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Tags: leftism (CLICK HERE FOR MORE LEFTIST 8CHAN BOARDS), politics, activism, news

File: 4d8cdd03b0063e2⋯.jpg (266.15 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, 2r8rtsg92hjy.jpg)


We got another one, comrades




let him lie there tbh


So much for the tolerant left :DDDD


Look at those spooked classcucks helping him I bet those class cucks never even read stirner


>literally every fight that breaks out at a political march is an assault where the person on the left* is the unprovoked aggressor and the person on the right is the innocent victim

>not right-wing media spin

I'm sure he was just standing there and an evil liberal ran up and maced him for wearing the hat



>I'm sure he was just standing there and an evil liberal ran up and maced him for wearing the hat

I'm pretty sure thats exactly what happened, thats what antifa stands for lol.




I remember last time at Berkley a girl got maced for wearing a "make bitcoin great again" hat while doing an interview, but you're right im sure the LE TOLERANT LEFT would never sneak attack someone that they perceive as the enemy unprovoked



Being a geriatric shouldn't be a shield.

In fact, targeting old shitheads like him should be encouraged. Once their generation dies the world will be a better place.


I just love seeing white getting beat up gnome sayin n shiet fam?

Fuck Trump and fuck white people



Yes, that wonderful world where people randomly assault the old, the frail, and the sick we are all working towards.



Back to /pol/ classcuck




the dude on the ground was apparently screaming at protestors and daring them to attack him.

I don't care if he's elderly, he was literally asking for it.



Keep pearl clutching



Proof that an-cap are actually just antisocial and have nothing to do with the kind of justice leftism seeks to achieve.



Stop acting like a psycho.




Dude, see >>1442176

Old faggot had it coming.



man, you sure are shedding a lot of tears for a shithead old man


Gotta beat up more old white class cucks tbh


I laughed at the pic of the old guy on the ground because I hate the elderly, I DO NOT condone political violence!

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