1/ The wiretaps that Donald Trump "just found out" about have been reported for weeks. I'm going to summarize here some of the discussion.
5/ And just this week Donald's administration announced it had no intention of curtailing FISA http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-fisa-idUSKBN16855P …pic.twitter.com/jXGbWoUqJ2
6/ When
@LouiseMensch reported on the FISA tap, she included details that implicated Putin's own daughters, Carter Page and Paul Manafort.pic.twitter.com/TgeO9x1NvC -
7/ This week
@SenCoonsOffice suggested the transcripts that the FBI has may prove collusion with Russia.http://www.msnbc.com/andrea-mitchell-reports/watch/sen-coons-attorney-general-sessions-lied-to-the-senate-889587267708 … -
8/ Coons has been one of the staunchest critics of surveillance powers, having introduced bills to reign in FISAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9ywUE55its …
9/ Back to Donald. Wiretapping him was not illegal, full stop. And it suggests the court had reason to permit it.https://twitter.com/20committee/status/838001204206649344 …
10/ Donald's tweets this morning are a helpful reminder that he was under investigation, possibly for espionage.https://twitter.com/davidfrum/status/837999403436736513 …
11/ We can now conclude that our govt has significant intelligence on Donald and his associates. We need to see it.https://twitter.com/MalcolmNance/status/837615485395009537 …
12/ Donald can whine about being surveilled, but the reality is we citizens must now demand a special prosecutor and a select committee.
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@justinhendrix Is Nunes also colluding with Russia? -
@cawilliamson He was on exec committee of trump trans team & voted against release of taxes, so protecting if nothing else.@justinhendrix
@justinhendrix@morganarae yea typical grifting repug its okay if they do it but not okay if it's done to them -
@justinhendrix Nunes: 'big problem is that an American citizen had his phone calls recorded". Yeah, like THAT has never happened. -
@justinhendrix *American Presidential Candidate*"citizen"! Nunes, chair of HIC, KNOWS treason threat is worth#CountryBeforeParty -
@justinhendrix This explains why Flynn arrogantly thought he could get away with it. He never thought a warrant would be issued on himself -
@justinhendrix Hahahaha! Only they have privacy rights, it appears. -
@justinhendrix with or without FISA recording Russian Ambassador is legal. Hint: don't call someone who's under surveillance. -
@justinhendrix@PaulStewartII -#Nunes is an early#Trump supporter!! He is part of the coverup!! -
@justinhendrix Something about that shoe being on a foot it was never meant to be on... -
@justinhendrix@monicasloves Rep Dunes, if u aren't complicit or negligent, wouldn't u WANT 2 B CLEARED of collusion w a foreign oligarchy? -
@justinhendrix@Wayke66 And they better tell him in advance so he can be sure the converstion is legal where the hell did these ppl come frm