@AmbassadorRice @CheriJacobus ... so how does it feel on the other side Benghazi YouTube video?
@jserhant@AmbassadorRice@CheriJacobus You aren't a government employee anymore. No need to keep covering up for#Barry. Move on. -
@dreyfus_michael@jserhant@AmbassadorRice you seem unaware there are several who were in the actual meetings saying the same thing. -
@CheriJacobus@jserhant@AmbassadorRice Rice specifically does not have any credibility. She's lied repeatedly to cover for#Obama.pic.twitter.com/2aw1WbSJhz -
@dreyfus_michael@jserhant@AmbassadorRice there others saying the same thing as her. Witnesses. On the record. Give it up. -
@CheriJacobus@dreyfus_michael@jserhant@AmbassadorRice no one believes anything from the Obama Admin anymore. You just don't get it. -
@JohnWBall2@dreyfus_michael@jserhant@AmbassadorRice I get it. You're an idiot:) - さらに表示
@AmbassadorRice OH, yeah it happened during his administration and he had NO responsibility for it. SURE he didn't. -
@JRTomlinAuthor@AmbassadorRice Do facts mean nothing to you? How about dates? Who was POTUS when raid happened? Who signed off? The End. -
@MsMakeItSo@AmbassadorRice Who was POTUS when it was planned? But it is the least of the things I blame Obama for. -
@JRTomlinAuthor@MsMakeItSo@AmbassadorRice planned is much different than executed. There is a reason they never set it in motion, genius -
@saracebio@MsMakeItSo@AmbassadorRice So you admit that they planned it... genius. Which means he has partial responsibility... genius. -
@JRTomlinAuthor@MsMakeItSo@AmbassadorRice you're not very bright, are you -
@saracebio@JRTomlinAuthor@MsMakeItSo@AmbassadorRice the military proactively plans out countless operations, most never get a green light - さらに表示
@AmbassadorRice like Benghazi? -
@HarlanPeggy@AmbassadorRice Why do you people ignore the FACT that foreign embassies security budget was slashed by the Republicans? -
@GOAT_Mom@HarlanPeggy@AmbassadorRice And the nine investigations that don't support the claims made by Trumpers. Jesus wept.
@AmbassadorRice@owillis I figured. Sigh. When are going to wake up from this nightmare called Trump... - さらに表示