I feel dirty…
Because I have been going through the messages from Paul Manafort’s daughters iPhone sql light that’s why. I feel dirty more so because there are revelations in there that, if true, could be evidence of potential kompromat on Manafort while he was working in Ukraine. The Sql database as far as I can tell is real and in fact Manafort himself confirmed to Politico that his daughters phone was hacked on the record so there is that. The question then becomes did someone tamper or create this sql db? In looking at this so far, I cannot say that I think it was created whole cloth or that it has been edited in a way to add these allegations but I have only done a cursory forensic look at it. What I ended up doing was looking more closely at the chats since Politico went on record after they lifted things from this blog. Yesterday I went through all the back and forth and found many a salacious thing. Cutting to the chase though, I found conversations between Manaforts daughter and someone about how her father was having an affair with a girl younger than one of his daughters.
What is even more interesting is that the allegation here is that not only was Manafort having this affair but that girl (who is named in the chats and I have backstopped and was in fact in Ukraine at the time mentioned while Manafort was there) but that of all things Paul seems to have said that she was some “Russian friends” daughter. Though the text below states they don’t really think that the girl is Russian there are more down stream that talk about her father and her family and ties to Russia (maybe) but the sick burn here is if she is, well, that is a pretty direct tie to the country that might, ya know, use that as kompromat on Pauly eh?
Even the idea that Paul may have had a young trophy mistress is enough for blackmail but the texts go on to describe her travel with him all over the world including to Ukraine while he was working there. So, if the Russians did not have access to her or had placed her in the proximity of Paul this certainly would have been information they would not have passed up on to use. So, once more, if the sql database is legit and the information presented here is on the mark, it is quite possible that Manafort was at least in this instance easily vulnerable to compromise by the Russians.
As the chats went on though, it seems that the new girl was also straining Manafort’s money because he was being extravagant with her. As you can see from above, he allegedly rented her a house in the Hamptons by his own for a summer and bought a NYC apartment for her to be in. All of this money being spent also as it happens, was concurrent with his daughters wedding coming and Ukraine not paying him for his services. I believe that the timing for this was at the time Yanukovich was about to flee to Russia and those ledgers with the monies supposed to be paid to Manafort were dug up, which in the end he did not get. All of this could lead to further compromise right? What if all the money trouble and girl trouble put Paul in a bind and the Russians said “We have way to make things better! You know this Trump guy right?”
You see where I am going don’t you?
The above text was mentioned in the politico story but here is the raw text. So if this is all true it seems to me that it and much more (allegations of sex things that I will not talk about) in my book would be quite enough to land one in the dossier like that one Steele put together on Trump. All of it, all the sordid details would be things that the SVR/GRU would LOVE to know about and leverage wouldn’t you say? But wait it gets better! It seems that Paul took a page from The Patreus playbook and tried the old “draft email” technique popular with television terrorists!
This evidently was working for him until the daughter saw it on his phone. She mentioned a sketchy email and that kinda jives with that email server and domain I found before huh? Maybe that server is how they are communicating? I would love to see what is in that email server, I wonder who else he has been emailing on there? Anyway, there is a lot more in the db that is pretty damning as well as all kinds of personal info like passwords to systems, wireless AP’s and other things owned and operated by the Manafort daughter and immediate family. There is also quite a bit of mentions about Trump and how, even at one point it seems that Manafort was messing about with porn on a Trump laptop or some such thing. I leave all the really dirty things to Politico and any other media source that has the wherewithal to locate the sql dump and open it.
As for me, I have a copy and those law enforcement types who want it can ask if they have the interest. I have tried to get the Anon’s who posted the db to give me more but I am thinking that their statement (see top of page) was an allusion to all the dirt in that sql light db… Which politico, if they ever really got the db, which I doubt now, would have been ravening over to publish.
Stupid fucks.
I just wanted to cover the idea that this is maybe disinfo and thus placed out there for people to find and publish to muddy the waters. While that is possible, and we are dealing with possible nation state actors, in looking at the db and the contents I lean towards this being real data. The chats are very fluid and read properly, not as if just some anon has put this together inside of the db. The facts on backstopping the names and dates and locations have also checked out so I think it is legit. Added to the fact that Manafort copped to the hack being real adds to the credibility of the data.
That being said… You never know so I thought I would make that caveat. Anything is possible with a nation state player. It is now the job of the news orgs and the LE set to look into this and to determine if the data is true as well as if this possible could have been part of the picture where Manafort and the Russia connections to Trump and his campaign may have their intersection.
