Let me go ahead and screencap all of Trump's tweets from this morning.
Our friends at
@MerriamWebster are helpful. See for yourself what#libel is. All Obama would have to do is say tweets hurt his book deal.pic.twitter.com/ljySwq4IJD
One of Trump's many mistakes this morning was to try & pin his tweets on Obama directly. Not his Administration. Makes a lawsuit easier.pic.twitter.com/wst9yFhEdj
Trump stupidly pulled this mess on a Saturday. Tomorrow all of his minions SHOULD be stuck answering questions on the Sun morning shows.pic.twitter.com/toAbdF5BqC
Meanwhile, Obama on Chapter 2 of his memoirs chilling somewhere like "if you come at the
#Kang, you best not miss."pic.twitter.com/i9dZWiBEv9 -
Again. If Obama brought a libel lawsuit, he doesn't have to win. That's not the point. THE DISCOVERY required from Trump would be damning.pic.twitter.com/Ik0wIZnPBB
Once Trump said there was a wiretap, he declassified info. That opens the door. He now has to declassify more to prove it. Journalists?pic.twitter.com/mzZTwa6Y9Q
If the journalists do their damn job and hold Trump's feet to the fire by requiring declassified info to prove his claims, this might do it.pic.twitter.com/MrKrEYNMgC
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@ReignOfApril@SnapTheJapanese this seems related to the presidency, so probably cannot be sued -
@sumshel@SnapTheJapanese Keep reading. -
@ReignOfApril read what? Pres can't be sued for things done during presidency unless private matter. The libel is happening now. -
@sumshel That's not how this works. Especially since Trump tweeted from his personal acct & not the presidential one. Argument can be made. -
@ReignOfApril Of course the argument could be made (and made the other way) but how are taxes relevant to a libel suit? Not discoverable. -
@sumshel@ReignOfApril Sure they are. If he says the wiretaps were politically motivated but you can show they're necessary with the taxes. -
@ReignOfApril@DouxDux lawyer as well. You are making a lot of leaps. I'll wait and see, but betting those taxes aren't coming out. - さらに表示
@ReignOfApril@kriswaldherr Not libel. Obama is public figure so standards are different. Free speech. But we need investigation/transcripts -
@ReignOfApril@kriswaldherr it is fact that the Obama administration got a FISA warrant in October. Period. Fact. We need to know more. -
@DeAnnSmithkc@kriswaldherr The FBI got the warrant. Not Obama. Trump said Obama specifically. Not his Administration. There's a difference. -
@ReignOfApril@DeAnnSmithkc@kriswaldherr obama 1. would not break the law 2. He would have outed Trump before the election if this is so -
@Maggyw519@ReignOfApril@kriswaldherr FISA granted in Oct. Obama too over confident re Hillary victory. Her too. Both were.