*I have posted this a week before, but got little attention, so I'm gonna try a more click-baity title. My apologies in advance. You will find this interesting, I promise! *
There is often a large disconnect between what men expect women to be, and what they actually are. Men want partners to share their life with; once the carnal desires driven by the procreative instincts subside, men want partners. We show our love by sharing and sacrificing. That's our biological predisposition.
Women on the other hand, are predisposed to extract goods and services from others, from men. This is necessary if you think from a biological stand point- she's helpless while in pregnancy, and will die if there's no one to look after her in the wild. And if she dies, the species is one womb short- evolution have made sure women who can't attract the goods and services of men do not pass on their altruistic, self-sufficient genes. If there ever was a strong and independent woman, she's dead, and so is her bloodline.
We men are like open shops to them. Open shops to get things from. I'm not saying I'm a biological determinist, but considering it's only 1.5% of our genes that separate us from chimps, I'm fairly certain, while we are capable of logic and reason, emotion trumps logic every time if they come into conflict. Emotional arguments are always more persuasive than those that are purely based on logic and is devoid of any emotional content. Here's some more info on the subject. So it stands to reason (ironically) to conclude that the larger society is an outwardly expression of our inner nature. The male-female relationship is like a capitalist market. Men are the shops and women are the shoppers. Shops attract shoppers by advertising, providing good quality products, giving out free samples, by giving shoppers gifts etc. The shops look like they are in charge of the interaction between shoppers and the shops, but in fact, power is always with the buyers.
Free samples and gifts are of course analogous to attention and dates/ gifts that men shower women with. And women are looking for where they can get the best goods from, for the least amount of 'payment'. So, a guy asking to split the bill on a date is scandelous to them, because it's like asking for payment on a free sample. They are self-absorbed; who stops to consider the shop's feelings if you've been a nasty shopper with an attitude problem?
And of course, they don't want to be monogamous. Which shop has all the things you ever wanted? If you can get everything from there (analogous to rich beta providers), there's no brand value. They're like Walmart; good for convenience, but not for status! On the other hand, you can't get cat food from Louis Vuitton, but everyone recognizes what you can get from there. They are the Chads, the pump-and-dump guys with a fantastic shop front that looks high-end and exquisite.... no shame in someone seeing you walking in or out of that shop! So girls are more than happy to spread their legs wide for them. But most men are not Louis Vuitton shops. Most guys are average, and they , the blue-pillers, have to attract shoppers to come in and have a look at what they offer. So they give out free samples and gifts (dates) so that shoppers will check them out. And your're, on the flip-side, trying to get a committed partner, while they are only out shopping. Remember that.
Remember we are shops to them; nothing more. And they EXPECT free samples, how else are they gonna know if what you're selling is worth their money?! And of course, they don't have to do any sort of self improvement, they can be the meanest, nastiest customer ever, but if you chuck them out, there's someone else who's gonna invite them in, and sell them better things at a cheaper price. In Capitalism, buyer has the power; they are the buyers; power is with them, if you decide to open a shop for business.
It's never gonna work out; you will never find what you're looking for. She will never love you. Don't give out gifts, don't provide free samples, close shop and go home!