Active Measures
I have been in a funk of late. Since the election I have been less and less inclined to write anything and when I have of late I have only seen it stolen by politico hacks and taken in directions that lean to the more salacious. Now as I sit here this last week seeing the headlines as leaks keep dripping out from the IC and elsewhere on the Putin/Money/Russia connections for several of Trumps inner circle I feel some perspective is in order. Many of the pundits and journalists are holding court on TV and on radio asking why Putin may have done all this and the answers have been been interesting and somewhat consistent. Those in the know, those who have lived in Russia or have studied the country and the leader have given a pretty good assessment of his mindset and his brand of nationalism. One of them today actually called Putin’s Russia “Neo Soviet” which I would agree with very much. He of course was relating that comment to the state media there and the propaganda control that Putin has over it as well as the methodology updates given to it.
I myself was there in Germany when the wall fell (got a piece here somewhere in the bat cave) and I had been to Russia briefly so I have a taste of what it was like then. I have also spent a lot of time reading the history of the era as well as having lived through it so all of this new “Cold War” talk makes me feel at home again and at the same time rather twitchy about the whole deal. Suffice to say though, the cold war never really ended with Putin’s ascension to power after Yeltsin, perestroika, and Glastnost. Those who have not been paying attention, and those who fail to read about history need to open a book now and get a sense of what is playing out here today on the geopolitical sphere. This is an incredibly scary time with Trump in the White House and Bannon working the levers of power behind him. With that admonishment, I will ponder the angles here and maybe you all might get something out of it.
Assets and Useful Idiots
As the leaks keep coming out we are seeing more accusations of players within the Trump team of their having meetings with certain “intelligence” officials from Russia. That we have not heard names is vexing but here is another fun fact that will make it even more problematic. The salient fact is that many within the halls of power in the Putin kleptocracy also have intelligence backgrounds and this is something that Putin put into play himself by hiring on people that he could notionally trust or, more to the point, control. So when someone from Trumps team met with a Russian that they “thought” was just a business man or woman, may have in fact not only been a business person but also an asset for Putin and his services (GRU/SVR/FSB) So some of these people might be classified as “useful idiots” and by the vary nature of their so called communications or meetings, might have been unwitting assets for Putin’s Russia.
On the flip side of this there may be room for some of these players to have had “kompromat” used against them to make them more pliant to become an asset. This type of allegation has been made at least on Trump from the notes put together by Christopher Steele, the former MI6 case officer who has since gone underground after his notes were printed by Buzzfeed. Currently though, no one has come forth with a leak of intelligence saying that any of the six or so people around Trump (as of today) had been compromised by Russia. That is not to say that they haven’t been and one has to take this into account in trying to understand what may have played out with these contacts and meetings alleged to have been carried out as a means to an end.
Money: If these meetings took place the likely aegis behind this for many seems to be money in some way. Better relations with Russia, being in the inner circle of Trump should he win, would grant much more opportunity to make money right?
Access: Access to anyone within the inner circle of Trump would be something any country, person, or business would seek to curry right? In the case of the Russians desiring this access would be on the face of it the same. Additionally the access would also perhaps allow for chances of further access and kompromat too. This all would lead to the last point.
Control: Whether or not you have kompromat on the players and ultimately access to Trump (if there is no direct kompromat on him to start) then you are in a position to control your asset that is close to the president. Perhaps with this control you could seek means to affect policy, certainly with that conduit you would have a window into the inner workings of the highest office in the US so that is not bad too.
In all, these contacts with Russian case agents or assets of the Putin regime constitute a real problem for the US and as such they should be looked into fully to determine if there has been compromise to anyone near the president if not the president himself as some are claiming. Even had we not had all the hacking and active measures that we know happened in the run up to the election, I for one would be asking questions if my IC had information they were willing to commit to paper about connections between senior people in the campaign and Russian’s period. Now that all of this is coming out, it is kind of hard for me to countenance the Republicans resistance so far in calling for a fuller investigation of these reports. It seems partisan politics outweighs good conscience these days.
My final thoughts on the likelihood that there are Russian assets within the ranks of the inner circle at the White House is that on some levels these people, if they have been meeting with the Russians all this time, were talking about the campaign as well as what future state there would be regarding Russia and the US in a Trump administration. Whether or not there was kompromat or not, even at the lowest level the consciences of these people must have had the moral compass working enough to know that they were being used and or were part and party to manipulation. In as much as the players so far have been fired from the campaign before the election as well as lied to the VP and then tossed out (Flynn) concerning their connections to Russia and Russian assets of the intelligence community to me, kind of says a lot.
