@ABC The only reason for Obama to live so close is to do what he is being accused. Can't wait for the truth to come out.
@MjTruth17@ABC OR so his daughter to finish her senior year. Either way, the truth will come out. Not looking good for 45. - さらに表示
@ABC Obama should sue for deformation of Character. -
@calladgyl@ABC - You can't sue when it is the truth - Obama is a traitor, he did his best to bring this country down.
@ABC I promise and hold me accountable This Will be History before you know it. Trump has a thousand shades one darker than the other. -
@ABC I do give@LindseyGrahamSC credit for doing what many@GOP congressmen won’t and for having real honest moments with his constituents. -
@marilyndickrn@ABC@LindseyGrahamSC@GOP You bring up a really good point. And that is my feeling on why so many Reps are speaking out.
@OliverHernandez@ABC wow! Nice!!!! I think that's what he meant and people though make am great again
@ABC Like Obama never used gov agencies to go after political enemies before. IRS, NSA, CIA#ObamaGate -
@ABC yes a Trump tactic called deflect, blame those more popular than himself. Focus,Trump his pals sold America to Russians. Hacked HRC. -
@ABC Thank you@LindseyGrahamSC great job facing the crowd#respect Now please take the keys away,Not a fan of Pence but need sanity in WH -
@ABC Very worried that he whines and takes his qualms to Twitter... demonstrates his incompetence, infantile mindset, and lacking diligence. -
@seremdipitous@ABC And this is not what you're doing today??#Hypocrites -
@LoveKeepinUp@seremdipitous@ABC He's the fucking President