@VicenteFoxQue straight up! We have a paranoid ego maniac in the WH. Only a federal judge can order a wire tap!
@toysnyder97@VicenteFoxQue but of course@realDonaldTrump wouldn't know that bc he's not educated. He's just a used car salesman -
@deltoro01@VicenteFoxQue@realDonaldTrumpand a poor one at that my friend!
@toysnyder97@VicenteFoxQue@realDonaldTrump you're right! He only sells to the uneducated who unfortunately don't know or understand -
@deltoro01@toysnyder97@VicenteFoxQue@realDonaldTrump And an overrated "businessman" who filed for bankruptcy six times!#ShitForPresident - さらに表示
@VicenteFoxQue We are trying sir. Trust the majority of Americans don't like this 'so-called' president. -
@lottburger@VicenteFoxQue Is surrender to Mexico an option? Asking for a lot of friends. -
@Khchuba@VicenteFoxQue Can we have a joint surrender to Canada and Mexico? Best of both worlds. Hockey + tropical beaches + no#drumpf = :) -
@lottburger Yes!! (My husband is Canadian) Go Leafs! -
@Khchuba Originally from Detroit, so huge Red Wings fan + all Canadian teams thanks to CBC.
@VicenteFoxQue how do I become a Mexican citizen? -
@_Mickey15 marry me! -
@KBFOX2@_Mickey15 How do we make President Fox our president? We'll just broke him and give him back to Mexico in a few years. Pleeeeasse? -
@KBFOX2@_Mickey15 I meant borrow. He won't be broke after, promise we will pay him handsomely
@privdaddy@KBFOX2@_Mickey15 no need, he's doing just fine. Wasn't he a CEO of coka cola or something? -
@citywide03@KBFOX2@_Mickey15 I'm sure he could do it pro bono, just willing to do whatever it takes to get him on board
@VicenteFoxQue and the story will read: In a last great act for his country, Obama brings down the most corrupt administration in history. -
@BigAlDell@VicenteFoxQue If this 'bread crumb' thing pans out, Obama's Cheshire Cat smile will be nation wide.