They know they were wrong. Enough to lie about it in order to hope to skate on this.
Were they plotting a soft coup of the US?
No. I don’t believe that really.
Where does that lead me? Well, that leads me to believe that there is room for investigation into this as well as room to question just how much connection Trump has to Russia as well. This plays to the whole money angle too. I am willing to bet he has a lot of Russian money and monies that came from intricate shell corporations that bespeak international players in the intelligence and crime worlds. Does this mean though that I think trump was a cutout Russian asset set to run for the White House?
I just think that he was the quintessential “useful idiot” who had needs that Russia was willing to fill because they could use him. It was just added bonus that he had said he would run for office so many times over the years. This was a bid to hedge the Russian intelligence communities and Putin’s bets …And boy did it pay off. Though now that chicken is coming home to roost and Putin ain’t so happy anymore.
Right, so what were the goals with the active measures that Russia took against the election? Well, for that you have to look into how Putin thinks and boiled down, what Putin wants is to put Russia back into the seat of power it had both pre and during (a hybrid) the Soviet era. At the core Putin is a control freak and likes an ordered universe that he can control. So, when the Clinton’s were pissing him off by pushing the boundaries of Russia with NATO as well as what Putin saw as provocateur-ism in the Arab Spring and Maidan, well, he got pissed off. Ultimately then Putin sought to stop the momentum that the US may have fomented elsewhere in the world and would have continued doing had it not been for the new autocratic and nationalist notions that Trump has for the US in his administration. Though it is thought that Putin did not think Trump had a chance to win (someday we will have the conversation again about hacking the vote, but not now) it would have served Putin’s raison d’être to cause as much static and instability as he could in our system to benefit him.
The hacks on the DNC were just one level of play that we saw because it was blasted out by Wikileaks. The successions of leaks, trolls, fake news, and the like caused a firestorm within the political system and the country. It exacerbated the problems already in situ with Tea Parties and the like and opened it all up to a coup of a sort for the Alex Jones’ of the world. If Putin had had a real sense of the outcome I think he may have peddled back a bit on the active measures because now in Russia no one talks about Trump anymore… Per order of Putin. You see, Trump is no longer an asset anymore …He has become an unstable liability. This is what happens when you elect someone like Trump and now we have to live with it for at least 4 years barring some spectacular flame out and impeachment.
Anyway, back to the goals here. I personally agree with the sowing of doubt and static to cause malaise theory that has been put forth. I also think that Putin is shrewd enough to have contingencies in mind. So if Trump had won he would have someone in office that he knew he could easily goad and or control with social engineering. By this I mean that there may in fact be kompromat on Trump and both these guys know it. Trump, may have money deals in Russia he would like to hide (those pesky IRS files) as well as having some low level compromising video of golden showers. Maybe there is just video of him (real or maybe edited) to make it look like Trump had a good time with the worlds best low class hookers in St. Petersburg! I guess time will tell but all of these things together and or apart could make Trump more maleable to sway from Russia right? All in all, this was well played by Russia and worked I think beyond their expectations. Frankly I think it is now bordering on complete blowback because Trump is so inconsistent and reactive that were he cornered he might become a little too random for the order loving Putin.
There is a win though for Putin that he will continue to play out in other elections. All of the movements toward nationalism in the US and other countries will free him up to act and attempt to get his Tsarist/Soviet greatness back. He will continue to push the borders in Ukraine and other places until he has more control over them and in the end, expands Russia back to what it was. This is his aegis, his love, and his end all be all.
Greatness in the eyes of his people.
Future State
So where is all this heading? Well, I think that Putin will continue his conquest and games unfettered while the US is in the hands of Trump. The inward looking nature of what Trump seems to be putting out there will allow for Putin to do his thing and if there is compromise on the part of this administration it will be used to profit Putin. If the IC and Justice cannot make a solid case that there was collusion on the part of Trumps minions, then the balls are all in Putin’s favor and he will use them to the max …Provided he can actually control Trump with some modicum. If however, the IC and Justice come up with the goods though, we are about to be in the middle of an ever bigger shit storm than Watergate and Nixon frankly.
Imagine the fallout should the goods be presented that Trump in fact did have kompromat on him and acted as an agent of Russia? Imagine if he is just found to have been played by Russia and his people around him were tools of that manipulation? Both scenarios lead to a Putin win in that Trump and the US will be in turmoil and encased in political amber. All of this bodes ill for the country and our politics. It really was just a matter of time though in my opinion, after all, we did have the notion back in the day with the Manchurian Candidate but this …Wow. My only hope is that the partisanship can be breached long enough to get at the truth … But I don’t have too much hope on that unless it is forced on them by the FBI.
in the meantime… smoke em if you got em kids. It’s gonna be a bad time.
About That Manafort Leak…
Paul Manafort, campaign worker for Donald Trump, president and chief executive of Trump Organization Inc. and 2016 Republican presidential candidate, not pictured, speaks with the press during an election night event in New York, U.S., on Tuesday, April 19, 2016. Trump, the billionaire real-estate mogul, got a major boost in his quest to secure the Republican nomination with a majority of delegates but could not eliminate the possibility of a contested convention. Photographer: Victor J. Blue/Bloomberg via Getty Images
So yeah, I posted a story last week about how a dump of data in the darknet seemed to be in fact Paul Manaforts daughter’s iPhone. It seems that this story was just too good to lose for Politico and the unscrupulous reporter there lifted not only my story but also my images! (yes the hashes match, he just saved them local and re-named them) Politico has done nothing to remedy this and they are churnalists of the worst kind, but they did at least call some people in the Manafort court to see if they would admit to the hack and they did. I could have told them that the hack was real because there was more that I did not post on the blog last time. The fact of the matter is that in the dump there was also a SQL dbase that I got hold of, and in that dump there’s one little interesting factoid. Paul Manafort has an email address that seems to be on a personal domain that isn’t really known about. In the dump connecting with his daughter is a personal iPhone for Paul and in that connection via text is his email address (pmanafort@dmpint.com) when you look up this domain you can see it is one of a few that belong to the Manafort family but registered by another party; one Todd Hankins. Now it seems to me that in an era of “BUT HER EMAILS” this factoid might be of interest to say, I dunno, the IC that he has this and his email is being sent to and from this cutout domain.
Now the domain has never had a site on it and as far as I can see with the limited looking I have done this domain has been kept kinda on the downlow as the Manafort name is not on it like the others. The ONLY thing connecting it to Paul now is the email address and the fact that Todd there set it up for him in 2010. I personally find that interesting… You? I have passed this little tidbit to the right people but now I am going to go wide with it… One wonders as to what emails might lay within that pesky little email system at dmpint.com
Google that domain and see what you get… It comes up all Ukraine travel sites… What does Google know hmmmmm?
The Russia Connection: Paul Manafort
Back when the Russian hacking revelations started around the DNC hack people started to ask questions about Trump’s connections to Russia. Personally for me one of the more spooky connections was in fact Paul Manafort. His connections to Russia come from his connections to Ukraine and Viktor F. Yanukovych. Of course I had heard about Manafort before he had become the campaign chairman for Trump so once he was installed I had to wonder about those ties to Ukraine and it’s leader, who fled to Russia because he is Putin”s boy. What flashed in my head though when this all started was the fact that some documents had come to light about Manafort’s access to monies by proxy of Yanukovych (and being paid about 12 million dollars for his services there) which as it turns out, once his (Yanukovych) files were searched a slush fund was found and the fact that Manafort had access to that slush fund as well.
Fast forward to today and now we have leaks talking about a “number” of Trump acolytes talking consistently with Russian intelligence officers and Manafort making the comment that “How should I know if they are Russian intelligence? it is not like they wear badges!” Well Paul, it seems that maybe you should just have assumed they all were because you were working for Yanukovych in Ukraine during the last days before he fled to Russia, an unstable place because Russian intelligence and the army have made it so. See, the whole point of Putin’s plan is to destabilize Ukraine and take it over. So yeah, you were surrounded by Russian officers man. So Manafort was there, working with the Putin puppet and he claims he had no knowledge of Russian intelligence being close to him… Right. Who knows what kompromat they have on you and since you were placed at the right hand of Trump for this election (until the heat came on over your ties) you were perfectly placed to run Trump and his minions as a de-facto case agent.
Then today I am trawling the Darknet, as is my wont, when I come across a tantalizing dump about you! On February 8th on a darknet site to be named later, Anon’s have given us a taste of their hacking of your daughter it seems. From the look of the data presented, they owned her phone and they owned some other SQL system with data as well. (pics below) In the dump there are allegations of someone using a mail.ru address and a mail.pravda@icloud email address sending messages to your daughter about your misdeeds in Ukraine. Allegations of monies being taken and things like that. I have looked at these and for what it’s worth these look to be potentially real, but there isn’t much else to go on than some screen captures and then there is the SQLi dbase. In the screen captures though, we can see your daughter responding to all the allegations on the iPhone and then we can see in the dbase dump phone numbers for her and others as well as an email address.
I have withheld the images with the phone numbers in full for obvious reasons but to those who dumped this, I would like to see more if you have it that can prove that these are bona fide dumps. I also contacted someone who has hacked the Ukraine government in the past and asked if they had had any additional data in their dumps concerning Manafort and I am waiting on more. It would be interesting if more dox showed up connecting Manafort to the FSB in Ukraine huh?
Well I would be interested….
PS, since the kerfuffle with Politico (who just copies shit) as a bona fide check my next post on this debacle which has more interesting tidbits.
A Psychological Thumbnail of Donald J Trump’s Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Its Implications
DSM-V Narcissistic Personality Disorder:
As you may have noticed of late I have been pretty quiet here. Since the election I have been taking stock of what is happening and trying to assess what is yet to come and what courses of action might be appropriate. As they say, when you are quiet you can hear more, unfortunately in this environment of late the cacophony is 24/7 and now has so many ‘alternative facts’ it is hard to parse it out and keep one’s sanity. I have though pondered 45’s psychology because he has been giving us all quite the window into his psyche since his inauguration. Of course if you have been paying attention to Trump throughout the years you have seen glimpses of his disorder but one could just shrug that off because he was a celebrity and not the president. Now though, he is in the presidency and he has control of many levers of power.
With that in mind I would like to acquaint you all with NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) from the clinical point of view and expand a little given what we all have seen unfolding in the media as he overreacts to those things that challenge his own reality of grandiosity. As you can see from above, the diagnostic keys for NPD align to much of what we have seen of Trump over the years but in particular highlighted recently with regard to his exceeding need to have the “largest ever” crowd at an inaugural. Let’s map his recent actions with the DSM shall we?
- Identity: Excessive reference to others for self definition and self esteem regulation; exaggerated self appraisal may be inflated or deflated, or vacillate between extremes; emotional regulation mirrors fluctuations in self esteem
- I have the best people
- I have a great brain
- I had the biggest turnout at an inaugural
- The rain stopped and the sun shown down on me during the speech
- The media is at war with me
- The CIA is acting like the Nazi’s against me
- His whole Twitter feed
- The Spicer incident with Trump ordering him to have his first press conference to trumpet his own reality of exceptionally large crowds at the inaugural post the Women’s march
- Self direction: Goal setting is based on gaining approval from others; personal standards are unreasonably high in order to see oneself as exceptional, or too low based on a sense of entitlement; often unaware of own motivations.
- All of Trump’s products with his name on them proclaim to be the ‘best’ the gold standard
- He is the son of a rich man who he sought to please but has always held the entitlement of being a “winner” per his fathers ideology of winners and losers
- Gaining his fathers approval was key in his youth (being a winner)
- As to motivations, he has vacillated on topics to garner attention in the media on many occasions then lies about being pro or anti anything even after the footage is produced
- Empathy: Impaired ability to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others; excessively attuned to reactions of others, but only if perceived as relevant to self; over or underestimate of own effect on others.
- Mocking the disabled
- Othering of lower classes
- Reactions only when the attacks are against his own self worth or perception thereof (See debates “I’m like the smartest guy I know”)
- Intimacy: Relationships largely superficial and exist to serve self esteem regulation; mutuality constrained by little genuine interest in others‟ experiences and predominance of a need for personal gain
- Most telling, when asked who his friends were by a reporter he said “I don’t really have any”
- All relationships therefore in light of that comment (which was then backstopped) are then for gain of some kind as perceived by Trump
- Pathological personality traits in the following domain:
1.Antagonism, characterized by:
A. Grandiosity: Feelings of entitlement, either overt or covert; self centeredness; firmly holding to the belief that one is
better than others; condescending toward others.
B. Attention seeking: Excessive attempts to attract and be the focus of the attention of others; admiration seeking.
C. The impairments in personality functioning and the individual‟s personality trait expression are relatively stable across time and consistent across situations.
D. The impairments in personality functioning and the individual‟s personality trait expression are not better understood as normative for the individual‟s developmental stage or socio cultural environment
E. The impairments in personality functioning and the individual‟s personality trait expression are not solely due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, medication) or a general medical condition (e.g., severe head trauma)- See all indicators above
- See arc of his personality over time in the media
- He has no sense of the disorder whatsoever, in fact admitting such would only dimish his own portrait of esteem
- We are not aware of drug abuse or trauma to the individual
You can see where he is lining up with the DMS-V categories and I could go on with citations but we don’t really need to do we? All of this should be rather apparent and become even more nauseatingly clear as we move along in his presidency. It is also of note that leaks have started to appear due to the president’s outbursts from his narcissism at his staff. He is already alienating staff and likely will continue to alienate others around him who must work with him as his narcissistic tendencies assert themselves against them.
Another narrative I would like to bring up is the whole kompromat against Trump and how the NPD plays in this milieu. If there is kompromat on Trump then it is likely to be the one thing that would really work against a sufferer of NPD. Imagine the amounts of schadenfreude Trump would have to deal with if such documented evidence were to be released? Particular to this vein of thought would not be the sexual foray’s, I should think that some part of Trump would rationalize this as is overt manliness and sexual prowess (if only sex acts with hookers, if it was in fact being urinated on, well, that is another bent that may lead to diminishing his self perception) and use it to self re-enforce his beliefs. The kompromat that would be most damaging to him would be financial and call into question the quality of his businesses and his products. Alternatively the evidence of bad business dealings, dirty deals, and most of all, Trumps not being his own man but being beholden to others (i.e. monies lent and lost etc) that would diminish his grandiosity and perception of his world.
In summation I would just like you all to have a look at the DSM-V on this and his pathology he has shown us all and will continue to as time goes on during his presidency. I would also like you all to consider this thumbnail as a core aspect of how you might resist against him. Mocking him seems to be the best tool to use to flummox him and cause a reaction, perhaps I should say over reaction really. Additionally, look at this in light of how other countries will react to him and maybe learn to use this model as well. The way I assess it, if he is mocked enough and in the right ways he will over-rotate and cause ripples around him. Those ripples will come back at him and cause him to react more, it is a feedback loop that may in fact lead to his presidency ending through impeachment.
Interesting thoughts…
Dr. K.
Prosecuting The Russian Cyber War: Beyond The Hyperbole
This weekend my father actually asked me what I thought Big O was gonna do to respond to the hacking of our elections. He continued in the same breath to ask if we were going to take out Russia’s grid or something like that. My first thought was to say “Noooo” and to then explain to him how that might go all kinetic real quick like on us if we did. My response to him yesterday will be the genesis of this blog post today for you all. Since everyone seems all hot and bothered as to how we will respond and not giving Big O the benefit of the doubt that he actually reads the PDB’s and thinks about them, I will boil it all down to what I would do against Russia and Pooty to thread the needle and not cause an escalation.
I would undertake the review on what exactly happened with the IW/DISINFO/PSYOP/Hack that took place for the election. This is important to not only understand what happened, but to understand just how much damage was done and what actions it took to set that into motion. From this you can assess the response level you need and in this case it has been rather speculative as to what really went down. This I also really point at the whole argument that the election machines in key states may or may not have had some supply chain tampering going on. So far I personally have seen no evidence that there was enough of an investigation to rule this out.
I would look at the capabilities we have and the intelligence we have collected on Putin. Intel such as a good psych profile and anything on his wealth/business structure. With both of these I would seek to discern what would hurt him personally, not so much the country. I would also use the psych profile to determine in red teaming out what his responses would be to certain scenarios. In essence I would perform a game scenario simulation to get the best results for us and start to build a plan(s) on those.
I would, knowing that this attack was personal for Pooty, and given his nature (much like Trumps really) I would perform the following actions;
- Attack his finances. All of the dirty ones first.
- Attack him with whatever kompromat we have (CIA/NSA) in the same leaks style that we saw from the elections (See news today about Tillerson for a cue)
- IF we have the assets in place both digital and “other” I would work to counter ongoing efforts in Germany and France as well as other places where we know he wants to do the same thing politically
These are the things I would do in parallel to assessing the damage to our forward capacities regarding the ShadowBrokers recent tease. IF all of those exploits on there are real, then all of them have been compromised and burned. Any operations that may have used those tools are burned and any future use of them has been burned. It is my opinion that the new events with the ersatz “Boceefus” account is just Pooty and the GRU saying “Try anything and you will fail” but that is only one dimensional thinking frankly. It is time to go beyond bits and bytes and also use HUMINT.
Just this guys take…
The 2016 Election Cycle: Information War
Just wanted to put this all together for you all…
Starting in June…